ニュース news 24h


介護報酬 0 54%引き上げで調整 介護職員の処遇改善へ

2017-12-15 16:56:50 | 日記
介護報酬 0 54%引き上げで調整 介護職員の処遇改善へ
Adjusted by raising nursing care fee by 0.54% Treatment of adjusted care workers


これを前に厚生労働省が全国の事業者の昨年度の経営状態を調べたところ、平均の利益率は3. 3%の黒字となったものの、3年前と比べて4ポイント余り下がり、デイサービスや訪問介護をはじめとするほとんどのサービスで利益率が縮小していました。


Regarding the revision of nursing care fees for the next fiscal year and the fiscal year of FY2003, the government will make a final adjustment based on raising the rate by 0.54% as it is necessary to tackle improvements in treatment of nursing care staff to maintain the quality of nursing care services It is. Long-term care fees paid to carriers of nursing care services are to be revised once every three years, and will be revised at the same time as medical fee paid to medical institutions next year. Before this, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare investigated the business conditions of companies nationwide last year, the average profit margin was 3.3% surplus, but it decreased by 4 points compared to three years ago, Most of the services including day service and visiting nursing care reduced profit margins. Based on the results of this survey and the previous reduction of nursing care fees in the revision in FY2005, the government said that it is necessary to tackle improvements in treatment of nursing care staff to maintain the quality of nursing care services, and the nursing care fee We are adjusting the stuffing on the axis to increase 0.54%.

税制改正大綱 家計に直結 より丁寧な議論求められる

2017-12-15 16:56:37 | 日記
税制改正大綱 家計に直結 より丁寧な議論求められる
Tax reform outline The politicians need politely discussion more directly connected to households





Liberal Democratic Party and Komei Bureau of Party revised the deduction of income tax on the tax code revision outline decided on 14th, including raising taxes on employees whose annual salary exceeds 8.5 million yen, while also making tax cuts for self-employed workers. Although we are going to continue reviewing income tax deductions in order to respond to the diversification of working styles, politic discussion is required only by directly connecting to household accounts. On the tax code revision outline decided on 14th, contents including the tax increase of self-employed persons such as increasing taxes of employees who exceed 8.5 million yen in annual income by reviewing three income tax deductions at the same time, etc. It was done. As for the direction of future review of the

income tax, clearly stipulate that 'further consideration of transfer to basic deduction is considered based on the progress of diversification of working styles', and the basic deduction that all taxpayers are subject to I am considering making it even more profound.

Further, content suggesting that further consideration of lowering the upper limit of salary income deduction will be considered as 'Continue to carefully consider its way of thinking based on the viewpoint of review this time and the policies indicated in previous outlines' It was included. For this reason, we will continue discussions on revision of income tax at the government and ruling party taxation study committee, but as we review the income tax, attentive discussion is required only by direct connection to household accounts.

国家戦略特区 議事録公表など案まとめる 不透明批判受け

2017-12-15 16:56:24 | 日記
国家戦略特区 議事録公表など案まとめる 不透明批判受け
Criticism of uncertainty that summarizes drafts such as publication of minutes of national strategy special zone






Since the procedure was unclear as to the establishment of the department of veterinary medicine at the National Strategy Special Zone, the government promptly announced the summary of the agenda when choosing a proposal from the municipalities etc. for improving transparency etc. We have compiled a proposal for a countermeasure that clearly stated.
On criticizing the government's response as opposition parties criticize the response of the government, for example, as the procedure is unclear over the establishment of the department of veterinary medicine at the National Strategy Special Zone, many opinion that many opinion polls can not convince the government's explanation From the viewpoint of improving transparency, the government compiled a draft proposal for countermeasures that stipulates the method of information disclosure.

According to it, we promptly announce the summary of the agenda of the working group, which selects proposals from local governments etc., and we will publish the detailed minutes in about 4 years later.

Meanwhile, if the proposer is likely to suffer disadvantages due to disclosure of the proceedings summary etc., the chairman of the working group decides that minutes etc. can be made unpublished.

Also, in consultation between the concerned ministries and agencies, in addition to leaving the minutes agreed between the parties, the National Strategy Special Zone Advisory Council, also attended by Prime Minister Abe, will be used as a forum for negotiations between ministries and agencies It is.

The government decides to officially decide this countermeasure at the National Strategy Special Zone Advisory Council, which will be held on the 15th.

米軍ヘリ窓落下 乗組員からの聴取要請を検討 警察

2017-12-15 16:56:06 | 日記
米軍ヘリ窓落下 乗組員からの聴取要請を検討 警察
U.S. military helicopter falling off Window Requesting a listening request from the crew Police





宜野湾市議会 抗議決議を可決へ


In an accident that a window dropped from a large helicopter that took off from the Futenma base at the US military Futenma on the ground of the elementary school in Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture, the police cooperated with the military so that the crew could listen to the story at that time in order to clarify the detailed situation We are also considering to ask.
On the ground of Futenma Second Elementary School in Ginowan City next to Okinawa 's US Army Futenma base, a window with a weight of 8 kilos was dropped from a large - scale helicopter that took off the base on 13th.

According to the police, the window fell to a place only 10 meters away from the child, and according to the city board of education board, a boys child who complained that things that flew along with the fall hit their arms were diagnosed as bruises about it. According to the

American army, the police said that on the 14th, police investigated the aircraft with the cooperation of the army because the window was a structure that can be removed when escaping in emergency, but there was no explanation about the cause.

The police also returned windows collected from the ground to the US military based on the Japan - US territory agreement that set out the authority of the US military in Japan, etc.

The police are also considering seeking cooperation from the crew to allow the crew to listen to the story at that time to clarify the detailed situation that the window fell.
Ginowan city council passed a protest resolution
In response to the anger and concerns of parents and guardians of elementary school children who dropped the window, the local city council of Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture, We hold a conference in Japan and unanimously passed a protest resolution unanimously requesting apologies for children and guardians and stop flight of military aircraft until the cause of the accident is investigated.

In addition, Mayor Makoto Maki of Ginowan City will come to Tokyo on 15th and ask the government to return the Futenma base as soon as possible


2017-12-15 16:55:53 | 日記
Nuclear disaster drills of the Japan-US joint in the US military Yokosuka base







Japan-US joint disaster drill was conducted on the assumption that radioactive material leaked out from the nuclear aircraft carrier at the US Navy Yokosuka Station in Kanagawa Prefecture.

This training was conducted on the assumption that cooling water containing a trace amount of radioactive material leaked out to the sea from the US Navy's nuclear aircraft carrier 'Ronald Reagan' anchored at Yokosuka base, and related organizations in the country, Yokosuka city, Approximately 170 people from the US Navy and others participated.

The objective of training was confirmation of initial stance, mayor Mayor Katsuaki of the Yokosuka city who received a telephone report from the US Navy set up the disaster headquarters of the city, and with the related persons of the United States Navy side gathering We exchanged information on the circumstances and the facts of the leakage of water.

Meanwhile, a special security rescue boat of Yokosuka Coast Guard was dispatched to Yokosuka Base, and personnel in charge of both Japan and the United States got in and trained to collect radioactive materials by collecting marine sediments around sea water and sea floor around the carrier It was.

We also confirmed the procedures by which related organizations share the data investigated and radiation doses measured within the base. After

training, the mayor of the upperland of Yokosuka city said, 'I can confirm that the communication between the US and Japan and the linkage are solid and I think that we can cope well in case of emergency.'