


2019-05-30 09:57:07 | 日記

It is Thursday today. Medical institutions are closed at the same time.However, for us elderly people, changes in physical condition have nothing to do with the day of the week.Why do medical institutions close simultaneously on Thursday?It is an inconvenient system.


2019-05-28 17:04:37 | 日記

The US president and his wife have visited Japan as a nation's guest.To celebrate the Emperor and Empress.

Japan and the United States maintain a strong alliance, but during this period, Chinese public ships have continuously roamed around the Senkaku Islands.
Is the relationship between Japan and China really improving?

Diplomacy is so difficult.


2019-05-22 16:51:00 | 日記

Yesterday we got a phone call from a young woman and my wife responded."I want to buy shoes. I also buy men's shoes."
 My wife refused, but the woman was still talking more.My wife turned off the phone.
I doubted that she was trying to confirm whether my wife would live alone.
It is a world where we can not feel safe now.