


2006-04-26 16:22:00 | アート・文化


Exposure to celeblate the new museum coming on fall,2007,"mousugu-bijyutsu-kan" starts yesterday.
This exhibit is long term through the GW. The each artists show their casual art-goods. The organizers plan to have a various kind of lectures and work shops. Pleas stop by, and enjoy!

pink ribbon

2006-04-19 14:53:38 | 健康・病気

_1 ちょっと真面目な話。

※画像は、京子デザインのPink Ribbon♪

I got something"serious"topic today. I went to see a doctor yesterday for "breast cancer test".The result was No Peoblem. Nowadays, a lot of women suffer from breast cancer around the world. It is too sad that the woman who is living very honestly,working hard,raise the children, and loved by the family,friends, and whole the people in her circle, suddenly pronouced having trouble in the breasts.
I found the screening test(mammograms) is the best way to find the cancer early and easy. Nervous to see a doctor? "No!"Worrying about the cost?"No at all!". The doctors who recognized as the expert are having great knouledges about breast cancer and the test get no pain. The cost is(if you are in Japan and have health insurance),about within 3000yen-4000yen.
The doctor suggesting annual mammograms.They say the tiny cancer found earlier time, almost no problem to treatment.
After I had a test,i immediately visit the reception desk of the hospital and ask the person in charge" Could i reserve the test on the same date of next year?".Then she said to me"Lady, it seems too earlier for reserving the date. Please call us again from before 2 month for the date."
・・・You're right, you're right.

*photo:Pink Ribbon designed by Kyoko.

A chair & a painting

2006-04-16 10:52:36 | アート・文化




I really thank to Mr.&Ms.T who have been collecting my artworks for these 8 years living in Yokohama.They kindly inform me about "Contemporary art & Interior"exhibition now held at OZONE plaza in Tokyo. They took time to visit the exhibition yesterday and write the report about it. Truly appreciate them and i feel sorry i could not get there and miss the chance to see them. May be next time.

Anyhow, I hope a lot of people could enjoy visiting the exhibition! Thank you.


2006-04-14 11:02:51 | アート・文化

Sany0181 昨日は、毎度おなじみのリウボウ美術サロンhttp://ryubo.jpへ、壹岐幸二陶展を見に行った。


Yesterday, I went to see the exhibition by the potterer Koji Iki at RYUBO bijyutsu salon.

His works hold the strong and sensitive figure and touch, really liked and collected by many people nationally. I bought the very nice tea sets for my cousin's wedding present. Had a really good time chat with the potterer in the salon.
Anyway, it was a long time not visit the ryubo for me. Many brand-new boutiques appeared in this new season. Well, i have to buy new clothes for a long time. Actually, I do not need any dress in my studio except T-shirts and short pants!

light up

2006-04-12 10:43:39 | アート・文化

Sany0086 明日13日(木)から、東京新宿・OZONEプラザで「現代アートとインテリア展」が始まる。G.N.A.日本ギャラリーネットワーク協会の企画で、出品点数は130点に上る大きな展示会である。アクリル画「楽園シリーズ」が展示用1点、オークション用4点、ギャラリーアトスから出品される。オープニングパーティーにぜひ参加したかったのだけれど、残念なことに用事が重なってしまい出張できず。。東京&近郊のお客様や親しい皆様にご案内のハガキを出させて頂いたところ、早速メールのメッセージなどを頂きとても嬉しい。お近くへお出かけの皆様が展示会を楽しんで下さることを祈りたい!


Sany0164 ※写真(上):最近衝動買いしたダークカラー・シェードのランプ。側のアートは、真喜志勉Tom Max)氏の漆喰の作品。写真(下):娘と作ったケーキ。バナナカスタード&シナモン味。

"The contemporary arts & interior Exhibition" starts tomorrow at OZONE plaza in Shinjyuku,Tokyo.(April 13-25) The exhibition organized by G.N.A.(gallery network assosiation,japan) and 130 artworks will be showed. My "paradise series" will be presented by Gallery Atos.One work for exhibit, four works for auctioning. It will be happy a lot of viewer will stop by the place.

At KYOKOART Gallery, many people come and enjoy the works always. I realy thank to all. About me, i have to do work more on painting, but actually i feel i just fooling around.It's too bad, however, for the artist who create something,those stupid days are very important sometimes. I hope it's truth!

*photo(above):I am mad on buying Lumps! it's my new one, a pair of the dark colord shade lump. Art work is created by the artist Tom Max(mr, tsutomu makishi).photp(below):I and my daughter made another cake again. Bananna castards, and cinnamon.