

Topics of the day

2017-09-04 17:58:06 | 日記

Current affairs English is also called news English. Political and economic movements are happening every day. Therefore, we can know through the media. The contents of them are input as our knowledge, so it is easy to understand the news English.

That's why, it is pleasant and useful for me.

Name of the Panda Baby

2017-09-04 11:24:44 | 日記

The name of the panda baby in Ueno Park has been publicly invited.
It seems that many citizens will be elected from among the names to which they apply, but eventually they will hear the opinion of China from where they are borrowed.
This procedure seems to be based on the rules between Japan and China.

Hopefully, the name of a panda born in Japan is familiar to Japanese people, for example Sakura and Hanako are good.