These are my watercolors. Click on date to leave a comment.


2004-10-18 14:56:11 | Watercolor Painting
No, this was not what I wanted. A sketch should be a lot simpler, and still look more real, I guess.
Well, looks like it’s time to look for some tutorial stuff and also to see more sketches by others. I need input.
Another thing I noticed this time was that it’s hard to take a good photo of a painting on a cloudy day. No matter I use flash or not, or adjust white balance or not, the color tone in the photo turned out really different from the original painting. In this photo, the whole thing look rather brownish, but actually the tone was more greenish in the original.


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Interesting! (Tatsu)
2004-10-18 16:49:08
This looks like an abstract painting. I like it. I've had the same experience about the change of color in the photo, just from the beginning of taking photos of my earliest sketches made in Italy last year.
P.S. (Tatsu)
2004-10-18 17:13:17
Thanks for your comment on my essay "Comics." I wrote a reply to it at my site, and forwarded your comment to the author of the Putcher site. I came to know him on the Internet because he had also lived in Dalian in his boyhood.