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人生💯倍の回復😊【聖書】ヨブ記9章 仲裁者

2022年12月15日 18時36分40秒 | ヨブ記
ヨブ記9章 ビルダデの最初の弁論へのヨブの答え
4. 神と争うなど既に諦めている(9:21-24)
最初に、昨日のクイズです。幼児の時に、パピルスのかごに入れられて、流され、エジプトの王女に救われた人は誰でしょうか。①モーセ、②ヨシュア、③カレブ、答えは、①モーセでした。では、今日の聖書クイズです。海の怪獣ラハブは、聖書では、象徴的に何をたとえるものとして用いられることが多いでしょうか。①エジプト、②バビロン、③アッシリア、答えはまた明日、では今日もよき一日となるように祈ります。Job 9 (1-20) Job's Answer to Bildaddeh's Initial Argument (Part 1)
1. no one can resist God (9:1-4)
Job tells Bildad that there is no room for disagreement with his opinion. You are right, God does what is righteous. So God can suddenly change a person's life. Even if it is a change that the person does not want to make, there is no room for objection. God's actions are absolute. God is wise and almighty. It would be foolish to resist such a God who accomplishes exactly what He wills (v. 4).
2. the overwhelming strength of God (9:5-15)
In fact, God is able to do as He pleases with the sun and the universe (v. 7). The oceans, the heavens of the heavens, and everything else God has created, God is greater than these heavens and the earth. What God does is powerful and dazzling (v. 10). On the other hand, human beings living in such a divinely created world are tiny beings indeed. We do not see or notice God when He passes by us. Nor are they capable of rebelling against God (v. 12). Even a mythical monster like Rahab (Isaiah 51:9), and even those who help Rahab, the forces that oppose God, can only be twisted before God (v. 13). What objection can be raised to a God who makes himself lawful in such a way? I will only appeal to God's mercy, let alone exchange words (v. 15), but he will not hear my protests, I say.
3. only defeat before God (9:16-20)
Why does God hurt me in the first place, hurting me without a moment to catch my breath (v. 17)? Everything is decided at God's discretion. Even if I am righteous, I have no choice but to take the blame (v. 20). Once God declares sin, there is no excuse for man. Job's complaint against God goes on and on. But in reality, God was boasting to Satan about Job's righteousness (1:8). Job is unaware of this. In other words, just as Job's friends misunderstood him, so Job misunderstood God. 
4. he has already given up fighting with God (9:21-24)
Job continues. God treats the faithful and the wicked alike, and He rewards both with death (v. 22). There is no good life or bad life. Once disaster strikes, they all share the same fate, and even the innocent will vanish without hope (v. 23). The earth is in the hands of those in power, the wicked who turn a blind eye to injustice and violence. God allows injustice to the rulers. If God is not the cause of the world's chaos, then who is (v. 24)?
5. an mediator is needed (vv. 25-35).
My life is like a boat of reeds going down the rapids toward the end, death (v.25), or like an eagle soaring over its prey (v.26). In such a life, we may act cheerful and put on a good mood as if nothing happened, but we cannot fake this pain and suffering. O God, you are treating me as a criminal (vv. 27, 28). You are the judge, and I am not allowed to dispute you (v. 29). No matter how much I purify myself, your intention is fixed (v. 30). Oh, is there no mediator between this me and God (v. 33)? Oh, if only there were a mediator who would stand by the weak, protect them from the strong who act violently, and help them to make their case. Then I could sue God without fear of the consequences. But not now (v. 35).
This is an important part of Job's argument. For it is a prophetic statement of the New Testament's need for a mediator, Jesus. In the end, Job's complaint makes us understand that sinners cannot stand alone before God the Judge. This is where New Testament and Old Testament knowledge come together. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. Who was put in a papyrus basket as an infant, swept away, and saved by an Egyptian princess? (1) Moses, (2) Joshua, (3) Caleb, and the answer is: (1) Moses. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. Rahab, the sea monster, is often used in the Bible as a symbolic metaphor for what? (1) Egypt, (2) Babylon, and (3) Assyria.
