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『TATAME』サイトのポルトガル語版の方に、UFCと契約した元PRIDEファイター、ファブリシオ・ヴェウドゥムの最新インタビューが掲載されています。Alta Vistaで英訳した崩れた英文から和訳を試みましたが、途中かなりいい加減な想像訳wを挿入しています。間違い探し、よろしくお願いしますm(  )m いずれ英語版にもアップされるので、そちらでチェックを、、、。



How it was this change of the Pride for the UFC?
My manager, the Ken May, she said that I went to fight in Pride 33, but seems that they had not accepted the stock market that people asked for, then it found I better to go for the UFC. It did not explain me very well, but they go there to pay to a stock market pra well better me, practically the double from that I was receiving in the Pride.

そして今、僕はUFCに移った。ここでチャンピオンになりたいと思っている。UFCとは4試合契約(closed contract)になっていて、3試合目か4試合目でベルトに挑戦したいと思っている」

But you she did not have contract with the Pride?
Not, my contract is with the Ken May, also it finishes now in December my contract with it and I intend to renew. As I already had said, this year I want to be champion. As now I am in the UFC there I want to be champion. I closed contract of four fights with the UFC and intend to dispute the cinturao in third or the fourth fight of my contract.


You he was trainer of the Cro Cop during a time and they had always said that they did not want to face itself. It also left the Pride for the UFC and also he wants the cinturao...
If we will have that to fight, we go to fight. It wants the cinturao in such a way how much I. We go to prevent to the maximum, therefore we were of the same team, we have the same to manager and we are friends. Also it wants that I come back now toward there training. It stows recently giving seminaries in Spain and later I was for the Croacia and I used to advantage to find with it I was to know as it was... To talk sufficiently.


You it faced and it won the Gabriel Napao in the Jungle Fight. Now it also is in the UFC and voces they can come back if find in the way route to the cinturao. How it would be a fight with it today?
The Napao is very, finds well that it only has a defeat, that was pra me in the Jungle Fight. I find that today the fight would be well different. The two are more professional and in that fight we did not have the physical preparation of today. We were warlike in that fight and today I find that the fight would be much more technique. He would very like to fight with it of new and he will have himself that to cross with it to catch the cinturao, we go to fight.


How they walk its training?
I now operated the throat and the nose in the start of the year. It was with acute amidalite in the throat and a septic shunting line in the nose. I was three weeks of gravy recouping me, but already I came back to train has one week. I have trained the soil part with the Mario Strong Kings and the Marcio, that also is band-black color, I am making the preparation with a Cuban who is here with me and the Boxe I am training always with the Cafuringa.


What you wait of this fight against the Andrei Arlovski?
When we do not know when we go to fight we are a little not motivated, but now that already I have this fight with the set appointments Arlovski very I am livened up. Taste to fight with difficult faces, that already name has as the Arlovski, that is former-champion of the category. Taste not to fight with that it is starting now. The Arlovski is very dangerous in foot, likes to play in the counterattack, but I am training sufficient Boxe. If it will have that to change with it, I go to change and chance will be had to place for low will be better, since my fort is the Jiu-Jitsu. I go to train sufficiently to make a good fight and power in briefing to dispute the cinturao.

-PRIDE33でのヴァンダレイ・シウバvsダン・ヘンダーソン、ホジェリオ・ノゲイラvsソクジュ この2試合から何を感じた?シウバ、ホジェリオはどこにミスがあったのかな?

What you it found of the fights of the Wanderlei Silva and the Rogerio Minotouro in Pride 33? Where you find that they erraram?
The Minotouro very was well prepared. The camarones can until being good, but I find that crossed it was hot foot of the face. It can repair that it lowered and freed that half Cruzado without wanting. The Minotouro does not have glass chin, but the Cruzado entered certinho and caught in the tip of the chin. It was hot foot of the face, if to fight of new the Minotouro is successful. Already in the fight of the Wanderlei I found that the Dan Henderson was better. I find that the American was with more will. The Wanderlei did not errou, it took one beats twirled before he entered, as much that it gave a stop and when they had been to change caught that Cruzado of the Henderson that nocauteou the Wanderlei.


Who you find that she can win the Henderson until 83kg and until 93kg?
Until 83kg the Paulao Son wins it with certainty and until 93kg the Mauricio Shogun.

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