my personal critics of the Moive & TV

Jarheads & Saw II 先週観た映画 : ジャーヘッド&ソウ2

2005-11-08 05:16:14 | Weblog
SAW II ; Jigsaw is back, back again. Eight strangers with unaware of their connection to each other, forced to play out a game.

It was less surprised ending than the first one. Jigsaw was there from the beginning of the movie that made me less interesting. it's just a lot of bloody scene. I wasn't scared at all.

Jarhead ; Anthony Swoff, a third-generation enlistee, from a sobering stint in boot camp to active duty, sporting a sniper's rifle and a hundred-pound ruck on his back through Middle East deserts with no cover from intolerable heat or from Iraqi soldiers, always potentially just over the next horizon.(

There's no battle scene in this movie. This is a drama, do not expect this like a movie, Rambo. Chris Cooper played just few minutes. you may know how the Gulf War was ended in 90s'.. it was actually finised as is.




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Wake up,movie makers! (OSHIRI)
2005-11-08 06:24:18
God,I am so fed up by the movies this year.However,I still have the spirit,so I am gonna stick till I see a really good movie.I am expecting "king kong".

I saw "saw II".The only thing I wanna say is that "oh, yeah,there will be blood",same as what Jigsaw said in the movie.It's not as genius as "saw I",but,no shit,there's really a lot of blood.I think the producer should stop here and don't even think about making money from "saw III" because the story is geting dry.

"Jarhead" is ok.The good in this movie is the actors and there is no wasting time on something unnecessary.And I found that a guy who plays Eminem's friend also plays this movie as Jake Gylenhaal's collegue.

I heard radio station this morning.They said that Leonardo DiCarprio has audition this film for Jake Gylenhaal's role.God,fortunately Sam Mendes didn't take him.Otherwise,this movie will be different.
たのむぜ映画製作者! (おしりさん)
2005-11-08 06:33:11



たしか自分の足を銃で撃っちゃうヤツ。。 ところでこの作品、レオナルド・ディカプリオ君がオーディションを受けたっていうけど

監督が彼を選ばなくて良かったあ。 もし起用してたら違う映画になってたでしょう。

I see なるほど (管理人)
2005-11-08 06:41:31
what you are talking about the actor is a guy who shot his foot himself in M&M movie, 8 miles ? am I right?

I agree I wouldn't see this movie if Decaprio played. I don't like this punk ass.




Mighty Oshiri (OSHIRI)
2005-11-08 23:48:17
Yup,that's the guy in "8 mile".

I don't like Leonardo's acting.I like Jacl Black.He is so funny and he rocks!
Mighty Oshiri again (Oshiri)
2005-11-08 23:49:52
Correction:Jack Black,spelling mistake.

I am sorry,Jack.