英語でアウトプット!Let's output in English!

Hoping to improve my English.

The PC is in an extremely precarious position.

2017-08-01 08:30:06 | 日記
I’m so happy to be able to write this now.
Yesterday, when I switched on the family PC, it didn’t start working.
I got frozen for a while, trying to recall what I did with the PC the day before and to figure out what can be done next.
Then, I pulled myself together and started unplugging and plugging its AD adapter cord from the PC and the wall socket.
It didn’t work.
One idea flashed into my mind, when I was about to go to my father’s place and tell him, “The PC broke down and we need get a new one!”
I took out a battery from the back of the PC, gave it back, and plugged in the outlet.
As soon as the switch was turned on, the PC started.
I have no idea what was wrong or good, but the PC is fine now.