Save the Dugong Campaign Center(SDCC)

No to Military Base YES to Dugong Protection Area!

A rally for protesting the construction of the base was held in Okinawa.

2015-02-27 14:19:29 | 日記
On February 22, an Okinawan people’s rally protesting the construction of the base was held in front of Camp Schwab in Henoko. And the solidarity rallys were held in Osaka and Tokyo on the same day.


(photo Osamu Makishi)
About 2,800 participants from in and outside Okinawa protested against the Okinawa Defense Bureau

Nago Mayor Susumu Inamine

(photo Osamu Makishi)
Colorful Dugong hats

in front of Camp schwab



yellow dugongs

Henoko protesters detained by US military

2015-02-24 16:56:50 | article

Henoko protesters detained by US military

February 23, 2015 Ryukyu Shimpo

On February 22, officers from Nago Police Station two men for allegedly trespassing onto U.S. Marine Camp Schwab. According to the Okinawa Prefectural Police, they have been charged with violating the Act on Special Measures Concerning Criminal Cases.

Hiroji Yamashiro, the director of the Okinawa Peace Movement Center and Daigaku Tanimoto, were protesting against construction of a replacement base for U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Henoko when they were arrested. This is the first time Henoko protesters have been arrested for violating the Act on Special Measures Concerning Criminal Cases in front of the Camp Schwab gate. Law experts have criticized the police for applying the act in this case.

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OPG estimates return of US Futenma base will bring 32 times the economic benefit

2015-02-21 10:00:41 | article

OPG estimates return of US Futenma base will bring 32 times the economic benefit
February 5, 2015 Kazuki Furugen of Ryukyu Shimpo

The Okinawa Prefectural Government (OPG) has estimated the economic effect of the future closure and return of the U.S. bases on Okinawa. This estimation highlights a possibility of economic growth as a result of the use of the lands returned from U.S. Military to owners. Closure and return of the Futenma base will produce 32 times more direct economic effect than is produced now by the base.

The returned lands in Kuwae and Kitamae area in Chatan have created 108 times more direct economic effect and those in the Shintoshin area in Naha have produced 32 times more. The OPG published a similar report in March 2007. This time, it has estimated economic effects using current statistics and reflecting municipalities’ policies for industrial vitalization.

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The Japan Times:Okinawa chief orders a halt to base relocation work

2015-02-18 14:11:00 | article

The Japan Times:Okinawa chief orders a halt to base relocation work

Feb 17, 2015

NAHA, OKINAWA PREF. – Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga on Monday ordered the Defense Ministry’s Okinawa Defense Bureau to suspend work on building a new base for U.S. troops, a move that may further antagonize the central government.

Onaga told reporters that coral has been damaged by large concrete blocks placed on the seabed off Henoko, a location to which the Futenma Air Station of the U.S. Marine Corps is scheduled to move. The Okinawa Prefectural Government will launch a detailed investigation by the end of the month, he said.

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