These are my watercolors. Click on date to leave a comment.


2005-03-03 21:32:12 | Watercolor Painting
It’s been a long time since I uploaded my watercolor painting last time. Today was my complete day off and I had nothing in particular to do in the evening. Usually, I feel a bit depressed on a cold winter evening, especially when it’s raining. I asked myself whether I want to go out walking in the rain or paint a watercolor. And you know what? I did both today.

This is the landscape of my hometown and the two big rocks are called “Myoto-iwa.” “Myoto” means a married couple and I guess there was a legend about these rocks, but I don’t really remember.
I painted this from memory and didn’t spend much time on it, so this sure is a sloppy work.;P Esp. I don't like the ocean... it looks dead, doesn't it?


8 コメント

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Unknown (Darkling)
2005-03-04 09:24:58
It's good to see you painting again, obachan. I'd imagine it's really hard to paint a landscape like that from memory. Pretty good for an evening's work. =)
kuishinbo_meow@mailcity.com (fish fish)
2005-03-04 11:32:32
Hey Obachan, a nice painting. Wish I can paint like this as well, I'm really lousy at that. :(
Unknown (obachan)
2005-03-05 00:08:32
> Darkling --- Thanks. It took me apx. 3 minutes to do the sketch and less than 10 minutes to paint. Really sloppy work.

> fish fish --- Thanks for the compliment :)
Unknown (alfie)
2005-03-05 07:02:36
hi obachan, nice to meet you. this is poetic for a "sloppy work". i can feel the chill just looking at it (& the peace too.) is "myoto" as in "myoto zenzai", the classic story? i think it's performed in osaka right now.
Thank you (obachan)
2005-03-11 07:59:46
Hi alfie,

Sorry I didn't respond earlier! Yes, you're right about "myoto zenzai." I like that story.
Tender and Dreamy Painting (Tatsu)
2005-03-15 09:23:03
Hi obachan,

It's after a long while to come to your blog. I've been busy at "Ted's Coffeehouse" and for other things. I found your posting of this painting by the RSS reader set at my home in "Echoo!" (the provider of "Ted's Coffeehouse").

The painting has a tender and dreamy mood and is not bad, though the ocean seems like a frozen lake with piled up snow at its edges.
Unknown (あおい)
2005-12-24 08:31:33
This is a sweet image of your 故郷、I am also trying to learn watercolor painting, it seems little bit hard but がんばって! ^_^
Unknown (Unknown)
2006-02-01 22:14:08
Brava !
