
秋紀 芳慧 (Yoshie Akinori)

new proto type, Tokyo, & anymore



この日二番手で出演したayami yasuyhoはいくらか緊張気味ではあったものの、これまでやったもののエッセンスを出せたように思います。

Body & Kokyu ワークショップに参加して下さった東京のお客様も見えられてとてもうれしかったです。その方曰く、これから秋紀のみならずayami yasuyhoが開くとのこと。よっしーがんばろう!東京でも活動していけるように作品をつくりたいとメンバー共々気合い入りました。


東京方面の舞台情報も見て回りました。劇場の方から貴重なお話も聞けてとても勉強になりました。これからayami yasuyhoをどうしていきたいのかを考えるいい機会になりました。




最終日にはKARAS APPARATUSでワークショップを体験しました。とっても刺激を受けました。自分ががんばらなあかんと強く思います。



The performance of ayami yasuyho at co-oh in Shinjyuku Tokyo is end.

co-oh is a small theather with lighiting equipment.

In our work, we switched on and turned on the lightsthemselves. We ordered from here and applied the lights this time. That was very good experience. ayami yasuyho performed a "new proto type". Although we were a bit nervous, we got the essence of waht we've done so far.

It was a pleasure to see customers in Tokyo to came our workshop. She told me that ayami yasuyho & Yoshie Akinori is open. We will do best! I would to present works i  Tokyo too.

In the living at the guest house at Tokyo Ohkubo, I couldn't use the kitchen, we ate cold meat first day. And supermaket in  Tokyo's bread is 8 cut plain bread is surprised. In Kansai there are many five cuts, so I looked for a 5 cut plain bread.

We also checked the stage onformation inTokyo. I got a valuable story from the theather ataff and I learned a lot. We thought about what we would like to do with ayami yasuyho from now on.

I checked the CD shop. Experimental music shop "Ftarri" was very beautiful and fashionable. I bought "fillament2".

I thought that the very famuos "ENBAN" was a distaurbed shop, but it was cleaner, I checked various CD & books.

I was badly in the way, so troubling the members. But the people in Tokyo taught us the way kindly.

  I also went to taro Okamoto Memorial Museum we wented to visit from a long time ago.  His house is narrower than I thought. I looked over at his workspace and his graden. We saw the work Noritaka Tatehana' s exhibition. Anyway, it was a house of Taro Okamoto is very powerful space.

On the last day I experienced a workshop at KARAS APPARATAS. I was very stimulated. I strongly felt that I have a hard work.







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