Hong Kong Sustainability Diary


香港の地球幸福度指数(The Happy Planet Index)

2007-08-22 | 香港の環境
昨年7月、英国のシンクタンクnew economic fondation(nef)とFriends of earthが発表した地球幸福度指数(The Happy Planet Index(HPI))のレポートはなかなか興味深いものでした。サステナビリティに関連するこの手の指標はいくつかありますが、発表されてすぐにその代表的なものの1つにのし上がった印象があります。香港はいったいどう評価されていたのでしょうか。


HPI = ( Life satisfaction x Life expectancy) / Ecological Footprint



The Index doesn’t reveal the ‘happiest’ country in the world. It shows the relative efficiency with which nations convert the planet’s natural resources into long and happy lives for their citizens. The nations that top the Index aren’t the happiest places in the world, but the nations that score well show that achieving, long, happy lives without over-stretching the planet’s resources is possible. The HPI shows that around the world, high levels of resource consumption do not reliably produce high levels of well-being (life-satisfaction), and that it is possible to produce high levels of well-being without excessive consumption of the Earth’s resources. It also reveals that there are different routes to achieving comparable levels of well-being. The model followed by the West can provide widespread longevity and variable life satisfaction, but it does so only at a vast and ultimately counter-productive cost in terms of resource consumption.



The Happy Planet Index
