英語で活かすあなたのキャリア 『ジャパントゥデイジョブ』


募集職種:フロントエンドウェブデベロッパー, HTML/グラフィックデザイナー

2010-10-29 15:54:07 | 就職・転職情報(日本)
JAPAN JOBS ジャパンジョブズ
バイリンガルな日本人、外国人 求人 情報

募集職種:フロントエンドウェブデベロッパー, HTML/グラフィックデザイナー









ブログパーツ アクセス解析

GaijinPot is the #1 Jobs and Lifestyle Website for Foreigners in Japan
GaijinPot, launched in 1999, is the leading jobs and living resources site for foreigners in Japan and people interested in coming to Japan to live and work. The site includes a free resume posting and job application service, classified ads, apartment search, hundreds of pages of information about living in Japan, and lively discussion forums.

蓋錦波特 (GaijinPot),创建于1999年,是日本领先的集多种信息资源优势的针对在日以及计划来日的外国人的专业人力资源和生活资源信息服务机构。它不仅提供免费上载简历,求职功能,并且提供其他各种关于日本的分类生活信息,广告和论坛。


GaijinPot est le site de référence pour la recherche d’emploi et les informations dédiées aux étrangers vivant au Japon.

Créé en 1999, GaijinPot est la source d’information

privilégiée des étrangers vivant au Japon ainsi que des personnes intéressées à venir vivre et travailler au Japon.

Le site offre notamment un service de recherche d’emploi gratuit ainsi que des petites annonces, annonces immobilières, des centaines de pages d’informations sur la vie au Japon et des forums interactifs.

GaijinPot è il miglior sito per gli stranieri sul lavoro e la vita in Giappone.

GaijinPot, in rete dal 1999, è il primo sito d’informazione per gli stranieri in Giappone e per le persone interessate a venire a vivere e lavorare in Giappone.

Il sito comprende un servizio gratuito per cercare lavoro, annunci economici, annunci immobiliari, centinaia di pagine sulla vita in Giappone e forum interattivi.

GaijinPot ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan und bietet eine erstklassige Auswahl an Stellenangeboten fuer Ausländer, die in Japan leben

Seit 1999 ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan nicht nur die erste Anlaufstelle fuer Auslaender, die bereits in Japan leben sondern auch eine erstklassige Informationsquelle fuer Interessenten, die nach Japan kommen, um dort zu leben und zu arbeiten. Das Portal bietet umfassende kostenlose Dienste rund um den Beruf und die Karriere an. Ausserdem bietet die Seite die Rubriken Privatanzeigen, Wohnungsmarkt und ein Forum mit einer Vielzahl von Themen/Informationen ueber das Leben in Japan.


2010-10-29 15:50:45 | お知らせ

10月21日、「アフターセブン」が大盛況で幕を閉じました。 エグゼクティブや企業幹部を含む550名のビジネスマンの方々にお越し頂き、大変豪華でスタイリッシュなXEX日本橋でのひとときを楽しんで頂きました。




そして今回は、2008年に「Diesel U Music Japan」で日本代表として選抜されTHE NOBISのライブパフォーマンスや、プロゴルファーのベンギャロウェイによるゴルフレッスンも催され、皆様に楽しいひとときを過ごして頂きました。




2010-10-29 13:26:05 | 就職・転職情報(日本)
JAPAN JOBS ジャパンジョブズ
バイリンガルな日本人、外国人 求人 情報










ブログパーツ アクセス解析

GaijinPot is the #1 Jobs and Lifestyle Website for Foreigners in Japan
GaijinPot, launched in 1999, is the leading jobs and living resources site for foreigners in Japan and people interested in coming to Japan to live and work. The site includes a free resume posting and job application service, classified ads, apartment search, hundreds of pages of information about living in Japan, and lively discussion forums.

蓋錦波特 (GaijinPot),创建于1999年,是日本领先的集多种信息资源优势的针对在日以及计划来日的外国人的专业人力资源和生活资源信息服务机构。它不仅提供免费上载简历,求职功能,并且提供其他各种关于日本的分类生活信息,广告和论坛。


GaijinPot est le site de référence pour la recherche d’emploi et les informations dédiées aux étrangers vivant au Japon.

Créé en 1999, GaijinPot est la source d’information

privilégiée des étrangers vivant au Japon ainsi que des personnes intéressées à venir vivre et travailler au Japon.

Le site offre notamment un service de recherche d’emploi gratuit ainsi que des petites annonces, annonces immobilières, des centaines de pages d’informations sur la vie au Japon et des forums interactifs.

GaijinPot è il miglior sito per gli stranieri sul lavoro e la vita in Giappone.

GaijinPot, in rete dal 1999, è il primo sito d’informazione per gli stranieri in Giappone e per le persone interessate a venire a vivere e lavorare in Giappone.

Il sito comprende un servizio gratuito per cercare lavoro, annunci economici, annunci immobiliari, centinaia di pagine sulla vita in Giappone e forum interattivi.

GaijinPot ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan und bietet eine erstklassige Auswahl an Stellenangeboten fuer Ausländer, die in Japan leben

Seit 1999 ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan nicht nur die erste Anlaufstelle fuer Auslaender, die bereits in Japan leben sondern auch eine erstklassige Informationsquelle fuer Interessenten, die nach Japan kommen, um dort zu leben und zu arbeiten. Das Portal bietet umfassende kostenlose Dienste rund um den Beruf und die Karriere an. Ausserdem bietet die Seite die Rubriken Privatanzeigen, Wohnungsmarkt und ein Forum mit einer Vielzahl von Themen/Informationen ueber das Leben in Japan.

在日商工会議所求人ネットワークイーセントラル 求職者向け情報

2010-10-28 17:12:59 | 就職・転職情報(日本)

求職者向け情報「インターナショナル」から 「グローバル」へ。



* 歯科治療製品プロダクト・マネージャー *
港区, Tokyo Dentsply-Sankin K.K. 年収500-800万円


* Sales *

Chuo-ku, Tokyo Hydac KK 年収600-800万円

Hydac KK is a 100% subsidiary of Hydac International (Germany), a global supplier of industrial equipment and systems. We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic experienced sales persons, to reinforce our team...

* Executive Search Consultant (Tokyo)

Various locations around Tokyo East West Consulting

As the largest executive search firm in Japan, EWC offers a fast track career with a high earning potential and an opportunity to work with top multinational companies. We are currently looking...

* Office Administrative Support Professional

Tokyo, Tokyo Shahani Associates Limited 月収17-21万円

Shahani Associates /The Insurance Group Two Brands-One Company (Finance and Insurance Recruitment since 2005) Putting People First Off...

* English Immersion Japan Sales Rep

Tokyo, Kanagawa English Immersion Japan


* Sales Manager

渋谷区, Tokyo First Advantage Japan 年収500万円

First Advantage は、アジア太平洋地域で最大のエンプロイメント・スクリーニングを扱う企業です。オーストラリア、中国(北京, 上海, 珠海)、香港、インド(ムンバイ, チェンナイ, デリー, バンガロール)、日本、韓国、マレーシア、フィリピン、シンガポールの14箇所...
* Client Manager / Researcher– FADV Japan

渋谷区, Tokyo First Advantage Japan 年収300万円

クライアント・マネジャー / リサーチャー– FADV Japan First Advantage は、アジア太平洋地域で最大のエンプロイメント・スクリーニングを扱う企業です。オーストラリア、中国(北京, 上海, 珠海)、香港、インド(ムンバイ, チェンナイ, デリー, ...


* 11330HT AVP、OTCデリバティブ | AVP of OTC Derivatives

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収1200-1400万円
* 11432GB シニア Linux エンジニア | Senior Linux Engineer

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収1200-1800万円
* 11453JD 内部監査役 | Internal Auditor

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収1600-1800万円
* 11508AP AM コンプライアンス オフィサー | AM Compliance Officer

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収1000-1500万円
* 11518HT ストラクチャードファイナンスオペレーション | Structured Finance Operation

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-800万円
* 11522HH シニアストアマネージャー(複数店舗管理) | Senior Store Manager

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収500-550万円
* 11540KN フィールドマーケティングスペシャリスト | Field Marketing Specialist

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収500-700万円
* 【東南アジア出身者】営業アシスタント ・ベトナム、タイ、マレーシア、パキスタン籍の出身者歓迎 *

中央区, Tokyo 【東南アジア出身者】鉄鋼貿易会社の営業アシスタント 年収350-500万円





2010-10-28 16:02:04 | 就職・転職情報(日本)
JAPAN JOBS ジャパンジョブズ
バイリンガルな日本人、外国人 求人 情報

給与:時給1,300 - 2,000円









ブログパーツ アクセス解析

GaijinPot is the #1 Jobs and Lifestyle Website for Foreigners in Japan
GaijinPot, launched in 1999, is the leading jobs and living resources site for foreigners in Japan and people interested in coming to Japan to live and work. The site includes a free resume posting and job application service, classified ads, apartment search, hundreds of pages of information about living in Japan, and lively discussion forums.

蓋錦波特 (GaijinPot),创建于1999年,是日本领先的集多种信息资源优势的针对在日以及计划来日的外国人的专业人力资源和生活资源信息服务机构。它不仅提供免费上载简历,求职功能,并且提供其他各种关于日本的分类生活信息,广告和论坛。


GaijinPot est le site de référence pour la recherche d’emploi et les informations dédiées aux étrangers vivant au Japon.

Créé en 1999, GaijinPot est la source d’information

privilégiée des étrangers vivant au Japon ainsi que des personnes intéressées à venir vivre et travailler au Japon.

Le site offre notamment un service de recherche d’emploi gratuit ainsi que des petites annonces, annonces immobilières, des centaines de pages d’informations sur la vie au Japon et des forums interactifs.

GaijinPot è il miglior sito per gli stranieri sul lavoro e la vita in Giappone.

GaijinPot, in rete dal 1999, è il primo sito d’informazione per gli stranieri in Giappone e per le persone interessate a venire a vivere e lavorare in Giappone.

Il sito comprende un servizio gratuito per cercare lavoro, annunci economici, annunci immobiliari, centinaia di pagine sulla vita in Giappone e forum interattivi.

GaijinPot ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan und bietet eine erstklassige Auswahl an Stellenangeboten fuer Ausländer, die in Japan leben

Seit 1999 ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan nicht nur die erste Anlaufstelle fuer Auslaender, die bereits in Japan leben sondern auch eine erstklassige Informationsquelle fuer Interessenten, die nach Japan kommen, um dort zu leben und zu arbeiten. Das Portal bietet umfassende kostenlose Dienste rund um den Beruf und die Karriere an. Ausserdem bietet die Seite die Rubriken Privatanzeigen, Wohnungsmarkt und ein Forum mit einer Vielzahl von Themen/Informationen ueber das Leben in Japan.

在日商工会議所求人ネットワークイーセントラル 求職者向け情報

2010-10-27 16:23:56 | 就職・転職情報(日本)

求職者向け情報「インターナショナル」から 「グローバル」へ。


* Government Affairs Specialist

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Aflac International Inc.

Aflac International Inc. in Tokyo is looking for a Government Affairs Specialist to handle a wide range of duties as a member of a highly-effective government relations team. Aflac -- the #1... もっと見る »

西区, Osaka Novadec Japon K. K (Decathlon Japan) 年収400-650万円

• Japanese market research (technology, products etc) regarding sports-related equipments and health-care machines. • Making proposition of new products toward French HQ: conception of products, components etc. • Product development including sched... もっと見る »
* Qualitative Marketing Researcher

Setagaya-ku, Tokyo FLAMINGO Tokyo 年収420万円

We are looking for: An ambitious, multilingual (at least written and spoken Japanese and English) person not necessarily familiar with our field, but willing to learn, energetic and enthusiastic. Naturally, professional experience... もっと見る »
* Senior Technical Consultant-Communications Global Business U

Various locations around Tokyo Oracle Japan 年収500-800万円

Job Description SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES (Outline specific tasks/responsibilities of the role) 1.Present technical solutions in an artic... もっと見る »
* グローバル人事

Various locations around Tokyo Pasona Global 年収600-1000万円

☆☆大手商社にて、グローバル人事ポジション募集中です☆☆ <企業情報> 【資本金】 1603億円【売上高】 5兆円 (年月期)【従業員】 2,300名【事業内容】 総合商社 【企業の特徴】総合商社として、国内および海外との取引、事業投融資、... もっと見る »
* Manager, Business Development

千代田区, Tokyo Economist Group

Business Unit Economist Corporate Network Reporting to: Corporate Network Director, Japan Job Summary Affiliated with The Econ... もっと見る »
* Escalation Engineer

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Terilogy Co. Ltd 年収300-500万円

Escalation Engineer Company: Terilogy Co., Ltd. Location: Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo Japanese Level: Fluent(JLPT Level 2) Job Description... もっと見る »
* 法務・コンプライアンス *

港区, Tokyo MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収400万円

【募集職種】法務・コンプライアンス【仕事内容】・国際契約などに関する法的検討、契約書作成サポート、契約締結交渉サポート、その他各種リーガルサポート・上記各案件に関する社内意思決定サポート・国際法務業務に関する情報提供をはじめ、ノムラグループのコンプライアンス向上に関わる... もっと見る »
* チーフバイヤー *

目黒区, Tokyo MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収450万円

【募集職種】チーフバイヤー(商品ディレクター) 【仕事内容】婦人服2ブランドを全国54店舗展開、婦人服の輸入・製造・販売しているアパレルメーカー・ブランドコンセプトの確立 ・商品計画立案&実行推進 ・インポート及び国内バイヤーのマネジメント ・仕入開拓(インポート... もっと見る »
* 経理(韓国語必須) *

川崎市高津区, Kanagawa メーカーで経理 年収350-400万円

【仕事内容】リチウムイオン電池用セパレータフィルムの製造、販売会社で業務量増による増員です。経理スタッフ募集です。経理全般のお仕事をお願いします。【雇用身分】正社員【業種】経理【交通アクセス】JR南武線武蔵溝ノ口駅【勤務時間】08:30-17:30 【残業】多少あ... もっと見る »
* Executive Officer for Marketing & Sales and E-Commerce

世田谷区, Tokyo Otto Japan

Otto Japan is a member of the Otto Group, and one of Japan’s leading multi-channel retailers of fashion and exclusive lifestyle products. Based on the Otto Group's expertise and vast network with... もっと見る »
* システムエンジニア - Systems Engineer (Native Japanese Communication Skills) *

Various locations around Tokyo Acme Packet 年収700万円

Systems Engineer - Japan Job Description Responsibilities: Work with customers to create and execute test plans for their specific Acme Packet network deployments. Configure and troubleshoot the system on site as well as provide... もっと見る »
* Sales Assistant

渋谷区, Tokyo First Advantage Japan 年収350-450万円

First Advantage は、アジア太平洋地域で最大のエンプロイメント・スクリーニングを扱う企業です。オーストラリア、中国(北京, 上海, 珠海)、香港、インド(ムンバイ, チェンナイ, デリー, バンガロール)、日本、韓国、マレーシア、フィリピン、シンガポールの14箇所... もっと見る »
* CRM On Demand Customer Advocate *

Minato, Tokyo Oracle Japan 年収500-1000万円
* Solution Sales *

Tokyo, Tokyo Oracle Japan 年収500万円


* 11602KN 研究開発スタッフ(コンクリート混和剤)| R&D staff (Concrete)

Various locations around Kanagawa Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-1000万円
* 11377DS プロダクト マネージャー | Product Manager

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-1000万円
* 11580DA オートリース 営業担当 | Auto Lease Sales Representative

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収300-550万円
* 11601KN サービスオペレーショングループマネジャー | Service Operation Group Manager

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収700-900万円
* 11627KY Purchasing Coordinator

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収400-450万円
* 11421HT Associate of Risk Management

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-750万円
* 11470BW マーケティング マネージャー | Marketing Manager

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-800万円
* 11472HS Manager - Internal Control

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収900-1100万円
* 11473HS Senior Consultant

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収700-900万円
* 11562SP エクイティ/プログラムトレーディング フロントオフィス 開発者 | Equity/Program Trading Front Office Developer

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収1000-1500万円
* 11582DA アカウント マネージャー | Account Manager

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-1100万円
* 11584AP 銀行・ファイナンス アソシエート | Banking & Finance Associate

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収1300-1600万円
* 11594HS Supply Chain Analytics Analyst

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-700万円
* 11595HS IT Manager

Various locations around Kanagawa Specialized Group K.K. 年収800-900万円
* 11596DSA コントラクトマネジメント シニアスペシャリスト | Senior Specialist, Contract Management

Various locations around Tokyo Specialized Group K.K. 年収600-800万円
* Project Manager *

Minato-ku, Tokyo Navix Co., Ltd 年収500万円
* ヘルプデスク

Various locations around Tokyo Navix Co., Ltd 月収23-25万円
* SAP FI/CO consultant

Various locations around Tokyo Navix Co., Ltd
* SAP PP consultant (1)

Various locations around Tokyo Navix Co., Ltd 月収1円
* SAP PP consultant (2) - Hukushima

Various locations around Fukushima Navix Co., Ltd
* Account Executive

Various locations around Tokyo Vision Consulting Services K.K. 年収600-800円
* Relationship Associate -- Finance & Investement Banking Field.

Various locations around Tokyo Vision Consulting Services K.K. 年収400-500円
* ソフトウェア・エンジニア/システム・アナリスト

Various locations around Tokyo Vision Consulting Services K.K. 年収500-1000円
* 業務プロセス・コンサルタント(ERP)

Various locations around Tokyo Vision Consulting Services K.K. 年収650-1000円
* Enterprise Sales Manager (製造又は金融クライアント)

横浜, Kanagawa Vision Consulting Services K.K. 年収1200-1700円
* Financial Analyst

Osaka, Osaka Pasona Global 年収550-650万円
* Webシステムの上級開発エンジニア *

渋谷区, Tokyo MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収400万円
* 設計・開発 アプリケーションエンジニア

横浜市, Kanagawa MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収700万円
* 特許・知的財産関連(知的財産スタッフ職) *

港区, Tokyo MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収300万円
* 法人向け提案営業 *

千代田区, Tokyo MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収300万円
* インポートバイヤー *

目黒区, Tokyo MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収340万円
* 会計

Various locations around North Vietnam ベトナム工場での会計職
* 製紙会社タイ工場にて工場設備管理職(機械

Various locations around Thailand MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収130万円
* 製紙会社タイ工場にて商品開発、研究職

Various locations around Thailand MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収130万円
* 製紙会社タイ工場にて工場設備管理職(電気)

Various locations around Thailand MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収130万円
* 製紙会社タイ工場にて総務マネージャー候補

Various locations around Thailand MANNET Co.,Ltd 年収130万円
* 海外営業(欧米向けの営業) *

豊島区, Tokyo 海外セールス 年収600万円
* 生産管理(中国語ネイティブ) *

Various locations around China プラスチック製品の製造メーカー 月収10-16万円
* 経営幹部候補(中国語ネイティブ) *

Various locations around China 繊維商社の中国法人 月収200-300万円
* 欧米向けの営業(理工系) *

豊島区, Tokyo 海外セールス 年収600万円
* 【東南アジア出身者】営業アシスタント ・ベトナム、タイ、マレーシア、パキスタン籍の出身者歓迎 *

中央区, Tokyo 【東南アジア出身者】鉄鋼貿易会社の営業アシスタント 年収350-500万円




募集職種:総合職 (不動産賃貸)

2010-10-27 15:53:03 | 就職・転職情報(日本)
JAPAN JOBS ジャパンジョブズ
バイリンガルな日本人、外国人 求人 情報

募集職種:総合職 (不動産賃貸)









ブログパーツ アクセス解析

GaijinPot is the #1 Jobs and Lifestyle Website for Foreigners in Japan
GaijinPot, launched in 1999, is the leading jobs and living resources site for foreigners in Japan and people interested in coming to Japan to live and work. The site includes a free resume posting and job application service, classified ads, apartment search, hundreds of pages of information about living in Japan, and lively discussion forums.

蓋錦波特 (GaijinPot),创建于1999年,是日本领先的集多种信息资源优势的针对在日以及计划来日的外国人的专业人力资源和生活资源信息服务机构。它不仅提供免费上载简历,求职功能,并且提供其他各种关于日本的分类生活信息,广告和论坛。


GaijinPot est le site de référence pour la recherche d’emploi et les informations dédiées aux étrangers vivant au Japon.

Créé en 1999, GaijinPot est la source d’information

privilégiée des étrangers vivant au Japon ainsi que des personnes intéressées à venir vivre et travailler au Japon.

Le site offre notamment un service de recherche d’emploi gratuit ainsi que des petites annonces, annonces immobilières, des centaines de pages d’informations sur la vie au Japon et des forums interactifs.

GaijinPot è il miglior sito per gli stranieri sul lavoro e la vita in Giappone.

GaijinPot, in rete dal 1999, è il primo sito d’informazione per gli stranieri in Giappone e per le persone interessate a venire a vivere e lavorare in Giappone.

Il sito comprende un servizio gratuito per cercare lavoro, annunci economici, annunci immobiliari, centinaia di pagine sulla vita in Giappone e forum interattivi.

GaijinPot ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan und bietet eine erstklassige Auswahl an Stellenangeboten fuer Ausländer, die in Japan leben

Seit 1999 ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan nicht nur die erste Anlaufstelle fuer Auslaender, die bereits in Japan leben sondern auch eine erstklassige Informationsquelle fuer Interessenten, die nach Japan kommen, um dort zu leben und zu arbeiten. Das Portal bietet umfassende kostenlose Dienste rund um den Beruf und die Karriere an. Ausserdem bietet die Seite die Rubriken Privatanzeigen, Wohnungsmarkt und ein Forum mit einer Vielzahl von Themen/Informationen ueber das Leben in Japan.

Ryuichi Sakamoto + YMO

2010-10-27 15:35:03 | ブログ記事
Ryuichi Sakamoto + YMO


Twenty-seven years ago Ryuichi Sakamoto made his not-quite-so-thrilling acting debut in Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, opposite David Bowie, Tom Conti and Jack Thompson. He also composed the soundtrack.

We’re not here now to talk dramatics, since Sakamoto let his acting career slide. It’s the man’s music, including many more film scores, that has continued to flourish.

“Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence was actually the first movie for which I created music,” Sakamoto is quick to point out. “I’ve liked movies since I was a kid, but I never imagined I’d compose music for them.”

Well before techno and house music, there was Yellow Magic Orchestra – a Japanese trio subsequently cited in the same sentence as ‘70s peers Kraftwerk, Cabaret Voltaire, Can, Throbbing Gristle and Tangerine Dream.

More recently they’ve been appearing on Japanese tellies to promote chocky treats Pocky, from local brand Ezaki Glico – first sold in 1966, the treat is a thin sliver of biscuit stick coated with chocolate, and you can check out the commercial here:

While these days YMO may be hawking popular snacks, three decades ago these above-mentioned bands improvised experiments with new-fangled synthesizers and analogue electronic gadgetry that eventually inspired a deluge of DJs, producers and bands across the globe to lay down the club sounds we now take for granted.

Sakamoto was a principle member of YMO, but it’s obvious he’s laid that legacy to rest rather than continue banking on yesterday’s glories.

“That’s in the past,” he confirms with a laugh.

“What can I say? There isn’t anything enlightening to add, except that my relationship’s still good with the other two members of YMO.”

After the wide-girth, experiential YMO years, conforming to a structured musical palette would be a difficult detour to take – something Sakamoto confirms.

“At the time I had no idea what I could refer to so I asked Jeremy Thomas, a British producer, and he recommended Citizen Kane. When I now contemplate Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, I’m not sure if the soundtrack succeeds as film music – but the director, Nagisa Oshima, encouraged me to produce it my own way without any inhibitions so it ended up rather like my solo music.”

Sakamoto subsequently scored three movies for Bernardo Bertolucci, starting in 1987 with The Last Emperor – for which he shared the Oscar with David Byrne and Cong Su – and winding up with Little Buddha (1993).

“When you create a soundtrack of course you care about emotion,” Sakamoto says, “but I’m equally intrigued with the actors and other elements within the movie – like the actor’s eyes, a slight movement of someone’s moustache; those things are vital to me. I want to paint the structure of the story through music even though this isn’t always required by a director.”

More recently Sakamoto composed the sound track for Women Without Men.

“It was awarded the Silver Lion at last year’s Venice Film Festival,” Sakamoto enthuses, quite obviously excited by the filmmakers.

“Shirin Neshat is an Iranian artist, originally involved in the visual arts, and this is the first fiction film she’s made – for which I did the music.”

Given Ryuichi Sakamoto’s long-term experience, it would be educational to understand how one annotates a line between the creation of a soundtrack and producing one’s own music for an audio release. The man’s response reveals that this lineation itself is blurred; it’s the people involved who make a difference.

“Both are my music, so there’s not so much dissimilarity,” Sakamoto muses.

“However, when it comes to doing a soundtrack there are clients, such as directors, and what they require is of principle concern. In that case it doesn’t matter how much I love the work I develop – if they don’t like it, that score goes straight into the trash. This is the major difference. Then we also have different taste and preferences and things may not always gel, so there is quite the added tension. By contrast, if it’s my own music I make the decisions and never have to deal with this kind of stress.”

The collaborative fusion of the two is key, however.

“Bringing them together is enriching because the odd demands of a film score force you to think outside your usual comfort zone, in order to meet the challenge; this is an essential experience for me as a musician.”

On the new release Playing the Piano Sakamoto combines twelve of his best known pieces, much of the content film music from Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, The Sheltering Sky and The Last Emperor. It’s been rendered far simpler as the album title suggests – recorded from live performances in Japan by the man behind the music, utilizing just a piano.

The album even comes with a bonus disc, Out of Noise, which is Sakamoto’s first solo studio opus in five years. Comparing this with Playing the Piano is like comparing milk-based food products and soft, white, porous sedimentary rock; they’re that diverse.

Out of Noise is a complicated journey that’s at times sublime, ethereal and prescient; at others the mood is challenging and focused, like an icy exercise in yoga meditation.

While the ageing process causes other avant-garde musicians to lose touch – or to shift into safer parts of the mainstream – Sakamoto continues to bracket himself with current musical concepts, technology and ideology, and he’s embraced the digital age as much as he did its analogue predecessor 30 years ago.

Yet you have to backtrack further still to uncover Sakamoto’s favourite movie soundtrack.

Without a moment’s hesitation he selects Nino Rota’s score for Federico Fellini’s La Strada (1954).

“That movie is fantastic and the music is superb,” he appraises.

Big thanks to Yoko for doing most of the work here, and to Filmink for organizing.

A Hooter here and a Hooter there

2010-10-27 15:30:29 | ブログ記事
A Hooter here and a Hooter there

Japan’s first Hooters restaurant and sports bar opens at Tokyu Plaza by Akasakamitsuke subway station on Monday night. It has taken nearly five years of negotiations between Hooters Japan and the company’s head office in Atlanta to bring the famous franchise to Japan. Since the first Hooters opened in 1983 in Florida, the company has expanded to now operate in 455 locations in 44 U.S. states and 28 countries.

In Japan, the brand’s logo, uniform, menu and ambiance will be the same as back in the U.S., as will the menu of seafood, sandwiches, salads and spicy chicken wings. And of course, no Hooters would be complete without the famous sexy Hooters girls.

[Hooters Japan girls]

These are busy times for Mitsuo Tanabe, one of the partners of Hooters Japan. Originally from Tokyo, Tanabe joined hooters Japan four years ago after having spent 18 years at McDonald’s Japan as a store manager and operations manager.

We visited the Hooters restaurant to get an eyeful and hear more about the business.

Why has it taken so long for Hooters to open its first restaurant in Japan?

I think the headquarters in the U.S. spent a long time making a decision because they were very sensitive about which company should get the franchise and what the potential for Japan might be. They didn’t want to pick a company that operated nightclubs or cabarets, for example, and they didn’t want a company that already ran several restaurants. They turned down offers from those sorts of companies. What they were looking for was a company that could differentiate Hooters from those nightlife places.

How strict is HQ on the operation in Tokyo?

Of course, they have minimum rules on the concept, menu, uniforms, interior design and so on. They sent a management team over here and some Hooters girls to train our girls.

Is the menu the same as in the U.S.?

Yes, but one small addition is that we offer a pasta lunch here, which is different from the U.S. I think that our customers come here expecting an Americans dining experience. As time goes by, we may think of including some original items for Japanese consumers. We are open from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m., so you can dine all day.

Of course, the image of Hooters has a lot to do with the famous Hooter girls, doesn’t it?

That’s true, but we’re not emphasizing the overt sex appeal of the girls, although, of course, we expect lots of guys to come here to see the girls. It’s not the image of Hooters that we want. Instead, we want to emphasize the restaurant’s qualities as being healthy, friendly and hospitable.

[Hooters Japan]

How many Hooters girls do you have?

We have 40, including 10 foreign girls from the U.S., Europe and other places. We’ll probably hire 10 more. Even before we started advertising for waitresses, girls had seen our home page and we got more than 400 applications from girls of all ages. A lot of them were big fans of Hooters. Some were models and comfortable with the exposure that they’ll get as Hooter girls. Basic English, a friendly manner and good communication skills are the main requirements for the girls.

Will they be eligible for next summer’s Miss Hooters world contest in Florida?

Yes, one Japanese waitress will be selected to represent Hooters Japan at the contest. It won’t be management that picks her. Rather, our VIP customers will vote for the winner.

How hard was it to find this location for your first store?

We were looking for a long time. There are some conditions from head office. Hooters can’t be in a basement and it can’t be up high in a building because those locations are associated more with nightclubs rather than with family restaurants.

[tanabe] What are your expansion plans?

We plan to open one a year until we have 10. The next one will be in Tokyo and then we will start looking at the greater Tokyo metropolitan area. Somewhere like Ginza or Shinagawa would be good. Roppongi is not at the top of our list, although somewhere like Tokyo Midtown would be OK. But we don’t want to be on the main Roppongi street because then the restaurant runs the risk of attracting the wrong sort of people off the streets. We have to think of the girls’ safety.

How are you marketing the restaurant?

We have only done limited advertising, mainly in the Japanese language version of Daytona magazine. That is popular with middle-aged readers who love American culture. We have been fortunate in that many media have come to us. However, our rule is that they do not focus on the Hooter girls.

Amid the recession, is now a good time to open a restaurant?

Yes. For one reason, property prices have gone down, making it easier for us to acquire locations. Another reason is more psychological. Workers have lost their energy. Hooters – with its positive and energetic vibes―will pep them up.

For more information, visit www.hooters.co.jp

Great Value apartments in Tokyo

2010-10-27 15:30:02 | ブログ記事
Great Value apartments in Tokyo

House hunting for a new apartment often comes down to a choice of what you want versus what you can afford. In Japan, it can often come down to a choice of what you want versus what you can afford versus what is available to you as a foreigner.

Navigate that lot and you have to consider the extra upfront fees, reikin or shikikin and the need for a guarantor in case you leave before the term of the contract is up, which leaves a lot of barriers standing in your way and finding a place to call home in Japan.

Instead of jumping through those hoops yourself, many foreigners choose to access a full-service real estate company, where apartments and guest house rooms that are comfortable, clean and safe, well-equipped and nicely situated. These apartments are from a company called Oak House.

Opening shortly, the company has a new division which features specially converted buildings in two new locations, the first in Nishi-Arai and the second in Toyosu.
Oak House – Nishi-Arai

Nishi Arai is the most convenient for travelers as it is located close to Nippori station from which Narita Airport is only 30 minutes away on the Keisei Skyliner. Nishi-Arai is also ideal for a quieter stay in Tokyo while still enjoying subway and JR access to central Tokyo and other areas.

The local area has all modern conveniences you would expect in Tokyo, in addition to several parks. Most famously, it is also home to Nishi-Arai Daishi, a temple of the Buzan branch of Shingon Buddhism and one of the three great temples in the Kantō region along with Kawasaki Daishi and Sano Yakuyoke Daishi. Stay here over the new year and you will find it is one of the most popular spots in Tokyo for families to come and visit during celebrations.

Most houses are equipped with shared kitchens and bathroom/showers, while the new Oak House facilities also have a kitchen and a bath in each room. All houses have a communal lounge area for social gatherings with housemates. Residents are from all over the world, but plenty of Japanese folks choose to stay in them as well. Rooms are well-equipped with AC, refrigerator, and bedding, while kitchens have plenty of cookware and Internet is free.

These rooms offer spacious, fully-equipped apartments of several different types which suit the many varied needs that foreign residents of Tokyo have, all at affordable prices.

You can find out more here.
Oak House: Toyosu

Offering something a bit different, the Oak House in Toyosu is in the east of Tokyo and nearby you will find the newly developed waterfront areas of Ariake and Odaiba.

Tenants who stay here will find the usual, comfortable and spacious rooms, excellent service and a great atmosphere together with the excitement of the nearby locales.

Odaiba is chief amongst these, home as it is to many of Tokyo’s top tourist attractions including Rainbow Bridge, Miraikan musuem, Sega Joypolis amusement center, a separate theme park and the Fuji TV complex. Shoppers are well catered for with the huge Lala Port and Venus Fort shopping malls.

Rooms in the Oak House Toyosu each offer something different in terms of mood and personality, largely due to the mix of fellow residents, as well as location. Some Oak houses are more suited to budget travelers, while some might be better for a student or commuters. Some are highly social, with frequent parties, while others are more intimate and quiet. All houses give residents the opportunity to interact with various folks in Tokyo.

You can find out more here.
Oak House Apartments

Oakwood operates over 117 houses with around 1870 rooms in the Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Saitama areas. 109 properties with a total of 1861 rooms are guest house-style accommodation and 8 properties with 98 rooms are monthly apartments.

Some houses are located right in the heart of busy urban areas like Ueno or Roppongi, while others are a bit off the beaten path, for a quieter and inexpensive experience.

Get in touch with Oakhouse here.

And these are the featured locations:

View Oakwood in a larger map