


2012-02-22 | 気になるニュースから
08:09 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Go! : Japanese firms seek Europe phone market share tinyurl.com/839bym6

08:12 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Wal-Mart to take majority stake in China e-commerce firm tinyurl.com/7lxn59r

08:13 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Fujitsu to launch mobile devices in EU market: report tinyurl.com/84u8ylk

08:15 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Japan to win exemption from U.S. sanctions: media tinyurl.com/7qhnw5e

08:18 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Bill Gates backs SEC's proposal for resource extraction cos tinyurl.com/7f3tjsn

by komarun on Twitter


2012-02-18 | 気になるニュースから
08:03 from Twitter for BlackBerry®
If only you would make a right decision, your effort is meaningful. So, you should listen to the people saying around you carefully.

08:10 from Twitter for BlackBerry®
Someone only saying his opinion loudly is worse than the people doing nothing.

08:14 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Study finds one percent of human genes switched off tinyurl.com/7xvwj7s

08:17 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Amazon downgraded by Morgan Stanley; shares fall tinyurl.com/7fw2hmt

23:57 from 5min
マーケティングが、いやな言葉に聞こえるのには、理由があります。それは、ある種のマーケティングが「大衆操作的」なものだと考えられているからです。(糸井重里)#nb5min bit.ly/fZmfFV

by komarun on Twitter


2012-02-15 | 気になるニュースから
08:12 from Twitter for BlackBerry®
I have learning programing methodology of Stanford Univ. by iTunesU. It is all free and very fun. We can make sence about the basic of java.

08:26 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Europe's first Vega rocket blasts off successfully tinyurl.com/7as6eo3

20:17 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
um? Magnitude 5.3 quake hits northern California: USGS tinyurl.com/8ye9qek

20:20 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
New Fukushima scare blamed on faulty thermometer tinyurl.com/7o9rjsa

23:15 from Reuters NewsPro for iPhone
Japan priest fights invisible demon: radiation reut.rs/yjPYZh

by komarun on Twitter


2012-02-10 | 気になるニュースから
19:36 from Thomson Reuters News Pro
Japan atomic watchdog postpones 1st stress test approval tinyurl.com/7gmo9cz

22:22 from Flipboard
Why Infographic Thinking Is The Future, Not A Fad is.gd/OUPAV7 by @FastCoDesign, @ffranchi

22:26 RT from Flipboard
Yep, this office has all the awesomeness you would expect if you worked at LEGO bit.ly/wDJlAw via @FastCoDesign
Fast Companyさんのツイート

22:30 RT from Flipboard
How To Find Your Next $140 Million bit.ly/yMsKL4 via @FastCoLeaders @bulldowdrummond
Fast Companyさんのツイート

22:34 RT from Flipboard
Relationship Guru @CharlesjOrlando Helps E-Book Self-Publishers Help Themselves bit.ly/AeowC3 by @Penenberg
Fast Companyさんのツイート

22:38 RT from Flipboard
How GE Is Attracting, Developing, and Retaining Global Talent s.hbr.org/yMrnlp
Harvard Biz Reviewさんのツイート

22:40 RT from Flipboard
Focus HR on Process Improvement s.hbr.org/Afodwi
Harvard Biz Reviewさんのツイート

22:44 RT from Flipboard
Is "Command and Collaborate" the New Leadership Model? s.hbr.org/yrr5vo
Harvard Biz Reviewさんのツイート

22:46 RT from Flipboard
Skimlinks Is The Real Story Behind Pinterest's Success tcrn.ch/zp2sUR by @mikebutcher

22:49 RT from Flipboard
Managerial Intuition Is a Harmful Myth s.hbr.org/yi47VE
Harvard Biz Reviewさんのツイート

by komarun on Twitter