

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): you can help the environment

2020-01-03 15:06:07 | 日記
2020年1月3日(Fri.) 拝金主義に負けることなく、社会正義を貫いて欲しい、世界の良識あるリーダーは。今回のレバノンへの逃走劇は、どこかの国による主権侵害を伴っていないことを願うと共に、日本の司法と外交力が試されることに繋がっていると思量します。

さて、環境問題の意識は高まる傾向にあると感じていますが、日本のそれは、世界に先んじているのでしょうか。そうではないとしか言えない状況が現実だと思います。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 1月2日発 )

8 ways you can help the environment in 2020
From swapping the car for a bike to holding leaders to account — it's never too late to take action. Here are eight New Year's resolutions for 2020.

Travel responsibly(移動方法に関する)
Walking or cycling from A to B is one the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint — while also giving your own health a boost! And cutting back on flying to save emissions doesn't mean you have to forgo your annual holiday either. Simply hop on the train to your next destination, pack up the caravan for a road trip or even opt for a carbon-offset adventure!

Focus on sustainable shopping(買い物に関する)
Being more conscious about what you buy (and what you don't) can go a long way towards helping our planet. Luckily, it's easier than ever to buy environmentally-friendly products. Use your power as a consumer to support eco-conscious brands, shop second-hand when possible and just try to buy less 'stuff' overall. It helps to always ask yourself if you really need something before buying it.

Cut back on food waste(食物ロスに関する)
Did you know almost a third of all food produced every year is lost or wasted? You can help reduce this figure by wasting as little of your own food as possible: Eat the leftovers, get creative with any extra ingredients and start a compost pile in your backyard with remaining scraps. Compost also makes a great fertilizer, so you won't have to buy any harmful chemical alternatives!

Switch off and unplug(不要な電気のオフに関する)
While we're more connected than ever before, the simple act of remembering to turn off the lights, PCs, laptops and screens when you don't need them can save a huge amount of energy in the long-run. Keep it up and pretty soon you'll develop an easy habit that's also great for our planet!

Speak up!(発言することに関する)
If you haven't already, this is the year to lend your voice to the growing movement for global climate action. And that doesn't have to mean protesting on the streets: Push your local politicians to act on climate change. Stay informed and talk to your friends, colleagues and neighbors about what they can do to help the planet. Don't underestimate the power of speaking up.

Vary your diet(食に関する)
We could probably all be a bit healthier when it comes to our diet choices. But switching to a more plant-based diet can also help fight climate change. Farming animals for meat and dairy is one of the biggest causes of deforestation and is a major source of CO2 emissions. Eating more plant-based foods can lower your individual impact on the environment.

Recycle, recycle, recycle(リサイクルに関する)
There's a reason we're reminded of the importance of recycling time and time again. The devastating consequences of plastic pollution is becoming increasingly obvious — especially in our oceans. Recycling means fewer new materials will need to be made. You can even upcycle if you're feeling particularly resourceful. Why not turn an old bottle into a lamp, or even a bird-feeder?

Get out into nature(自然に触れることに関する)
This year, make more of an effort to get out of the house and explore the most beautiful landscapes our Earth has to offer. It might not have a direct impact on climate action, but it's a great way to truly appreciate our planet — and remind us what we need to protect.

(注: それほど難しい英文ではないと思いますので、原文を読み流して下さい。)



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