

Audrey Hepburn in 「Audrey Style」 (4)

2014-06-28 02:03:04 | 映画(DVD)


「Everyone , it seems , is a fan of Audrey's. She was Gigi , a princess , Holly Golightly , a nun , Maid Marian , even an angel . And we believed her in every role . But Audrey Hepburn was also one of the most admired and emulated women of the twentieth century , who encouraged women to discover and high-light their own strength. By example , she not only changed the way women dress - she forever altered the way they viewed themselves.」


Gigi , a princess , Holly Golightly , a nun , Maid Marian , an angel ・・・


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Audrey Hepburn in 「Audrey Style」 (3)

2014-06-24 00:28:40 | 映画(DVD)

 Like Ralph Lauren, designer Cynthia Rowley first saw Audrey in Roman Holiday ( on television in the early 1970s) and immediately felt a connection with her. “I would look at some of the other stars like Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe, and I would think-there's just no way, I could never be like them. That was a man's idea of beauty, and Audrey was more like a woman's idea of beauty.  It was something that was attainable, that I could identify with."

(Audrey Styleより)


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Audrey Hepburn in 「Audrey Style」 (2)

2014-06-22 17:40:59 | 映画(DVD)

 Audrey loved to cook and eat, possibly because meals were a way to bring her family together and show her love for them. "She cooked like she looked, "says Audrey Wilder. "She was a healthy cook." Audrey herself said she preferred "healthy food, not health food -fresh fruits and vegetables and meats." She felt strongly about quality and quantity.She also thought too many people ate too much. (「Audrey Style」より) 



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Audrey Hepburn in 「Audrey Style」 (1)

2014-06-16 00:07:20 | 映画(DVD)

 「Audrey Style」というタイトルの輸入本を手に入れたのは、どこかの古本屋ですが、定価は6400円のようです。おそらく、1500円以内で入手しています。



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 「Funny Face」 の Fred Astaire

2014-06-12 00:47:05 | 映画(DVD)

 「パリの恋人(1957)」の原題は「Funny Face」で、今なら「ファニー・フェイス」という邦題になっていたかも知れません。

 「Funny Face」は、1927年にヒットしたブロードウェイのミュージカルということで、何曲かは、この時のミュージカルのものが使われているようです。





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