
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第2章  THE MESSENGERS (1) 機械翻訳

2014-02-28 19:12:05 | 日記




1. I did not rest as I should that night who somehow was never able to sleep well in the neighbourhood of the Black Kloof. I suppose that Zikali's constant talk about ghosts, with his hints and innuendoes concerning those who were dead, always affected my nerves till, in a subconscious way, I began to believe that such things existed and were hanging about me. Many people are open to the power of suggestion, and I am afraid that I am one of them.

1. 私は、するべきように、休みませんでした、黒い峡谷のそばになんとかしてよく眠ることができなかったその夜。

2. However, the sun which has such strength to kill noxious things, puts an end to ghosts more quickly even than it does to other evil vapours and emanations, and when I woke up to find it shining brilliantly in a pure heaven, I laughed with much heartiness over the whole affair.

2. しかしながら、太陽、有害なものを殺すそのような強さを持っている、ゴーストに終止符をより速く打つ、それが他の有害な蒸気および放射に行うよりさえ、また、私が、それが純粋な天の中でぴかぴかと光っているのを見つけるために起きた時、私は全体の事柄に関する多くの誠実で笑いました。

3. Going to the spring near which we were outspanned, I took off my shirt to have a good wash, still chuckling at the memory of all the hocus-pocus of my old friend, the Opener-of-Roads.

3. 軛が私たちから外されたスプリングへ行って、私は、私の旧友、道のオープナーのすべての呪文の記憶でまだほくそえんで、よい洗濯をするためにシャツを脱ぎました。

4. While engaged in this matutinal operation I struck my hand against something and looking, observed that it was the hideous little ivory image of Zikali, which he had set about my neck. The sight of the thing and the memory of his ridiculous talk about it, especially of its assertion that it had come down to him through the ages, which it could not have done, seeing that it was a likeness of himself, irritated me so much that I proceeded to take it off with the full intention of throwing it into the spring.

4. この朝のオペレーションに従事しましたが、私は何かに対して手を打ち、見て、それがZikali(彼は私の首に関してそれをセットした)の恐ろしいわずかな象牙イメージであると言いました。

5. As I was in the act of doing this, from a clump of reeds mixed with bushes, quite close to me, there came a sound of hissing, and suddenly above them appeared the head of a great black immamba, perhaps the deadliest of all our African snakes, and the only one I know which will attack man without provocation.

5. 私が潅木と混じり合ったリード楽器部の一群からこれをしている最中にいたように、私に全く接近している、そこに、来た、軽蔑の対象の音、そして、急に、それらの上に、現われた、大きな黒いimmambaの頭、私たちのすべてのアフリカのヘビの中で恐らく最も致命的なもの、またただ一つの1つ、私は知っている、挑発のない人を攻撃するでしょう。

6. Leaving go of the image, I sprang back in a great hurry towards where my gun lay. Then the snake vanished and making sure that it had departed to its hole, which was probably at a distance, I returned to the pool, and once more began to take off the talisman in order to consign it to the bottom of the pool.

6. 去ることはイメージに行きます。私は私の銃がどこに位置したかに向けた大きな急ぎの中で跳び退きました。

7. After all, I reflected, it was a hideous and probably a blood-stained thing which I did not in the least wish to wear about my neck like a lady's love-token.

7. 結局、私は熟考しました、それはそうでした、1つの、恐ろしい、そして恐らく血まみれのもの、どれ、私はしませんでした、の中で、私の首に関して最ももちたくないこと、女性の愛のしるしが好きです。

8. Just as it was coming over my head, suddenly from the other side of the bush that infernal snake popped up again, this time, it was clear, really intent on business. It began to move towards me in the lightning-like way immambas have, hissing and flicking its tongue.

8. ちょうど私の頭に関して来たように、急に、地獄のヘビが今回再び押し上げた潅木の反対側から、それは実際に明らかでした、所用で集中している

9. I was too quick for my friend, however, for snatching up the gun that I had lain down beside me, I let it have a charge of buckshot in the neck which nearly cut it in two, so that it fell down and expired with hideous convulsive writhings.

9. しかしながら、私は銃を上へそれを急につかむために、友達にしては迅速すぎました、私は私のそばに横になりました、私は、それに首に鹿弾のチャージを持たせます、それはほとんど2にそれを切る、その結果、それは倒れて、恐ろしい急激なwrithingsで終了しました。

10. Hearing the shot Hans came running from the waggon to see what was the matter. Hans, I should say, was that same Hottentot who had been the companion of most of my journeyings since my father's day. He was with me when as a young fellow I accompanied Retief to Dingaan's kraal, and like myself, escaped the massacre.[*]

10. 撃たれたハンスの声が聞こえることは問題は何だったか確かめるためにワゴンから走って来ました。

Also we shared many other adventures, including the great one in the Land of the Ivory Child where he slew the huge elephant-god, Jana, and himself was slain. But of this journey we did not dream in those days.

[*] See the book called "Marie."—Editor.

[*] 本が呼ばれたのを見る「マリー。"エディター。


11. For the rest Hans was a most entirely unprincipled person, but as the Boers say, "as clever as a waggonload of monkeys." Also he drank when he got the chance. One good quality he had, however; no man was ever more faithful, and perhaps it would be true to say that neither man nor woman ever loved me, unworthy, quite so well.

11. 残りについては、ハンスは完全に無節操な人だったが、ボーア人が言うように、「猿のwaggonloadと同じくらい利口である。」

12. In appearance he rather resembled an antique and dilapidated baboon; his face was wrinkled like a dried nut and his quick little eyes were bloodshot. I never knew what his age was, any more than he did himself, but the years had left him tough as whipcord and absolutely untiring. Lastly he was perhaps the best hand at following a spoor that ever I knew and up to a hundred and fifty yards or so, a very deadly shot with a rifle especially when he used a little single-barrelled, muzzle-loading gun of mine made by Purdey which he named Intombi or Maiden. Of that gun, however, I have written in "The Holy Flower" and elsewhere.

12. 外観では、彼は古代で荒廃させられたヒヒにやや似ていました;

13. "What is it, Baas?" he asked. "Here there are no lions, nor any game."

13. 「それと主人は何ですか。」

"Look the other side of the bush, Hans."


He slipped round it, making a wide circle with his usual caution, then, seeing the snake which was, by the way, I think, the biggest immamba I ever killed, suddenly froze, as it were, in a stiff attitude that reminded me of a pointer when it scents game. Having made sure that it was dead, he nodded and said,


"Black 'mamba, or so you would call it, though I know it for something else."


"What else, Hans?"


 "One of the old witch-doctor Zikali's spirits which he sets at the mouth of this kloof to warn him of who comes or goes. I know it well, and so do others. I saw it listening behind a stone when you were up the kloof last evening talking with the Opener-of-Roads."


"Then Zikali will lack a spirit," I answered, laughing, "which perhaps he will not miss amongst so many. It serves him right for setting the brute on me."


"Quite so, Baas. He will be angry. I wonder why he did it?" he added suspiciously, "seeing that he is such a friend of yours."



"He didn't do it, Hans. These snakes are very fierce and give battle, that is all."


14. Hans paid no attention to my remark, which probably he thought only worthy of a white man who does not understand, but rolled his yellow, bloodshot eyes about, as though in search of explanations. Presently they fell upon the ivory that hung about my neck, and he started.

14. ハンスは私の発言に注意を払いませんでした、どれ、恐らく、彼は考えました、理解しない白人に単にふさわしい、しかし彼の黄色を回転した、充血した目、に関して、あたかも、説明を捜してかのように。

"Why do you wear that pretty likeness of the Great One yonder over your heart, as I have known you do with things that belonged to women in past days, Baas?

Do you know that it is Zikali's Great Medicine, nothing less, as everyone does throughout the land?


When Zikali sends an order far away, he always sends that image with it, for then he who receives the order knows that he must obey or die. Also the messenger knows that he will come to no harm if he does not take it off, because, Baas, the image is Zikali himself, and Zikali is the image. They are one and the same. Also it is the image of his father's father's father—or so he says."


"That is an odd story," I said.



15. Then I told Hans as much as I thought advisable of how this horrid little talisman came into my possession.

15. その後、私は、この恐ろしい小さなタリスマンがどのように私の所有に入ったかに望ましいと思われて、ハンスにIと同じくらいのを伝えました。

Hans nodded without showing any surprise.


16. "So we are going on a long journey," he said.

16. 「したがって、私たちは長い旅行で行きます」と彼が言いました。

"Well, I thought it was time that we did something more than wander about these tame countries selling blankets to stinking old women and so forth, Baas.


Moreover, Zikali does not wish that you should come to harm, doubtless because he does wish to make use of you afterwards—oh! it's safe to talk now when that spirit is away looking for another snake.



What were you doing with the Great Medicine, Baas, when the 'mamba attacked you?"


"Taking it off to throw it into the pool, Hans, as I do not like the thing. I tried twice and each time the immamba appeared."


"Of course it appeared, Baas, and what is more, if you had taken that Medicine off and thrown it away you would have disappeared, since the 'mamba would have killed you. Zikali wanted to show you that, Baas, and that is why he set the snake at you."


17. "You are a superstitious old fool, Hans."

17. 「あなたは迷信的な古い馬鹿です、ハンス。」

"Yes, Baas, but my father knew all about that Great Medicine before me, for he was a bit of a doctor, and so does every wizard and witch for a thousand miles or more.


I tell you, Baas, it is known by all though no one ever talks about it, no, not even the king himself.


Baas, speaking to you, not with the voice of Hans the old drunkard, but with that of the Predikant, your reverend father, who made so good a Christian of me and who tells me to do so from up in Heaven where the hot fires are which the wood feeds of itself, I beg you not to try to throw away the Medicine again, or if you wish to do so, to leave me behind on this journey.



For you see, Baas, although I am now so good, almost like one of those angels with the pretty goose's wings in the pictures, I feel that I should like to grow a little better before I go to the Place of Fires to make report to your reverend father, the Predikant."



18. Thinking of how horrified my dear father would be if he could hear all this string of ridiculous nonsense and learn the result of his moral and religious lessons on raw Hottentot material, I burst out laughing. But Hans went on as gravely as a judge,

18. 考えること、どのように、私のいとしい父親をぞっとさせた、彼が途方もない無意味のこのストリングをすべて聞き、モラルおよび生のホッテントット資料の宗教の授業の結果を学習することができたかどうかだろう、私は大爆笑します。

"Wear the Great Medicine, Baas, wear it; part with the liver inside you before you part with that, Baas.
It may not be as pretty or smell as sweet as a woman's hair in a little gold bottle, but it is much more useful.



The sight of the woman's hair will only make you sick in your stomach and cause you to remember a lot of things which you had much better forget, but the Great Medicine, or rather Zikali who is in it, will keep the assegais and sickness out of you and turn back bad magic on to the heads of those who sent it, and always bring us plenty to eat and perhaps, if we are lucky, a little to drink too sometimes."


"Go away," I said, "I want to wash."


"Yes, Baas, but with the Baas's leave I will sit on the other side of that bush with the gun—not to look at the Baas without his clothes, because white people are always so ugly that it makes me feel ill to see them undressed, also because—the Baas will forgive me—but because they smell. No, not for that, but just to see that no other snake comes."


"Get out of the road, you dirty little scoundrel, and stop your impudence," I said, lifting my foot suggestively.


19. Thereon he scooted with a subdued grin round the other side of the bush, whence as I knew well he kept his eye fixed on me to be sure that I made no further attempt to take off the Great Medicine.

19. その上に、彼は、潅木の反対側を回った抑制されたにこにこで駆け出しました、どこから、私がよく知っているとともに、彼は、私がそれ以上作らなかったと確信するために私に目をじっと向けておきました、大きな薬を取り除く試み。

Now of this talisman I may as well say at once that I am no believer in it or its precious influences. Therefore, although it was useful sometimes, notably twice when Umslopogaas was concerned, I do not know whether personally I should have done better or worse upon that journey if I had thrown it into the pool.


 20. It is true, however, that until quite the end of this history when it became needful to do so to save another, I never made any further attempt to remove it from my neck, not even when it rubbed a sore in my skin, because I did not wish to offend the prejudices of Hans.

20. しかしながら、それは真実です、全く別のものを保存するためにそうすることが必要になった時のこの歴史の終了まで、私は、首からそれを取り除くことをそれ以上に試みませんでした、ない、私がハンスの偏見を立腹させたくなかったので、それが私の皮膚の中で傷を摩擦した時さえ。

It is true, moreover, that this hideous ivory had a reputation which stretched very far from the place where it was made and was regarded with great reverence by all kinds of queer people, even by the Amahagger themselves, of whom presently, as they say in pedigrees, a fact of which I found sundry proofs. Indeed, I saw a first example of it when a little while later I met that great warrior, Umslopogaas, Chief of the People of the Axe.


