ニュース news 24h


イラク首相 IS掃討作戦で勝利を宣言

2017-12-10 20:55:16 | 日記
イラク首相 IS掃討作戦で勝利を宣言
Iraq Prime Minister IS sweeping operation declares victory






米国務省報道官 心からお祝いの言葉




横倒しの旧女川交番を「震災遺構」に 住民らに説明 宮城

2017-12-10 20:55:07 | 日記
横倒しの旧女川交番を「震災遺構」に 住民らに説明 宮城
Explanation of former Onagawa Koban to the residents in the 'earthquake disaster stronghold' Miyagi






Regarding 'Ogawagawa Koban' of Onagawa Town in Miyagi Prefecture who was affected by the Tsunami of the Great East Japan Great Earthquake, the town was preserved as a disaster evacuation remains in the form of leaving the figure at the time of the disaster, and held a briefing session locally.

Old Onagawa Koban in the center of Onagawa Town was lying down by the tsunami of the disaster, we have been studying how to preserve the town as an earthquake disaster ruins. As a result, the town decided to preserve the old Onagawa Koban, to emphasize the state of the disaster and the precise tsunami of the tsunami while preserving it as it was then, and on the 10th, the town officials I explained the preservation method to residents who lived nearby.
According to it, although the area fills up at the height of 5 m and it is serving as a memorial park, only the place where the former Onagawa Koban is lying down is said to save it as it is without filling.
Also from the height of the surroundings to the police box, let's set a slope closer, and on the wall of the slope is to display panels etc that convey the way from the disaster to the reconstruction.

At the time of the quake, a 49-year-old man who lived in the neighborhood said he wanted to make use of it as a lesson learned from the earthquake in the remains of the impact such as the size of the tsunami.

The former Onanagawa Koban is to be arranged as a disaster-affected remains by 3 years later by July

車検不正 民間車検場の社長らを贈収賄容疑で再逮捕

2017-12-10 20:54:51 | 日記
車検不正 民間車検場の社長らを贈収賄容疑で再逮捕
Arrested the president of the automobile inspection unauthorized private inspection site on charges of bribery






Police said the president and others were arrested and prosecuted on charges that the illegally modified dump truck vehicle was illegally passed, and the president of the private inspection site in the city was arrested and charged, the police department said that the president and others received cash in return for passing inspections, We arrested again on suspicion of.

The suspicion of bribery etc. was arrested by two people including Takeshi Ohba (59), president of a private car inspection place designated in the country in Inagi city, Tokyo, and illegally remodeled dump truck 3 There is doubt that it received 120,000 yen of cash in return in order to pass the car inspection of the car illegally. Kenji Kinoshita, 43, president of the civil engineering company in Uenohara City, Yamanashi Prefecture, who owns the dump truck, was arrested again on suspicion of bribery.

Ohba suspects were arrested and prosecuted for illegally passing a car inspection of a dump truck attached with a board called 'cab frame' on the loading platform so as to accumulate a large amount of earth and sand, and officers of the car inspection shop designated by the government Because it is regarded as a civil servant, the Metropolitan Police Department was investigating as part of the car inspection price is suspected of bribing. According to the police department, Obayashi admitted to both investigations, and Obei suspected that he was 'stating that he was in debt and was unable to refuse an illegal vehicle inspection in order to increase sales.'
The Metropolitan Police Department is looking at this car inspection place as if it had repeated misconduct.

森高千里さん「渡良瀬橋」の八雲神社再建 5年前焼失 栃木

2017-12-10 20:54:41 | 日記
森高千里さん「渡良瀬橋」の八雲神社再建 5年前焼失 栃木
Mr. Moritaka Chisato 'Watarase Bridge' Yakumo Shrine rebuilt five years ago burned Tochigi





Known as to appear in a singer Mr. Moritaka Chisato 's hit song "Watarase Bridge", Yakumo Shrine of Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture, which burned down in a fire five years ago, was rebuilt and a ceremony celebrating completion was held.

Yakumo Shrine located in Ashikaga, Tochigi Prefecture was known for appearing in the lyrics of a singer Mr. Moritaka Chisato's hit song "Watarasebashi", and it was burned down with a fire five years ago.
The shrine received a donation from Moriaka's fans etc., and the rebuilding has been proceeded with taking over the wood from Ise Shrine in Mie prefecture.

Approximately 50 people including Ashikaga City Mayor Izumi Satoshi Mayor participated in the ceremony on October 10 and participants celebrated completion by offering Tamushi.
Regarding the rebuilding of the shrine Mori Koeki announced the comment "I sincerely congratulate you, I am very happy because I was waiting for you, I am looking forward to going on a visit again."

Riki Sakuragi, a priest of Yakumo Shrine, said, "I am thankful to Mr. Mori Takaaki for his strength and I'd like to protect the treasures of Ashikaga as valuable shrine from Ise Shrine." .

クリスマス商戦好調 「ハレの日」消費に変化の兆し?

2017-12-10 20:54:31 | 日記
クリスマス商戦好調 「ハレの日」消費に変化の兆し?
Christmas good business battle 'Halle's Day' Signs of change in consumption?






While it is said that consumers' conservation orientation is deeply rooted, sales of cakes and accessories such as Christmas shopping in major department stores have been strong, and there are signs of change in so-called 'Hare's Day' consumption, which is different from everyday life You can see.

In Tokyo and Ikebukuro department store, sales of foods and goods for Christmas are good, especially the Christmas cake has increased the number of reservations so far by approximately 20% compared to the same period last year.
The number of people who enjoy Christmas parties many times during December is not limited to the day of the Christmas day or the night before, and that sales of roast beef and other dishes are also increasing.

In addition, we have set up a colorful hot plate aiming at photographs for these parties and a corner of cooking utensils that can enjoy barbecue even in the room. A shopper woman in her forties said, 'Although I have a party with my family at Christmas, I am having fun with eating cakes, not only that but at this time my wallet ties loose.' It was.
Aki Akimiya, manager of the Seibu Ikebukuro head office promotion department, said, 'There are an increasing number of people who want to buy something good for Christmas even in a savings-oriented manner.'

Meanwhile, in the department store in Tokyo / Ginza, Christmas gifts the adult gives to him are good.
In the special corner of accessories for Christmas, diamond rings with price of 1 million yen or more with 'one point' different designs by famous designers, famous designers can select their own designs and colors from customers Edo Kiriko's rings of tens of thousands of yen, etc. are collected, and we anticipate an increase of about 15% in sales from last year.
Ryohei Nagasaga, Ms. Ryohei Nagasaga, Ms. Rinpei Matsuya Ginza, said, 'The Christmas of the year is an impression that there are an increasing number of people who want a special thing different from myself or a person even if the unit price is somewhat higher.' It was.