
S.CAMERON The American Classic VII

2010-10-17 14:57:32 | パター





通常なら「2004 Masters Winner」とか何だとかが入るところですが、ちょうどそのタイミングでミケルソンがODYSSEYとの契約に移行。






『キャメロンさんは他の多くのパターデザイナー同様に、世界でも有数のパターコレクターでもあります。そのキャメロンさんが最も大事にコレクトしているパターはウイルソン8802やジョージロウ等に代表されるフランジパターだそうです。American Classic VIIはそんなキャメロンさんが旧来のフランジパターを研究し、欠点を補い、昇華、純化された芸術作品だとおもいます。キャメロンのフランジパターの歴史は、1995年タイトリストとのコラボレートが始まった年に、CLASSICS NAPAがリリースされてより始まりますが、それ以降に作られたNAPAシリーズと、今回のクラッシックⅦとは一線を画するほど作品のグレードが異なります。(もちろん2005本Ltdと言うことですから)キャメロンさん自身も「(自身が作ったなかのフランジパターとしては)最高傑作」と評しているようで、おそらく手にした人ほとんどが、ため息と賞賛を惜しまないと思います。パターとしての性能も素晴らしく、非常に扱いやすく、かつミスヒットに強いパターに仕上がっています。打感はあくまでソフト、しかしながら重厚なタッチが右手人差し指に伝わり、瞬時に距離感を記憶させてくれます。皮巻きのグリップもとてもいいですね。おそらくキャメロンの歴史において、燦然と輝く逸品になることは間違いないであろうこの American Classic VII、手にする機会がありましたら是非構えてみてください。パターに求められる価値とは何か?と言うものを一瞬にして解からせてしまうだけの存在感、迫力、輝きを体感できると思います。』

更に、SCOTTY CAMERONのウェブサイトより、

Imagine for a moment that you are Scotty Cameron and you are working in the back of the golf shop at Augusta National waiting out a rain delay. As you are working away you hear two voices asking of your whereabouts. Around the corner come Ben C. and Arnold P., both of whom want to commend you on a heel shafted flange putter that you have milled and left in the locker for another player and ask if you could build a similar one for them. It is at this time that you get to pick their brains and get a feeling for just what in their estimation separates a good heel shafted flange model from a bad one. A long conversation ensues and you can then take what you have learned to design one of the best looking and feeling heel shafted flange putter ever made.

Scotty fell in love with the look of the heel shafted flange putter as a high school golfer. He actually got his hands on one his coach owned and was immediately awed by the putters design. The putter Scotty saw that day was a 02 model and he can still vividly remember the shape of the head, the shaft and the oversized wrap grip. He was so in love with that 02 that to this day he still collects that style head. By his own estimation Scotty owns over fifty of this style putter including the first Designed By originally made by none other than A.P.

As a collector of this style head, Scotty quickly came to realize that they were all different from putter to putter. The original Designed By’s and 02 models were forged heads and had to be ground so their shape varied slightly depending on who ground them. In addition they were all very light averaging a C2-C3 swing weight at 35”. So, Scotty combined his own knowledge of the head style as well as the information he gathered from his meeting with A. P. and B.C. and other prominent players that used a heel shafted flange model to design his own refined version of the original 02. The result: The American Classic VII, a carbon steel head plated in Pro Platinum for ultimate feel coupled with added weight and a very soft and flowing look to it. This is the best heel shafted flange Scotty has made to date. The elegant graphics engraved on the sole as well as a classic leather wrap style grip make this putter as pretty to look at as it is effective to play with.

Where did the name American Classic VII come from? The American Classic III released earlier this year is an updated version of the original Classic III made in the early ‘90’s. The Classic VI was the final putter released by Scotty Cameron International. The next putter to be done by Scotty was a heel shafted flange model to be called the Classic VII. Scotty released the putter after merging his company with Titleist under the new name Napa.

The American Classic VII is actually very different from its Napa predecessor. Scotty has significantly refined the shape of the Classic VII. In comparing the two heads Scotty points out that the Napa was very “kinked” in terms of shape. The American Classic VII has a much more flowing look to it and is much more appealing to the eye.

Some have wondered why Scotty decided to release only 2005 pieces. The reality is that while this piece seems to be in high demand there really is just a select few players that desire and benefit from using this style putter. In addition, the head is very difficult to mill and always has been. Scotty never wants to compromise on his craftsmanship so to keep the quality high he wanted to keep the quantity limited.

Sometimes there is so much more to a Scotty Cameron putter than just its great looks and un-matched feel. The American Classic VII is one of those instances. There is a lot of history that has gone into the release of one of Scotty’s favorite head styles of all time. The toughest decision to make with the Classic VII isn’t whether or not you should get one, but if you should put it in your bag or just display this magnificent piece of art.


