水川青話 by Yuko Kato


・アンドリュー・スコット、BAFTA助演男優賞の受賞スピーチ 英語と日本語

2012-05-29 22:47:15 | Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott's BAFTA acceptance speech for best supporting actor. Japanese translations below.


Oh, wow, thank you BAFTA. First of all I'd like to congratulate the other incredible actors in the category: Stephen Rea, and Joseph Mawle and of course Mr. Martin Freeman who is a brilliant actor and colleague and human being.

I'd like to thank Paul McGuigan and Toby Haynes, our directors this year, and Steve Thompson who wrote the Reichenbach Fall, and our brilliant crew, and Kate Rhodes James for an amazing cast which has been led by the exceptionally talented Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch, who I feel so proud to have acted opposite.

I'd like to thank my mum and dad, and Sarah and Hannah and Stephen (Steven?) and Lindy King and her team, and all my friends  screaming at the television now, and my family. But most especially, I'd like to thank Beryl Vertue and Sue Vertue and Elaine Cameron, and of course Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss for creating this incredible series.

I was very grateful to be asked to play the part, and I'm totally thrilled. Thank you so much.

(not sure what he said at the end. "I really appreciate it"? "for awarding me"? "I'm loving it"?)


今年の監督を務めてくれたポール・マグイガンとトビー・ヘインズに感謝します。そしてThe Reichenbach Fallを書いたスティーブ・トンプソン、最高のスタッフ、見事なキャストを集めてくれたケイト・ローズ・ジェイムズ、そしてみんなの先頭に立つ素晴らしい才能の持ち主、ミスター・ベネディクト・カンバーバッチに。彼と組んで芝居ができて、本当に光栄でした。




(この後、ゴニョっと言ったのが「I really appreciate it(ほんとうに感謝してます)」なのか、「for awarding me (賞をくださって)」なのか、ちょっとはっきりしないけど、そのようなことを言ったみたい)







I will say it again and again, but I really do believe Andrew Scott is a genius actor. He is that rare breed of actor who can, in front of a TV camera, change the level of brightness coming out of his eyes, the kind of actor that can use at will even the shadows cast by the set to enhance his performance. The kind of actor that simply becomes the part. The kind of actor that can flit to and fro seemingly effortlessly from one extreme mood to the other extreme, from light to darkness, from the sublime to the banal, from right to odious maliciousness, mirth to rage, sanity to insanity, with nothing but the mere flick of his eyes, his voice, the mere twitch of his facial muscles. He manages all of this not by calculation or design, but by total immersion, by instinct. As he has said, he prepared for the role of Moriarty not by plotting out his performance beforehand, but by reading the script again and again and then tapping into that something deep within himself that was dark and scary.

It is nothing but pure joy for a theatre lover with the greatest affection and respect for the acting profession, to discover someone with this kind of talent whilst he/she is relatively young, and to be moved spontaneously by his performance, to discover and realize of one's own accord that you are in the presence of a true genius. What a thrilling experience that is!

Thank you again and again, Andrew. And congratulations!


(余談・ 私がこれまで見てきた中で、カメラの前でじっと動かずにいながら、ただ目の光の強さだけを変えられる役者って、ほかには大竹しのぶと藤原竜也がいる。アンドリューはこの二人に、役者としてのタイプが似てるんだと思う。それからもう一人、役者としてのタイプはかなり違うけど、カメラの前でじっと動かずただ目の光の強さだけを変えて、生から死への移り変わりを表現した人は、ほかならぬ中村吉右衛門さんだ)