
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 09,05,2024

2024年05月09日 19時57分58秒 | ministry of word
in Matthew 25 the Lord Jesus gave two parables, the parable of the ten virgins, which deals with the Christian life, and the parable of the talents, which is related to our service. As far as our life is concerned, we should be as the virgins with the testimony of light in our hand as ww go out of this world to meet our Bridegroom. This is our life, the life aspect. We need the oil, and we need the testimony of light. We need to go out of this world, to wait for the Lord's coming back, and to go on to meet His coming. This is the Christian life. 

Immediately following this parable, the Lord gave us the parable of the talents, which is something related to our service, We need to use the talent, the gifr, which the Lord has given us, to do some business and to make some profit for the Lord. with the Lord's children there are always two aspects, the life and the service. We need to grow in life wih the oil, with the light, and with the going out of this world to meet the Lord in His coming back. We also need to exercise in a proper way what the Lord has given us as a gift, as a talent. 

- "The Collected Works of Witness Lee" 1969 volume 1 P68 "To Serve in the Human Spirit"
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