

2007-12-24 | Weblog




そして、最近ではしゃべれるようになったし、言ってる事も単語さえ知っていればわかるようになった。やっと勉強の成果がでてきたのだ。何より自身がついてきた。 オークランドに来てからほとんど日本語をしゃべらないでいるのがよかったんだと思う

TOEICを受けてみた。 現在のスコアは710点。 日本の時の1,7倍になった。正直言ってなかなかうれしかった。ただ、まだ目標には届いていない。文法が難しい。そして、単語が頭に入ってこない。 あと90点どうすればとれますか

The object of coming NZ is to study English. My goal that I decided before leaving Japan was 800 score on the TOEIC. If I get 850, falling down the return airplane is alright.

One month after leave Japan, I thought it was impossible. I heard you could listen after 3 months, and speak after 6 months but I couldn’t believe it.

After 3 months, I thought it was lie after all.

After 6 months, I could speak English with a camouflage.

Recently, my English’s improved and I can understand what say if I know a word. At last, I got the results of study. I’ve had confidence. I guess that hardly speaking Japanese after arriving in AKL is good for me. 

I took the TOEIC. My score is 710 now. It is 1,7 times. Frankly, I was happy. However, I haven’t reached my goal yet. Grammar is difficult and I can’t memorize an English word. How can I get another 90 points?


2007-12-19 | Weblog

最近BBQやクリスマスパーティーに行く機会がふえてきた。こちらの家はみんなでかいのでパーティーと言えばホームパーティーだ ちなみに、こちらのクリスマスの過ごし方はBBQを家族でやることだそうだ


こっちのBBQといえば肉、肉、そしてまた肉である。本当に野菜がない 薄切りの肉なんてものもないのでステーキがたくさんという感じである。そして、ワインかビールをたんまり飲む




 俺の作品。 一応JAPANと書いてます。


 これはまた別のパーティーなんだけど家に機材持ち込んでライブもやるんだよこっちは・・・ これでも家だよ ありえない

Recently, I have a lot of opportunity of going to the BBQ and the Christmas party. The party is a home party because most of peoples are living in big house. Incidentally, it seems that the way to spend a Christmas day in NZ have a BBQ with family.

Everybody bring own food and drink. We have a party in friend house. So, I don’t spend money so much and good atmosphere. And Most of houses have a BBQ instrument.

The BBQ in NZ is meats, meats and meeeeeeeeeets. There is no vegetable. There are a lot of steak because of nothing slice of meats. Moreover, we drink heaps of wine or beer.

Anyway, nowadays I become a hangover easily more than before. Am I old?


2007-12-11 | Weblog








ハグをするが集中できない。 そしてその後よく見る。 










The various countries have a common sense in these countries. For instance, kiwi don’t rinse the dishes after wash these. In brief, They don’t rinse a detergent. At fast, I hated it but I adjusted myself to this life. The other example is non smoking in the all building .

There was Spanish friend who went back her country. She is almost same age, cheerful, cute, chats a lot, laugh. In summary, she is my ideal.

Whenever europeans meets to someone, they hags. By the way, I guess everymen like it. whenever Japanese men hag, we are little interested in her. It is a pity. They think greetings to me…

Let’s return to talk.

It was hot day. She wore a sleeveless cloth. Naturally, she hugged me.

Hey, hang on, hang on.

There was a black something on the armpit.

I was having trouble concentrating to hug. Then, I stared at these.

It was hair….

To make matters worse, it was a lot like the jungle. It was obvious more than mine. Although she closed both her arms, it spilt from her armpit.

I was having trouble concentrating to chat. I couldn’t look at except her arms anyway.

She talked about travel of south island. Occasionally, she talked with a gesture. Whenever she talked with it, I looked at her armpit.

I can’t remember about hers travel story. Why she is…?

Everybody say people are character more than face. I thought so, of course I like hot girls but I couldn’t be interested in her because she had underarm hair , thought she was nice person and cute. What a small man.

By the way, Japanese girls don’t shave a pussy hair but it seems that most of european shave it. My friend who is kiwi told me I hate it(why do you know). Thought she has a jungle on her armpit, she is shaving her underhair maybe.

I can’t understand common sense in the world.

P.S.腋毛を先日写真に撮ってみました。 そんな気はないのになんだかいやらしい写真になってしまった。お試しあれ