

Lost 3-18 "D.O.C." 【前半】

2007年05月03日 | TV: Lost
【アメリカ合衆国での初回放送 = 2007年4月25日】※ジンがヒットマンにされた理由が明らかになる。妊婦であるサンの運命は?タイトルは『Date of Conception』(懐妊日)の略。




Jack: I wanted to see how you were doing with your pregnancy.
Sun: Oh, I'm doing fine. A little tired, but that's normal, right?
Jack: Sure. Any morning sickness?
Sun: Not anymore.
Jack: Any bleeding?
Sun: Why are you asking me all these questions, Jack?
Jack: I'm just checking in. Now that I'm back, I just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay.
Sun: Thank you. I'm okay.






Woman: Your father is Mr. Paik? Of Paik Automotive? Very powerful family.
Sun: I don't really have much to do with the family business.
Woman: What about your husband's parents?
Sun: His parents are dead.
Woman: Really...?
Sun: Who are you?
Woman: It would bring much shame if it was known that Mr. Paik's daughter married the son of a fisherman.
Sun: I know that and it doesn't matter!
Woman: Really? Did you know he was also the son of a prostitute?
Sun: How dare you!
Woman: I will be back here in three days. At five p.m. You will bring me one hundred thousand dollars. If you love your husband as "madly" as you say you do, you will spare him the shame of learning the truth.



Charlie: What's she saying?
Hurley: It's Spanish, dude!
Desmond: You understand her then?
Hurley: She says she's dying.



Desmond: We need to bring Jack here.
Charlie: It's an eight-hour walk! One way!
Desmond: Then I'll run.
Charlie: Are you out of your mind? It's not safe. It's gonna be dark soon. Who knows who's out in this jungle!? In case you have forgotten, there are people on this island trying to kill us!
Desmond: Nobody knows we're here!
Hurley: (フレアガンを撃つ) ... Oops.





Sun: What do you think happened to Jack while he was with the Others? Since he's been back, he seems different.
Kate: He says that he was pretty much a prisoner and the only reason why he cooperated was 'cause he thought they'd let him off the island.
Sun: Do you believe him?
Kate: Why wouldn't I?
Sun: He came to me, asking about my pregnancy.
Kate: Well, what would that have anything to do with...
Sun: What if.. what if the Others want my baby? He's been there alone for over a week. How do we know he isn't working with them?



Sun: I want to know about your research.
Kate: Sun...
Sun: What happens to pregnant women?
Juliet: You're pregnant? Are you sure? How do you know?
Sun: I asked you a question. Everyone else might be alright with you washing your clothes and eating our food, but I want to know what's going on. I want answers! What are you people doing? Why are you taking children? What happens to pregnant women on this island!?
Juliet: ....
Sun: What happens to...
Juliet: They die. They all die.


Charlie: Maybe we should just pull it out.
Desmond: No. You'll just make it worse.
Charlie: Have you forgotten what's at stake here? It's just another one of your flashes. Who's getting an arrow in the neck this time?
Desmond: Lest you forget, she said my bloody name! She had a photo of me and my girlfriend! Do I understand? I understand better than the lot of you!



Desmond: Who are you?
Mikhail: ...
Desmond: I said, "Who are you?"
Charlie: He's the guy who shot Sayid. Kate told us he lived down in that station Locke blew up. He's an Other.
Hurley: I thought Locke killed that guy with the electro-fence thingy.
Desmond: You've got five seconds to talk or I fire this gun, brother.
Mikhail: That's a flare gun.
Desmond: And how do you think it will feel taking a flare to the chest at this range?
Mikhail: As your friend pointed out, I've already died once this week.


Naomi: Sto... sto morendo.
Desmond: You understand her?
Mikhail: She's speaking Italian. She said she's dying. She needs help. I was a Soviet Army field medic. I can offer you my services.


Charlie: Wait! What are you doing?
Desmond: I'm saving her.
Mikhail: This branch has punctured her lung. It's filling with blood. If it is not ventilated soon, she's going to die.
Desmond: Well, do it. Help her!
Mikhail: If I fix her, you must let me walk away as if I never came upon you.
Desmond: ... What do you need?



クワン氏: 結婚式はいかがでしたか?
サン: 素敵でした。あたしの人生で最も幸せな日でした。
クワン氏: おらの息子にとってもそうだったでしょうなあ。
サン: お父様はどうして結婚式にいらっしゃらなかったのですか?
クワン氏: 息子は何て言いましたかの?
サン: お父様は…お亡くなりになったと。どうして、そんな事を言ったりしたんでしょう?
クワン氏: 自分の出自の恥を隠すためでしょうなあ。
サン: お父様が彼に、彼が赤ん坊の時にお母様が亡くなったとおっしゃられたのと同じ理由ですか?
クワン氏: あれの母には沢山の男がおったんですけど、赤ん坊をおらの所に置いてきましてな。おら1人で育てましたんです。おらが父親かどうかもわかりませんでしたけど、他に誰が世話するってんです?

Mr. Kwon: Please... tell me about your wedding.
Sun: It was beautiful. The happiest day of my life.
Mr. Kwon: And my son's, too, I imagine.
Sun: Mr. Kwon, why weren't you at the wedding?
Mr. Kwon: What did he tell you?
Sun: He told me... you were dead. Why would he say that?
Mr. Kwon: To avoid the shame of where he came from.
Sun: And is that why you told him his mother died when he was a baby?
Mr. Kwon: His mother... she was with many men. She left me with the baby. I raised him alone. I wasn't even sure I was the father. But who else would take care of him?


Mr. Kwon: You are so beautiful. It pleases me much to meet you. You can never tell him that you met me or that his mother is still alive. Please, for me. Do not... do not make him suffer this shame.



Juliet: [If] you want me to help you and your baby, I have answers to your questions. But you have to come with me. Right now. Just you and me, nobody else.
Sun: If what you said was true, that means I'm already dead. Why should I go anywhere with you?
Juliet: Because... there may be hope for you yet.

ジュリエットはサンを医療ステーション…『The Staff (ザ・スタッフ)』に案内する。かつて、イーサンがクレアを拉致して連れて行った場所だ。サンはその場所についてケイトとクレアから聞かされていたが、たしか、何も残されてなかったはずだ。しかし、ケイトたちが見逃した物があるらしい。そこの設備を使えば、胎児の超音波映像を見れるだけでなく、懐妊日(D.O.C.)を割り出す事も可能で、しかもその誤差は僅か1日程度だという。サンが懐妊したのがこの島に着く前なら、赤ん坊が無事に生まれて来る可能性は高い。もし、そうでなかったら、それはその時の話だ。

