
Everything might be fifthwheel,but we have to keep thinking.

Hard situation.

2010年10月27日 | Weblog
Today I heard a story about man who tried to kill himself but failed to die.
He became vegetable situation.
It costed 100,000 yen per day to keep him alive like that.
It means 3,000,000 yen per month.

His family was not rich and it was very difficult to pay such a money.

I thought it's very difficult situation.
If he want to alive, I want to afford money.
But I'm not willing to save a man who want to die.

In this case, his mother killed him at last.
Her crime is murder, but I think no one blame her.

In fact she was judged that she don't have to go jail.


2010年10月26日 | Weblog
People often say "everyone normally do like this, so you should do like this."

For example, when I told my father that I would held wedding party in my wife's home town, he insisted that I should do in my home town where he lives.
His opinion is that everyone normally hold wedding party in male's home town, so I should do so.

I have other reasons not to do like that.
But my father insisted that I should do like normal way.

I don't like the way of thinking.
In many cases, people often say like that.
"Normally people do like this, so you should do so."

I think people who say like this don't have their opinion.
They may think it's easier to follow other people's way.

Einstein said "what is called common sense is prejudice people have collected before they get 17 years old."


2010年10月25日 | Weblog
Last Saturday and Sunday I went camping with my wife.
We went to south part of Nara as we had planed before.

It's not high season for camping.
So there's only 1 group who camped in the place, although most of bungalows were occupied.

We could use space and it was very calm different from summer season, it's lively but kind of noisy because of many people, especially children.

We did barbecue and built fire for the first time.
I bought a fire stand to build fire recently.

The place we camped was popular for beautiful view of stars.

But it was clouded at the night, so we couldn't see many stars.

Anyway it was very fun for us.
I think I want to do camping once more in this year.


2010年10月19日 | Weblog
I like beer.
If I can drink only 3 things for the rest of my life, I would choose water, milk and beer.

But I usually drink beer taste drink at home because it is much cheaper than real beer.

But still when I drink beer taste drink 5 times a week, they're not cheap.
And drinking just 1 can of it isn't enough sometimes.
I often want to drink 1 more.

So recently I mixed it with tomato juice so that I can drink a lot.
It's what is called redeye.

I like it because I like tomato juice too.
And I think it's healthier than normal beer.


2010年10月18日 | Weblog
Last Saturday I went hiking to near mountain with my wife.
It's just 10 minutes away by motorbike.

My coworker lives near the mountain and she is familiar with it.
So I had heard about place she recommended.
It's a place where we can look down beautiful view.

We went there. It took about an hour.
It was very beautiful place as she recommended.

I thought it was a top of the mountain.
But it wasn't.

According to map, there's the highest place other than where we were.
So we started to walk again.

It took about 1 and half hour.
It was very steep road and we were very tired.

But the place we arrived at last was not we expected.
We expected the place where we could see direction which say like "This is top of this mountain" or something, and many people take photo around there.

But it was not like that at all.
The top of the mountain was a amusement park.
There's no sign which express highest place and no people who climbed there and took photo.

Just the amusement park which is small and mainly for children was there.
It kind of ruined our feeling.


2010年10月14日 | Weblog
Recently I knew that mosquito would die when over 30 degrees days continue from TV.
So this summer was so hot that there's less mosquitos than usual.

Instead, now there're more mosquitos than usual autumn.

I'm very easy to get bitten by mosquito.
Even if there're many people, only I get bitten.

Outside of my company building, there're many mosquitos and I often work out of it.

So yesterday I sprayed insect repellent all over my body and worked outside for about 2 hours.
Usually I get my arm or leg bitten, but no bitten this time because of the spray.

However I got my ear bitten!
I didn't spray my ear.

Shrimps with shells.

2010年10月13日 | Weblog
I live in apartment and the owner of it lives next to our house.
He is like a typical Osaka person, friendly middle aged man who likes joking.

My wife and I are very friendly with him.

Besides renting apartment, he works for making wooden box for fish market.
So he often get many fishes from his customers and give us some of them.

Fishes he brought are very fresh and tasty.
But sometimes he brought small shrimps instead of fishes.
They are raw and with their shells.

So before cooking them we have to remove their shells.
And after we fly them, they become smaller by heat.
I'm sorry for him but I think it's troublesome for their volume.

But of corse I can't say we don't need shrimps.

Anyway we really appreciate his kindness.

Trip to Wakayama.

2010年10月12日 | Weblog
Last Saturday and Sunday I was going to go camping to Nara with my wife.
But I found out that weather forecast was rainy.

We decided to go camping in rain if we need to pay cost for cancel to tent site.
But we didn't need to pay that.

So instead of camping, we went to Wakayama.
There's amusement place including hot springs and restaurants for fresh seafoods.

Our purpose were hot springs and fresh seafoods.
We had great time eating Sushi and taking a hot spring.

After that, we went to the central of Wakayama city and ate Wakayama noodle.
Wakayama is now famous for noodle not only for Mikan.

It was the second time for us to eat Wakayama noodle in Wakayama.
Last time we went to one of the most popular noodle shop written in guide book.
But it was not so much tasty.

This time we went to the other one also written in guide book.
It was tasty. We're satisfied with that.

Business meeting.

2010年10月05日 | Weblog
Yesterday a Chinese who run factory in China came to my company and we had business meeting.
He speaks only Chinese and English not Japanese, and he had a companion who were middle aged woman and she could speak Japanese.
So I thought she was an interpreter.
But he didn't introduce her as his interpreter but as his aunt.
He took her with him because she lives in Japan and can speak Japanese.
It was surprising because normally Japanese don't take their relative to business occasion.

Idea to get rich.

2010年10月03日 | Weblog
I went to near library today.
I read a book about how to think of good idea.

There're many cases of people who thought of good idea and got huge money from patent.
For example, a person who thought of minus screw became billionaire.

Thus, very simple idea can make us rich.
We should know that and always have curiosity.
Then we might have a chance.