
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第9章 THE SWAMP 湿地 (1)機械翻訳

2014-03-03 13:29:47 | 日記



1.  Neither Hans nor I carried rifles that we knew would be in the way on our business, which was just to scout. Moreover, one is always tempted to shoot if a gun is at hand, and this I did not want to do at present. So, although I had my revolver in case of urgent necessity, my only other weapon was a Zulu axe, that formerly had belonged to one of those two men who died defending Inez on the veranda at Strathmuir, while Hans had nothing but his long knife. Thus armed, or unarmed, we crept forward towards that spot whence, as we conjectured, we had seen the line of smoke rising some hours before.

2.  For about a quarter of a mile we went on thus without seeing or hearing anything, and a difficult job it was in that gloom among the scattered trees with no light save such as the stars gave us. Indeed, I was about to suggest that we had better abandon the enterprise until daybreak when Hans nudged me, whispering,

3.   "Look to the right between those twin thorns."

4.    I obeyed and following the line of sight which he had indicated, perceived, at a distance of about two hundred yards a faint glow, so faint indeed that I think only Hans would have noticed it. Really it might have been nothing more than the phosphorescence rising from a heap of fungus, or even from a decaying animal.

5.    "The fire of which we saw the smoke that has burnt to ashes," whispered Hans again. "I think that they have gone, but let us look."

6.   So we crawled forward very cautiously to avoid making the slightest noise; so cautiously, indeed, that it must have taken us nearly half an hour to cover those two hundred yards.

7.   At length we were within about forty yards of that dying fire and, afraid to go further, came to a stand—or rather, a lie-still—behind some bushes until we knew more. Hans lifted his head and sniffed with his broad nostrils; then he whispered into my ear, but so low that I could scarcely hear him.

8.     "Amahagger there all right, Baas, I smell them."

9.    This of course was possible, since what wind there was blew from the direction of the fire, although I whose nose is fairly keen could smell nothing at all. So I determined to wait and watch a while, and indicated my decision to Hans, who, considering our purpose accomplished, showed signs of wishing to retreat.

10.    Some minutes we lay thus, till of a sudden this happened. A branch of resinous wood of which the stem had been eaten through by the flames, fell upon the ashes of the fire and burnt up with a brilliant light. In it we saw that the Amahagger were sleeping in a circle round the fire wrapped in their blankets.

11.    Also we saw another thing, namely that nearer to us, not more than a dozen yards away, indeed, was a kind of little tent, also made of fur rugs or blankets, which doubtless sheltered Inez. Indeed, this was evident from the fact that at the mouth of it, wrapped up in something, lay none other than her maid, Janee, for her face being towards us, was recognised by us both in the flare of the flaming branch. One more thing we noted, namely, that two of the cannibals, evidently a guard, were sleeping between us and the little tent. Of course they ought to have been awake, but fatigue had overcome them and there they slumbered, seated on the ground, their heads hanging forward almost upon their knees.

12.   An idea came to me. If we could kill those men without waking the others in that gloom, it might be possible to rescue Inez at once. Rapidly I weighed the pros and cons of such an attempt. Its advantages, if successful, were that the object of our pursuit would be carried through without further trouble and that it was most doubtful whether we should ever get such a chance again. If we returned to fetch the others and attacked in force, the probability was that those Amahagger, or one of them, would hear some sound made by the advance of a number of men, and fly into the darkness; or, rather than lose Inez, they might kill her. Or if they stood and fought, she might be slain in the scrimmage. Or, as after all we had only about a dozen effectives, for the Strathmuir bearers could not be relied upon, they might defeat and kill us whom they outnumbered by two or three to one.

13.   These were the arguments for the attempt. Those for not making it were equally obvious. To begin with it was one of extraordinary risk; the two guards or someone else behind them might wake up—for such people, like dogs, mostly sleep with one eye open, especially when they knew that they are being pursued. Or if they did not we might bungle the business so that they raised an outcry before they grew silent for ever, in which case both of us and perhaps Inez also would probably pay the penalty before we could get away.

14.   Such was the horned dilemma upon one point or other of which we ran the risk of being impaled. For a full minute or more I considered the matter with an earnestness almost amounting to mental agony, and at last all but came to the conclusion that the danger was too enormous. It would be better, notwithstanding the many disadvantages of that plan, to go back and fetch the others.

15.   But then it was that I made one of my many mistakes in life. Most of us do more foolish things than wise ones and sometimes I think that in spite of a certain reputation for caution and far-sightedness, I am exceptionally cursed in this respect. Indeed, when I look back upon my past, I can scarcely see the scanty flowers of wisdom that decorate its path because of the fat, ugly trees of error by which it is overshadowed.

16.   On that occasion, forgetting past experiences where Hans was concerned, my natural tendency to blunder took the form of relying upon another's judgment instead of on my own. Although I had formed a certain view as to what should be done, the pros and cons seemed so evenly balanced that I determined to consult the little Hottentot and accept his verdict. This, after all, was but a form of gambling like pitch and toss, since, although it is true Hans was a clever, or at any rate a cunning man according to his lights, and experienced, it meant that I was placing my own judgment in abeyance, which no one considering a life-and-death enterprise should do, taking the chance of that of another, whatever it might be. However, not for the first time, I did so—to my grief.

17.   In the tiniest of whispers with my lips right against his smelly head, I submitted the problem to Hans, asking him what we should do, go on or go back. He considered a while, then answered in a voice which he contrived to make like the drone of a night beetle.

18.   "Those men are fast asleep, I know it by their breathing. Also the Baas has the Great Medicine. Therefore I say go on, kill them and rescue Sad-Eyes."

19.   Now I saw that the Fates to which I had appealed had decided against me and that I must accept their decree. With a sick and sinking heart—for I did not at all like the business—I wondered for a moment what had led Hans to take this view, which was directly opposite to any I had expected from him. Of course his superstition about the Great Medicine had something to do with it, but I felt convinced that this was not all.

20.   Even then I guessed that two arguments appealed to him, of which the first was that he desired, if possible, to put an end to this intolerable and unceasing hunt which had worn us all out, no matter what that end might be. The second and more powerful, however, was, I believed, and rightly, that the idea of this stealthy, midnight blow appealed irresistibly to the craft of his half-wild nature in which the strains of the leopard and the snake seemed to mingle with that of the human being. For be it remembered that notwithstanding his veneer of civilisation, Hans was a savage whose forefathers for countless ages had preserved themselves alive by means of such attacks and stratagems.

21.   The die having been cast, in the same infinitesimal whispers we made our arrangements, which were few and simple. They amounted to this—that we were to creep on to the men and each of us to kill that one who was opposite to him, I with the axe and Hans with his knife, remembering that it must be done with a single stroke—that is, if they did not wake up and kill us—after which we were to get Inez out of her shelter, dressed or undressed, and make off with her into the darkness where we were pretty sure of being able to baffle pursuit until we reached our own camp.

22.  Provided that we could kill the two guards in the proper fashion—rather a large proviso, I admit—the thing was simple as shelling peas which, notwithstanding the proverb, in my experience is not simple at all, since generally the shells crack the wrong way and at least one of the peas remained in the pod. So it happened in this case, for Janee, whom we had both forgotten, remained in the pod.

23.  I am sure I don't know why we overlooked her; indeed, the error was inexcusable, especially as Hans had already experienced her foolishness and she was lying there before our eyes. I suppose that our minds were so concentrated upon the guard-killing and the tragic and impressive Inez that there was no room in them for the stolid and matter-of-fact Janee. At any rate she proved to be the pea that would not come out of the pod.

24.  Often in my life I have felt terrified, not being by nature one of those who rejoices in dangers and wild adventures for their own sake, which only the stupid do, but who has, on the contrary, been forced to undertake them by the pressure of circumstances, a kind of hydraulic force that no one can resist, and who, having undertaken, has been carried through them, triumphing over the shrinkings of his flesh by some secret reserve of nerve power. Almost am I tempted to call it spirit-power, something that lives beyond and yet inspires our frail and fallible bodies.

25.  Well, rarely have I been more frightened than I was at this moment. Actually I hung back until I saw that Hans slithering through the grass like a thick yellow snake with the great knife in his right hand, was quite a foot ahead of me. Then my pride came to the rescue and I spurted, if one can spurt upon one's stomach, and drew level with him. After this we went at a pace so slow that any able-bodied snail would have left us standing still. Inch by inch we crept forward, lying motionless a while after each convulsive movement, once for quite a long time, since the left-hand cannibal seemed about to wake up, for he opened his mouth and yawned. If so, he changed his mind and rolling from a sitting posture on to his side, went to sleep much more soundly than before.

26.  A minute or so later the right-hand ruffian, my man, also stirred, so sharply that I thought he had heard something. Apparently, however, he was only haunted by dreams resulting from an evil life, or perhaps by the prescience of its end, for after waving his arm and muttering something in a frightened voice, he too, wearied out, poor devil, sank back into sleep.

27.  At last we were on them, but paused because we could not see exactly where to strike and knew, each of us, that our first blow must be the last and fatal. A cloud had come up and dimmed what light there was, and we must wait for it to pass. It was a long wait, or so it seemed.

28.  At length that cloud did pass and in faint outline I saw the classical head of my Amahagger bowed in deep sleep. With a heart beating as it does only in the fierce extremities of love or war, I hissed like a snake, which was our agreed signal. Then rising to my knees, I lifted the Zulu axe and struck with all my strength.

29.  The blow was straight and true; Umslopogaas himself could not have dealt a better. The victim in front of me uttered no sound and made no movement; only sank gently on to his side, and there lay as dead as though he had never been born.

30.  It appeared that Hans had done equally well, since the other man kicked out his long legs, which struck me on the knees. Then he also became strangely still. In short, both of them were stone dead and would tell no stories this side of Judgment Day.

31.  Recovering my axe, which had been wrenched from my hand, I crept forward and opened the curtain-like rugs or blankets, I do not know which they were, that covered Inez. I heard her stir at once. The movement had wakened her, since captives sleep lightly.

32.   "Make no noise, Inez," I whispered. "It is I, Allan Quatermain, come to rescue you. Slip out and follow me; do you understand?"

33.   "Yes, quite," she whispered back and began to rise.

34.  At this moment a blood-curdling yell seemed to fill earth and heaven, a yell at the memory of which even now I feel faint, although I am writing years after its echoes died away.

35.  I may as well say at once that it came from Janee who, awaking suddenly, had perceived against the background of the sky, Hans standing over her, looking like a yellow devil with a long knife in his hand, which she thought was about to be used to murder her.

36.   So, lacking self-restraint, she screamed in the most lusty fashion, for her lungs were excellent, and—the game was up.

37.    Instantly every man sleeping round the fire leapt to his feet and rushed in the direction of the echoes of Janee's yell. It was impossible to get Inez free of her tent arrangement or to do anything, except whisper to her,

38.    "Feign sleep and know nothing. We will follow you. Your father is with us."

39.    Then I bolted back into the bushes, which Hans had reached already.


1. ハンスも私も、ビジネス(それはちょうどスカウト活動だった)上の方法であると私たちが知っていたライフル銃を運びませんでした。
2. のために、4分の1マイルに関して、私たちはこのように何も見続けなかったし聞き続けず、それがだった困難な仕事、星のような軽い保存を持たない散在した木の中の暗さは、私たちを与えました。
4. 私は従った、またライン・オブ・サイトに続くこと、彼は知覚されて、示しました、約200ヤードの距離で、弱い光、私が単にハンスを思うように、確かに弱い、それに気づいていたでしょう。
6. したがって、私たちは最も少しの雑音を出さないようにするために前に非常に用心深く這いました;
7. 詳細に、私たちはその死ぬ火の約40ヤード以内にいました、そして、さらに行くのに恐れている、来た、に、1つの、スタンドあるいは(やや)、1つの、私たちがもっと知っているまで、いくつかの潅木嘘まだの後ろに。
9. 風がそこで元あったものが火の方向から吹いたので、これはもちろん可能でした、であるが、私、誰の鼻がかなり鋭いかは全く何も臭いをかぐことができませんでした。
10. 急に、これが起こったまで、私たちがこのように置く数分。
11. さらに、私たちは別のものをすなわち見ました、の近くで、私たちにとって、高々1ダースの庭は遠方に確かに、毛皮敷物あるいは毛布で作られていた種のテントでした、どれ、確かな保護されたアイネズ。
12. 考えが私に浮かびました。
13. これらは試みに対する議論でした。
14. そのようなものは、1ポイント、あるいは私たちは突き刺される危険があった他のもの上の角のあるジレンマでした。
15. しかし、その後、それは、私がこの世で多くの誤りのうちの1つを作ったということでした。
16. その場合においては、ハンスが心配していた場合、経験を過ぎて忘れて、大失敗をする私の自然な傾向が、もう一人の私のものの上での代わりに判断に依存する形式をとりました。
17. ちょうど彼の臭い頭に対する私の唇を備えたささやきの中で最も小さなものでは、私は、私たちが何を行わなければならないか彼に尋ねて、ハンスの問題を提出したか、あるいは進むか、戻ります。
19. 今、私は、私が訴えた運命の三女神が私に不利なように判決をしており、私が法令を受理しなければならないことを理解しました。
20. そのときでさえ、私は、2つの議論が彼の好みに合うと推測しました。それに1番目は、その終了が何でも、私たちをすべてすり減らったこの耐えられず不断の捜索に終止符を打つために可能な場合、彼が望んだということでした。
21. 私たちが準備(それらはわずかで、単純だった)にしたのと同じ微小のささやきの中で、さいが投げられたこと。
22. もし、私たちが2人のガードマンを殺すことができたならば、の中で、適切、流行やや大きな条件、私、認める目的ははじけるエンドウのように単純だった、一般に、シェルがエンドウの間違った方法および少なくとも1つを割るので、諺にもかかわらず、私の経験の中に全く単純でない、鞘に残りました。
23. 私は、なぜ私たちが彼女を無視したか知らないと確信します;
24. しばしば、私の生活で、私は感じた、恐れた、生来ない、それらのうちの1つ、自分の目的用、危険および激しい冒険を喜ぶ、単に愚かなものは行います、しかしこれに反して状況の圧力、および誰もないも抵抗することができる一種、および誰(試みた)が神経パワーのある秘密積立金によって彼の肉のshrinkingsに打ち勝って、それらによって運ばれたかの水力の力によってそれらを試みることを強いられました。
25. さて、めったに持っていない、私、もっとある、私がこの瞬間にいたよりぎょっとしました。
26. 1分、あるいは非常にその後、右手凶漢、私の人、さらに非常に急激に撹拌されたので、私は、彼は何かを聞いたと思いました。
27. ついに、私たちはそれらの上にいたが、私たちはどこに打つべきであるか正確に分からず知っていたので、休止しました、私たち各自、私たちの最初の風は最後で致命的であるに違いありません。
28. 詳細に、その雲は通過しました。また、弱いアウトラインで、私は、私のAmahaggerの古典的頭が熟睡でお辞儀することを理解しました。
29. 風は直線で真実でした;
30. 別の人が彼のロングレッグ(それらは私の膝を打った)を蹴って以来、ハンスが同じようにうまくやったように見えました。
31. 斧を回復して、私は前に徐行し、カーテンのような敷物あるいは毛布を開きました、私は知らない、それらはそうでした、その覆われたアイネズ。(それは私の手からねじられました)
33. 「はい。」(全く)(彼女は後ろにささやき起き始めました。)
34. この瞬間では、ぞっとさせるような叫び声は、そのエコーが次第に弱まった数年後、私は書いていますが、地球、および天(今さえ、私が気絶を感じるメモリの叫び声)を満たすように見えました。
35. 私は、空(彼の手(彼女はそれは彼女を殺害するために使用されるところであると思った)の中の暗殺者と黄色の悪魔のように見えて、彼女を監督するハンス)の背景に対して誰(急に起きる)が知覚したかはJaneeから来たと直ちに言ったほうがよい。
36. したがって、自制を欠いて、彼女は肺を求めて、最多の活発な方法で悲鳴をあげました、優れていた、そしてゲームは上がっていました。
37. 即座に、火を回って眠っているすべての人は、Janeeの叫び声のエコー立ち上がって飛び、エコーの方向に急ぎました。
39. その後、私は、潅木へ後ろに逃走しました。ハンスはそれに既に達していました。
