

2007-12-24 | Weblog




そして、最近ではしゃべれるようになったし、言ってる事も単語さえ知っていればわかるようになった。やっと勉強の成果がでてきたのだ。何より自身がついてきた。 オークランドに来てからほとんど日本語をしゃべらないでいるのがよかったんだと思う

TOEICを受けてみた。 現在のスコアは710点。 日本の時の1,7倍になった。正直言ってなかなかうれしかった。ただ、まだ目標には届いていない。文法が難しい。そして、単語が頭に入ってこない。 あと90点どうすればとれますか

The object of coming NZ is to study English. My goal that I decided before leaving Japan was 800 score on the TOEIC. If I get 850, falling down the return airplane is alright.

One month after leave Japan, I thought it was impossible. I heard you could listen after 3 months, and speak after 6 months but I couldn’t believe it.

After 3 months, I thought it was lie after all.

After 6 months, I could speak English with a camouflage.

Recently, my English’s improved and I can understand what say if I know a word. At last, I got the results of study. I’ve had confidence. I guess that hardly speaking Japanese after arriving in AKL is good for me. 

I took the TOEIC. My score is 710 now. It is 1,7 times. Frankly, I was happy. However, I haven’t reached my goal yet. Grammar is difficult and I can’t memorize an English word. How can I get another 90 points?