toshimitsuサービス(toshimitsu Service )



6 コメント

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Today's Saying (Turikichi-Gohei)
2014-01-30 09:53:34
When PM Noda declared nationalization of Senkaku islands , Japanese Govt. should construct the harbor and observation post there.
Japanese Govt. hesitated what to do, because riots broke out in China.
Saying (Jinteki Srvice)
2014-01-30 20:09:15
I am hesitating to speak for a youg girl.
I am speaking to hide my real intention.
This Saying is no fitting to me " He who hesitates is lost. "
STAP細胞 (釣り吉五平)
2014-01-30 21:11:22
Saying (Jinteki Service)
2014-01-30 21:26:20
I like always this proverd
" The darkest hour is that before the dawn. "
( 窮すれば通ず。)
" Necessity is the mother of invention. "
( 必要は発明の母である。)
Unknown (lazy boy)
2014-01-31 20:30:28
I'm just a timid boy, so I always like to hesitate to contribute any comment to this website.
Unknown (Mr. Lazy.)
2014-01-31 20:46:34
I'm one of supporters to Gohei-san's comment listed here above, and I'm allowed to add one comment, it's that Obokata's breakthrough of this way of creating STAP cell seems to be simple, fast and cheap, besides her achievement looks incredibly promissing.
