英語でアウトプット!Let's output in English!

Hoping to improve my English.

An aboveground subway ride to a job interview

2017-08-08 19:21:14 | 日記
I took a subway “Tozai Line” for the first time in more than two decades.
Since I wanted to witness how the train would go into the underground tunnel, I turned my body so that I could see outside as soon as the train left the station “Nishifunabasi”.
Oh, my gosh!
It took more than 20 minutes until it went underground, just one station before the station I was to get off.

I took a job interview today, and on my way home I got the result by telephone.
It was so quick and I answered the phone in the train, being afraid of hearing “I’m sorry, you couldn’t get the job …”
This time it was a good news, although I’m a little afraid that they will change their minds.
I tend to get negative once in a while.

At last I can utilize my English ability and Excel skill, although the one and half hour commuting time is hard.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I won’t have much time to prepare for TOEIC in September.