
I report daily life in the child care housewife.


2007-11-27 | diary
My son took his temperature last night, and it was 38℃.
He has a a fever for the first time.
Recently he has a cold.
He has a cough and a runny nose.
I went to the hospital with my son.
He was get a doctor's prescription.
I hope that a cold of my son is cured early.

a simple kitchen of a comfortable living

2007-11-26 | book
I went to the library with my son.
I borrowed four picture books and one essay book.
The title of the essay is "a simple kitchen of a comfortable living".
The book is very interestingv for me.
I long for a simple life.
My home has too many things.
I want to know it what is really necessary.

石黒 智子


Penne all'Arrabbiata

2007-11-25 | diary

This is Penne all'Arrabbiata.
My husband made it.
He's charge made with pasta in my home.
At first he strained some hall tomatoes.
And he fried garlic with olive oil.
He boiled penne.
He made the tomato source with a frying pan.
An eggplant and a mushroom were in there.
He put boiled penne in the frying pan.
The completion.
It was very delicious.


2007-11-01 | diary
The weather is rainy today.
I went to the hospital by car with my son.
The result of the allergic inspection was given.
My son has the allergy of the egg white.
He can't eat eggs to 1 year old.
I can't eat eggs either.
Because he drinks mother's milk.
I do my best with my son.

ひよこクラブ (ベネッセ・ムック―たまひよブックス)

末広 豊,伊藤 節子,宇理須 厚雄

