
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第19章 THE SPELL 呪文 (2) 機械翻訳

2014-03-06 19:42:20 | 日記

52. 彼女は、答えたとともに、笑いました、


54.As 私はまだ説得されていなく見えました、彼女は進みました、









63. 彼女は私の冗談を評価して、少し笑い、眠っているアイネズを見て、言いました、








72. 彼女は再び笑い返答した、





77. 持ってください。私‥‥私の言葉が雪片で溶けることを意味し、このベールが私の美を隠すとともに私の考えを隠して、跡を残さない、と言わなかった?


79. 我々は家からまだ出たが、ある一致によって、彼女はこのまさに問題を示唆した。





84. 再び、私は返事をしなかった‥‥のために‥‥私は、アーイシャが私をだましていることを理解した、また、彼女がその楽しみを消耗することができた前に、我々は、ウンスロポガースと彼の部下がキャンプファイアを回って集められた場所に到着した。

85. 音が次第に弱まったまで、彼女は待った。


87. 再び、私がそれをそれらに翻訳した時、それらはこの愉快な知能で挨拶した。というのは、もちろん、それらはアラビア語を知らなかったからである。



91. 彼が理解した時、ウンスロポガースは、瞬間を熟考した後に、私がこの土地にとどまりそのような賢明な言葉を話し、彼女の意志で戦いに現われて、姿を消すことができた白人の首長と結婚し、そして山トップのように雲(それは彼女のベールへの言及する彼の道だった)の中の彼女の頭を隠したかどうか尋ねた。





96. 再び、私は翻訳した。


98. 彼女は、いつアーイシャが言ったこれらの言葉を聞いたか、


100. あたかも主題を変更するために、彼女がコール(それについて彼女は私に真実か誤りであるとても面白い歴史を伝えた)について私にずっと話すかのように、そのとき、私はここで省略する。

101. 詳細に、あたかも会話が終了されたことを示すために手を振って、急に、彼女が疲れてきたかのように、アーイシャは負傷した人に行き、順番にそれらに各々触れた。



52.She laughed as she answered,

53."Perhaps I did not come at all. Perhaps you only thought I came; since I seemed to be there the rest matters nothing."

54.As I still looked unconvinced she went on,

55."Oh! foolish man, seek not to learn of that which is too high for you. Yet listen. You in your ignorance suppose that the soul dwells within the body, do you not?"

56.I answered that I had always been under this impression.

57."Yet, Allan, it is otherwise, for the body dwells within the soul."

58."Like the pearl in an oyster," I suggested.

59."Aye, in a sense, since the pearl which to you is beautiful, is to the oyster a sickness and a poison, and so is the body to the soul whose temple it troubles and defiles. Yet round it is the white and holy soul that ever seeks to bring the vile body to its own purity and colour, yet oft-times fails. Learn, Allan, that flesh and spirit are the deadliest foes joined together by a high decree that they may forget their hate and perfect each other, or failing, be separate to all eternity, the spirit going to its own place and the flesh to its corruption."

60."A strange theory," I said.

61."Aye, Allan, and one which is so new to you that never will you understand it. Yet it is true and I set it out for this reason. The soul of man, being at liberty and not cooped within his narrow breast, is in touch with that soul of the Universe, which men know as God Whom they call by many names. Therefore it has all knowledge and perhaps all power, and at times the body within it, if it be a wise body, can draw from this well of knowledge and abounding power. So at least can I. And now you will understand why I am so good a doctoress and how I came to appear in the battle, as you said, at the right time, and to leave it when my work was done."

62."Oh! yes," I answered, "I quite understand. I thank you much for putting it so plainly."

63.She laughed a little, appreciating my jest, looked at the sleeping Inez, and said,

64."The fair body of this lady dwells in a large soul, I think, though one of a somewhat sombre hue, for souls have their colours, Allan, and stain that which is within them. She will never be a happy woman."

65."The black people named her Sad-Eyes," I said.

66."Is it so? Well, I name her Sad-Heart, though for such often there is joy at last. Meanwhile she will forget; yes, she will forget the worst and how narrow was the edge between her and the arms of Rezu."

67."Just the width of the blade of the axe, Inkosikaas," I answered. "But tell me, Ayesha, why could not that axe cut and why did my bullets flatten or turn aside when these smote the breast of Rezu?"

68."Because his front-armour was good, Allan, I suppose," she replied indifferently, "and on his back he wore none."

69."Then why did you fill my ears with such a different tale about that horrible giant having drunk of a Cup of Life, and all the rest?" I asked with irritation.

70."I have forgotten, Allan. Perhaps because the curious, such as you are, like to hear tales even stranger than their own, which in the days to be may become their own. Therefore you will be wise to believe only what I do, and of what I tell you, nothing."

71."I don't," I exclaimed exasperated.

72.She laughed again and replied,

73."What need to say to me that which I know already? Yet perhaps in the future it may be different, since often by the alchemy of the mind the fables of our youth are changed into the facts of our age, and we come to believe in anything, as your little yellow man believes in some savage named Zikali, and those Amahagger believe in the talisman round your neck, and I who am the maddest of you all, believe in Love and Wisdom, and the black warrior, Umslopogaas, believes in the virtue of that great axe of his, rather than in those of his own courage and of the strength that wields it. Fools, every one of us, though perchance I am the greatest fool among them. Now take me to the warrior, Umslopogaas, whom I would thank, as I thank you, Allan, and the little yellow man, although he jeers at me with his sharp tongue, not knowing that if I were angered, with a breath I could cause him to cease to be."

74."Then why did you not choose Rezu to cease to be, and his army also, Ayesha?"

75."It seems that I have done these things through the axe of Umslopogaas and by the help of your generalship, Allan. Why then, waste my own strength when yours lay to my hand?"

76."Because you had no power over Rezu, Ayesha, or so you told me."

77."Have I not said that my words are snowflakes, meant to melt and leave no trace, hiding my thoughts as this veil hides my beauty? Yet as the beauty is beneath the veil, perchance there is truth beneath the words, though not that truth you think. So you are well answered, and for the rest, I wonder whether Rezu thought I had no power over him when yonder on the mountain spur he saw me float down upon his companies like a spirit of the night. Well, perchance some day I shall learn this and many other things."

78.I made no answer, since what was the use of arguing with a woman who told me frankly that all she said was false. So, although I longed to ask her why these Amahagger had such reverence for the talisman that Hans called the Great Medicine, since now I guessed that her first explanations concerning it were quite untrue, I held my tongue.

79.Yet as we went out of the house, by some coincidence she alluded to this very matter.

80."I wish to tell you, Allan," she said, "why it was those Amahagger would not accept you as a General till their eyes had seen that which you wear upon your breast. Their tale of a legend of this very thing seemed that of savages or of their cunning priests, not to be believed by a wise man such as you are, like some others that you have heard in Kor. Yet it has in it a grain of truth, for as it chanced a little while ago, about a hundred years ago, I think, the old wizard whose picture is cut upon the wood, came to visit her who held my place before me as ruler of this tribe—she was very like me and as I believe, my mother, Allan—because of her repute for wisdom.

81."At that time I have heard there was a question of war between the worshippers of Lulala and the grandfather of Rezu. But this Zikali told the People of Lulala that they must not fight the People of Rezu until in a day to come a white man should visit Kor and bring with him a piece of wood on which was cut the image of a dwarf like to that of Zikali himself. Then and not before they must fight and conquer the People of Rezu. Now this story came down among them and you who may have thought the first tale magical, will understand it in its simplicity: is it not so, you wise Allan?"

82."Oh! yes," I answered, "except that I do not see how Zikali can have come here a hundred years ago, since men do not live as long, although he pretends to have done so."

83."No, Allan, nor do I, but perhaps it was his father, or his grandfather who came, since being observant, you will have noted that if the parent is mis-formed, so often are the descendants; also that the pretence of wizardry at times comes down with the blood."

84.Again I made no answer for I saw that Ayesha was fooling me, and before she could exhaust that amusement we reached the place where Umslopogaas and his men were gathered round a camp fire. He sat silent, but Goroko with much animation was telling the story of the fight in picturesque and colourful language, or that part of it which he had seen, for the benefit of the two wounded men who took no share in it and who, lying on their blankets with heads thrust forward, were listening with eagerness to the entrancing tale. Suddenly they caught sight of Ayesha, and those of the party who could stand sprang to their feet, while one and all they gave her the royal salute of Bayete.

85.She waited till the sound had died away. Then she said,

86."I come to thank you and your men, O Wielder of the Axe, who have shown yourself very great in battle, and to say to you that my Spirit tells me that every one of you, yes, even those who are still sick, will come safe to your own land again and live out your years with honour."

87.Again they saluted at this pleasing intelligence, when I had translated it to them, for of course they knew no Arabic. Then she went on,

88."I am told, Umslopogaas, Son of the Lion, as a certain king was named in your land, that the fight you made against Rezu was a very great fight, and that such a leap as yours above his head when you smote him with the axe on the hinder parts where he wore no armour, and brought him to his death, has not been seen before, nor will be again."

89.I rendered the words, and Umslopogaas, preferring truth to modesty, replied emphatically that this was the case.

90."Because of that fight and that leap," Ayesha went on, "as for other deeds that you have done and will do, my Spirit tells me that your name will live in story for many generations. Yet of what use is fame to the dead? Therefore I make you an offer. Bide here with me and you shall rule these Amahagger, and with them the remnant of the People of Rezu. Your cattle shall be countless and your wives the fairest in the land, and your children many, for I will lift a certain curse from off you so that no more shall you be childless. Do you accept, O Holder of the Axe?"

91.When he understood, Umslopogaas, after pondering a moment, asked if I meant to stay in this land and marry the white chieftainess who spoke such wise words and could appear and disappear in the battle at her will, and like a mountain-top hid her head in a cloud, which was his way of alluding to her veil.

92.I answered at once and with decision that I intended to do nothing of the sort and immediately regretted my words, since, although I spoke in Zulu, I suppose she read their meaning from my face. At any rate she understood the drift of them.

93."Tell him, Allan," she said with a kind of icy politeness, "that you will not stop here and marry me, because if ever I chose a husband he would not be a little man at the doors of whose heart so many women's hands have knocked—yes, even those that are black—and not, I think, in vain. One, moreover, who holds himself so clever that he believes he has nothing left to learn, and in every flower of truth that is shown to him, however fair, smells only poison, and beneath, nurturing it, sees only the gross root of falsehood planted in corruption. Tell him these things, Allan, if it pleases you."

94."It does not please me," I answered in a rage at her insults.

95."Nor is it needful, Allan, since if I caught the meaning of that barbarous tongue you use aright, you have told him already. Well, let the jest pass, O man who least of all things desires to be Ayesha's husband, and whom Ayesha least of all things desires as her spouse, and ask the Axe-bearer nothing since I perceive that without you he will not stay at Kor. Nor indeed is it fated that he should do so, for now my Spirit tells me what it hid from me when I spoke a moment gone, that this warrior shall die in a great fight far away and that between then and now much sorrow waits him who save that of one, knows not how to win the love of women. Let him say moreover what reward he desires since if I can give it to him, it shall be his."

96.Again I translated. Umslopogaas received her prophecies in stoical silence, and as I thought with indifference, and only said in reply,

97."The glory that I have won is my reward and the only boon I seek at this queen's hands is that if she can she should give me sight of a woman for whom my heart is hungry, and with it knowledge that this woman lives in that land whither I travel like all men."

98.When she heard these words Ayesha said,

99."True, I had forgotten. Your heart also is hungry, I think, Allan, for the vision of sundry faces that you see no more. Well, I will do my best, but since only faith fulfils itself, how can I who must strive to pierce the gates of darkness for one so unbelieving, know that they will open at my word? Come to me, both of you, at the sunset to-morrow."

100.Then as though to change the subject, she talked to me for a long while about Kor, of which she told me a most interesting history, true or false, that I omit here.

101.At length, as though suddenly she had grown tired, waving her hand to show that the conversation was ended, Ayesha went to the wounded men and touched them each in turn.

102."Now they will recover swiftly," she said, and leaving the place was gone into the darkness.
