Deuce - We Are One

自分の居場所探し: 日本生まれ、アメリカ育ち
Find My Path: Japan born, USA raised

Japan Cherry Boys Club

2007-02-13 | News-ニュース
Japan Cherry Boys Club vows to end innocence by drawing lines, practicing judo
Mainichi Daily
February 1, 2007

Japan's male virgins have given up on the idea of being unwillingly celibate for life and will do their bit to curb the dramatically declining national birthrate, the head of the Japan Cherry Boys Association tells Shukan Josei (2/13).

"We can't depend on the government for everything. We virgins have got to stand up once again and do our bit for the country by tackling the birthrate problem," Nobuyoshi Watanabe, president and founder of the male virgins' club, tells Shukan Josei.

Watanabe, who proudly boasts of never having dated a woman in his entire life, also fills his resume by bragging about being one of the 10 percent of Japanese men aged 40 to 45 who remain virgins.

He formed the virgins' association eight years ago after being rejected by the woman he had fallen in love with. He used the Internet to look for like-minded friends with similar backgrounds and experiences. The association now claims a nationwide membership of 260, all of who have the stated aim of losing their virginity as quickly as possible. But what are they doing about achieving their goal?

"First and foremost, we study. To make sure we have an anatomical background of women, we all draw pictures of female genitalia and critique them," Watanabe tells the women's weekly. "We had one guy who just drew a straight line and said, 'I'm finished.' That's how little we all know. It's really pathetic."

Watanabe says other male virgins practice judo throws so they can hurl their favorite gal to the ground, and a group of 50 club members went on a tour of Tokyo's trendy Shibuya district in the hope of picking up somebody off the streets - a fruitless search, as it turned out.

At least these guys had turned their attention toward the opposite sex. The association is divided into various factions, with the most hard-line virgins believing that love is only something for the world of anime and computer games. One hard-line member, whose fame comes from his claim to have once masturbated 136 times in a single day, elaborates.

"Love today is all something manufactured by the capitalist society. You've got 'clothes for the popular guy' and 'stores for the popular guy' everywhere, but for guys like me who hate spending money, the capitalist society labels us as 'guys who can't get love,'" the left-winger in the left field tells Shukan Josei. "There's no way I'm gonna get suckered into that lifestyle."

Another member of the association said they were sick of feeling sexually frustrated, so bought some female hormones online and now reports on his budding new breasts.

Kumagaya, a man who helps the association but says his experiences render him ineligible for membership, may assist the virgins, but that doesn't necessarily mean he sympathizes with them.

"They're basically all selfish," Kumagaya tells Shukan Josei. "They've got no idea of what others feel like and they have incredibly high ideals. They detest the idea of being rejected by a woman, so they set their sights on unreachable women and then get on their high horse about relationships. 'I'd say very few of them have anything to offer." (By Ryann Connell)


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