リボーン・ライフ in バギオ - Reborn Life in Baguio, Philippines -


太平洋戦争「フィリピン戦」終結の日 -The day of The War in the Philippines ended.-

2011-09-03 09:03:00 | バギオ Baguio City, Philippines

September 3 is the day that General Tomoyuki Yamashita “Tiger of Malaya” signed the Instrument for Surrender, which completed the surrender of all Japanese Forces in the Philippines and officially ended The War. It was held at Camp John Hay here in Baguio City.



Instrument of Surrender on September 3, 1945 



第十四方面軍軍司令官 山下奉文陸軍大将

南西方面艦隊司令長官 大川内傳七海軍中将



During World War II, Japanese military and political leaders occupied the residence from December 28, 1941, until April 27, 1945, when Allied Forces and Filipino guerrillas liberated the city of Baguio, forcing the Japanese to withdraw into the surrounding mountains. On September 2, 1945, as the Japanese surrendered to Allied Forces in Tokyo, Commander of the Japanese Army in the Philippines, General Tomoyuki Yamashita emerged from hiding in Kiangan to surrender and was brought to Baguio City.


On September 3, 1945 at 11:30, General Yamashita and Vice Admiral Denhici Okochi, Commander of the Japanese Navy in the Philippines, formally surrendered to United States' Forces represented by Major General Edmond H. Leavey, Deputy Commander of the United States Army Forces, Western Pacific.



Camp John Hay is located in Baguio City used for rest and recreation for personnel and dependents of the United States Armed Forces in the Philippines as well as Department of Defense employees and their dependents. It was last run by the United States Air Force.


Camp John Hay’s entrance

This may be taken in 1980’s


The Statue of Liberty in Camp John Hay, Baguio City

Taken on Mar. 30, 2009



Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) “Symphony No. 3 in D minor” 1st mov. “Kräftig. Entschieden”


MahlerSymphony No. 3” 1st mov. Part 1 Leonard Bernstein / Vienna Philharmonic


Mahler “Symphony No. 3” 1st mov. Part 2 Leonard Bernstein / Vienna Philharmonic


Mahler “Symphony No. 3” 1st mov. Part 3 Leonard Bernstein / Vienna Philharmonic


Mahler “Symphony No. 3” 1st mov. Part 4 Leonard Bernstein / Vienna Philharmonic


Leonard Bernstein / Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Christa Ludwig, contralto

Women of the Choir of the Vienna State Opera

Vienna Boy's Choir


マーラー 『交響曲第3 ニ短調』 第1楽章 「力強く・決然と」

レナード・バーンスタイン / ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団


ウィーン国立歌劇場合唱団 / ウィーン少年合唱団

1972 @ Vienna




(Article on September 3, 2010)



(Article on September 3, 2009)