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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第一9章 完成

2022年07月23日 07時39分42秒 | 列王記
1列王記9章 ソロモンのその他の事業



1 Kings Chapter 9 Solomon's Other Businesses
1. Consecrated temple
When Solomon completed  everything, he wanted to make, God revealed himself to Solomon again (ver. 1). And what the Lord said is that "my name," "my eyes," and "my heart" are always there (ver. 2). Again yesterday, the church is a place where God has given special attention and consecrated for blessings.
Every time we come to the place, our hearts are reset toward God. Be aware of God's name, God's eyes, and God's heart, remember that we are created by God, prostrate under God, honor God, and walk in God's grace. You will be renewed in your determination. Our daily steps are the accumulation of living with the kingdom of God and righteousness first (ver. 4).
However, in the case of David, he is said to have "served the Lord with perfect heart and honesty," but in reality he is guilty of adultery and murder. He is not the kind of person who is said that way. Yet, God evaluated it that way because of the steps of his heart that truly repented and truly tried to live before God.
It is difficult to understand how a person lives before God. If you look at the superficial words and deeds, even a person who seems to be living a life that is not worth evaluating may be living facing God sincerely in his heart. Or conversely, even if it looks fine, the heart is a profane, and in the eyes of God, it is just a merciful sinner. What is important is how we live before God who can see our hearts.
2. Solomon's business and failure
In the second half, the businesses that Solomon did outside of Jerusalem will be recorded. First, the adjustment of the border with Hiram (verses 10-14). Solomon has given the town of Galilee as a thank-you to his collaborator Hiram. At that time, in verse 14, "Hiram gave Solomon 120 talents of gold." In other words, Hiram was spending money on the maintenance of the town to be given. Yet Solomon gave 20 towns untouched. So Hiram didn't like the town and was asked, "What exactly are these towns?" It is surprising that Solomon, who was revered as a wise man in the world, did such an insensitive thing. However, Hiram is still willing to cooperate with Solomon to help build a fleet. Hiram is better than Solomon as a human. Therefore, it should be said that Solomon is also a person who is protected by the grace of God. Human society is often difficult, and small things can be serious and unsuccessful. But everything is in the hands of God. If you stand in that faith, you will continue to trust God that even bad times will turn into good times.
In verse 15, Solomon is said to have rebuilt Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer. Israel had two large arterial roads. The sea road that runs along the Mediterranean coast and the king's road that runs on the eastern side of the Jordan River. Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer were all strategic hubs leading to the sea roads that needed to be fortified. Gezer's later excavations confirmed that the walls and town gates were restored during Solomon's time. Although the size of the town was not that large, Solomon's ability to energetically develop infrastructure in various parts of Israel was solely due to the Lord's protection of peace in the Middle East.
Solomon also established three major festivals in the temple (ver. 25) and advanced into maritime trade (ver. 26-28). The church is also protected and grown by the mercy and grace of the Lord. We should pray for the grace of God. I pray that today will be a good day.

<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Which is the most commonly used word to symbolize the northern end of Israel? (1) Levo Hamate, (2) Egyptian River, (3) Jerusalem. The answer is ① Levo Hamath. In the sense of "the entrance to Hamate", it is said to be the present Lebuwe in the valley of Bekaa, a plain 80 km north of Damascus. So, today's Bible quiz. What was Ophir famous for in Solomon's day? (1) Gold, (2) Silver, (3) Copper, the answer will be tomorrow. I pray that today will be a good day.
