Check it out, yo!


Mr. Crap & Check_It_Out_Yo! w/DAU

2005-10-22 18:01:19 | Weblog

Today, I, Check It Out, Yo!, went to a Job fair with Mr. Crap, Yamada-san, and Dai. It was taken place in the Nagoya Dome, where usually taken place baseball games. It was something like a someone's concert. yeah, just like ours O-ZONE's. We call ourselves O-ZONE, who sings "Dragostea Din Tei". We just went there to have a few interviews with those companies that participated. But it ended up with having fun. There were beautiful girls who were wearing nice costums as well as what they call "water bar" where you can drink 8 different kind of water from all over the world. And they also took some pictures for regimes and gave it for us for free. Additional to this, we got 500yen worth Prepaid Book card by RECRUIT CO., LTD., the organizer of the fair. We can use at any book stores from the company!! The fair left nothing to be desired.
