

Cleaning Your Rims With A Pressure Washer

2016-06-29 11:35:26 | 日記

Some people give advice that you shouldn't wash your rims with a pressure washer. Our experience has been that you indeed can use a power washer without causing any damage to your wheel. Just use a washer that can have its pressure adjusted.

You may have discovered that cleaning your car rims by hand can be pretty difficult, but the job can be made a lot easier by properly using a pressure washer.

Cleaning rims using a pressure washer can be superior in eliminating the tough stains of ugly caked-on brake dust and grease from your wheels.

If you don't own a portable pressure washer, you'll be able to buy one at very affordable prices online or at your neighborhood home improvement store.

To do a really good cleaning job you should also purchase a good, non abrasive rim cleaner. There are many top quality brands available online.

It only takes a little bit of rim cleaning solution to effectively clean rims in conjunction with a power washer.

Here's an easy step by step method.

1. Step back a couple of feet and a bit off to the side of the rim then rinse the rim from about 8 inches away. Be sure to spray into the crevices and spray from different angles.

2. Spray the rim using a circular motion around the outside of the wheel and be sure to rinse the tire as well.

3. Put the sprayer wand down and apply tire cleaning solution onto the tire Launch CReader VIII.

4. Using the pressure washer, rinse the whole tire this time from about 5 inches away.

5. Now spray the rim with rim cleaner generously, following label directions. Usually you'll have to leave it sit on the rim for a few minutes to lift the debris.

6. Rinse the cleaner from the rim from about 8 inches away with the pressure washer.


2 launch x431 pro. Always clean the rims before you clean your tires and only clean your wheels after you've cleaned your car body. You don't want all that dirt from the body washing back onto your clean rims.

2. Dry your rims with an old bath towel. Optionally you can apply a light coat of car wax which will keep your rims clean longer and make your next washing easier by reducing the amount of dust that will "stick" to your rims.

So, remember, cleaning your wheels can be done easily and quickly.

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Bob Martin says “Don't buy new rims for your vehicle until you take a serious look at this today

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City Driving by Brenda Williams

2016-06-27 11:26:53 | 日記

City driving is the bane of my existence, and I will be more than glad to tell you why: it's because I own a Jeep. Don't get me wrong- I think that Jeeps are an all-around great vehicle. However, had I realized how much driving I would be doing locally, then I probably would have opted for a different vehicle. That being said, when you are considering purchasing a car for the first time, you absolutely need to make sure that you are doing so knowing what type of driving you will be doing.

Recently, I was discussing my Jeep woes with my father, chalking it up to yet another one of those dumb decisions that people make when they are younger. In any case, now we are trying to look at various ways of getting rid of it, and I discovered that while my pessimism dictates that I won't be able to sell it because it is a sport utility vehicle, there is still hope because it turns out that people love vehicles that have few city miles on it. You see, whenever I have to drive locally, I always make it a point to take the highways whenever I can- and because of where I live, this is not that difficult at all. In fact, I have found that it is incredibly easy to avoid lights all together if I try very hard.

On Long Island, NY (where I am originally from), my father was informing me that there are a TON of people would probably be interested in my Jeep for the sheer fact that almost all of the miles that I have put on it are from highway driving Launch CReader VIII. I still have my doubts, however. If there is anything that I have learned throughout the ordeal of purchasing and owning a car, it is this: pay attention to the stickers on those vehicles! For instance, you may see that someone is trying to sell you a vehicle that is perhaps better suited for someone else. In my own case, had I paid more attention to my driving in the past, I would have known when I went to the dealership that I probably needed a car that was great on gas mileage.

Recently, my boyfriend was tallying up how much money I've spent on gasoline to fuel my Jeep over the past year alone, and then he compared this number to research that he conducted on how much gas mileage other vehicles get. It turns out that I am spending more than twice the amount of money on gasoline for my little Jeep than I would be for an average size sedan. Hearing this just burns me. How incredibly ignorant I had been back then! Now, I am stuck with my current vehicle until I can either find someone to purchase it from me and/or until I pay it off (which is still quite a while away).

Vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, but if you are going to purchase the "right" kind of vehicle to suit your needs and lifestyle, make sure that you take a long, hard look at the kind of life that you lead launch x431 v+. For instance, if you are like me and visit your family out of state often, then you will definitely want a vehicle that is more friendly on your wallet when you go to the pump.

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Choosing the Right Gearing For Riding in the Mountains

2016-06-24 11:50:36 | 日記

A popular holiday choice for road cyclists is a cycling holiday in the French Alps. You can see why - the beautiful scenery of the mountains launch x431 v +, riding some of the iconic Tour de France stages, and experiencing the culture of France, all along with the added bonus of getting fitter!

A lot of cyclists prefer to bring their own bikes as they naturally plan to spend a lot of time in the saddle. If you are set in your ways with regards to how you have your bike set up, the unknown of a hire bike may be a risk you don't want to take (saddles may not suit, the riding position may be different, etc. etc).

However, unless you already live in the mountains, it's not likely that the gearing on your road bike is going to be sufficient. Riding on the flat and short hills needs closely spaced gears in order to maximise the choice at speeds between 15 - 45 km/h (for most people). When you find yourself riding up a 8 - 12% incline that lasts for 10 - 15km however, you'll likely be spending all of your time at less than 15km/h, and you can forget all about 45km/h!

So you will most likely need a lower gearing range to suit the mountains than the one you currently have set up on your bike at home. Of course the gearing that you will need all depends on how fast you are going to ride up the mountains, which in turn depends on a number of factors:

• Your fitness

• The typical gradients or slope of the mountain roads you will be riding

• The weight of you, your bike, and any load you are going to carry

• How long you will be riding fo

Gradients vary depending on where you ride, but mainly in the French Alps you can expect slopes of between 6 - 12% (by comparison the Pyrenees can have gradients up around 20%!).

An ‘average' club cyclist launch crp129, on a road bike without any additional load could expect a minimum speed of approx. 7 km/h. If you would class yourself as ‘not so good' club cyclist, it will probably be around 6 km/h, and if you race regularly at a high level and typically excel on the climbs, think about 9 km/h.

Lastly, if you are carrying a medium load (ie 10 - 20 kilos) take off 1 km/h, and if you are carrying a heavy load (ie 30 - 40 kilos) take off 2 km/h.

Don't forget that at speeds of 4 km/h or less you could well have problems keeping your balance! Lesson is, don't expect to carry a heavy load up a 12% incline unless you are very fit! So now you have an idea of what kind of minimum speeds you might be doing up some of these climbs, how does that translate to gearing?

Based on the minimum speeds above, I would recommend:

4 km/h Mountain bike triple with 20 x 34

5 km/h Mountain bike triple with 22 x 32, or road bike triple with 28 x 34

6 km/h Road bike triple with 30 x 28, or road bike compact with 34 x 32

7 km/h Road bike compact with 34 x 28 or road bike normal with 39 x 32

9 km/h Road bike compact 34 x 25 or road bike normal 39 x 27

The above gearing choices were calculated with 700c x 23mm tires for road bikes, and 26 x 2.1 tyres for mountain bikes. Different sized tyres will change things, but only by very little.

Also note that changes to your bike's chainset or rear sprocket could mean you have to change the front or rear derailleurs. If you change from a double to triple chainset, you will probably need a new rear derailleur, and possibly a new front one too. Going above a 28 tooth rear sprocket will probably need a change from a short to a long cage derailleur. If you are not sure about whether your required chainset / sprocket changes will work with your current set up, see your local bike shop.

Kevin Smith lives and rides in the French Alps, at the foot of Alpe D'Huez. He currently arranges cycling holidays in the French Alps, with accommodation in Bourg D'Oisans. See for more details.

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Choosing an Warranty and Auto Service Repair Plan

2016-06-21 15:11:57 | 日記

When it comes to one’s possessions, perhaps one of the most used is the automobile. After all, we use it nearly every day - even if it is only go up the road to get groceries. Yes, one may live in a large city where driving is not as necessary, but still, they will be dependent in some form or another on an automobile. Consequently, for those whose daily lifestyle requires driving, having a vehicle one can count on is important. So, we take time to have the oil changed, have tune ups as suggested and to be vigilant in vehicle maintenance.

With this prolonging the life of a vehicle through proper care, many people will look for vehicles, parts and services that can ensure that their investment will be protected. But how does one determine what auto repair warranties are worth spending money on and which are not? And, what makes elements should be a part of an auto service plan? These are valid concerns. So, if you are trying to determine how to get the best auto service repair plan for the best price, then keep the following considerations in mind:
• How much does the auto service plan cost?
• What elements does the warranty or service plan actually cover?
• Does the plan overlap any existing coverage and will the multiple plans benefit you or will they negate each other?
• How much is the deductible?
• Like with health insurance, many auto service and repair plans can only be used at specific shops launch crp123. Does the plan(s) you are considering have shops convenient to your area?
• What repairs are covered? Be sure if you are comparing multiple warranty or service plans that you compare “like” with “like”.
• What are the procedures for filing a claim? Some companies will require a representative to examine your vehicle; others will accept records from the garage(s) you frequent.
• In the event of needing auto work done, will any repair costs be paid directly to the company to the auto repair shop or will you need to pay first and then be reimbursed?

Taking care of your vehicle is an important job. You want to know that when you get ready to leave in the morning that your vehicle’s engine will start up promptly and that you don’t need to be concerned about the heater not working or the windshield wipers not cleaning launch x431. By having scheduled tune ups, maintenance checks and a auto service and repair plan you can count on, you can rest assured that your vehicle will always be in its best possible driving condition. In Golden Valley, MN you can count on Auto Electric to help keep your vehicle running at its best.

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Children Can Learn to Ride a Bike Easily

2016-06-17 14:43:18 | 日記

I consider myself somewhat of a pro in terms of this subject matter. I have showed various youngsters how to ride a bicycle beginning with my own personal. Its actually quicker compared to what you may think. When I was a kid, training wheels were your best option. I remember remaining up past dark rolling about my yard, falling off frequently, until I ultimately mastered. Now there is a better, easier method.

I had been a motivated child and wasn't giving up on it before I managed to get it down. I acquired the love and the desire. And certain kids possess that, so that makes things simpler. Others, well, they will often wish to be doing something different, or they may have had a nasty tumble and are therefore fairly hesitant to keep trying launch x431 v pro.

My best initial guidance, let your kids try after being completely ready. Do not push them. When they observe you and older brothers and sisters riding plus having enjoyment, they'll most likely request if they could try too. From that point, get them on a scoot bike aka balance bike. Contrary to common belief, skip the training wheels altogether. Simply no need to go there, it really slows the procedure down.

Purchase a good balance bicycle. They can be bought at your neighborhood bicycle shop for about $100. Believe me, its really worth the purchase, you are going to thank yourself later. Don't be concerned, if you can't afford this, we have an alternative. If you have a twelve or sixteen inch bike simply remove the pedals and lower the seat as far down as it goes launch x431 v.

Next, get them to relax on the saddle and have them scoot about utilizing there feet. Kind of like, move along with the bike under them. They will get this down within a couple of moments before they feel comfortable. The next step is to put them on a grassy area having a moderate down grade. Have them walk over the grass using the bike underneath them, while sitting on the seat. Do this a few times.

After this point, you should see them to begin pickup their own feet for a limited length of time, as they begin to experience on the bicycle. Really encourage this, a few kids get this more rapidly compared to others. Some children understand this in fifteen minutes, others, it may take some days or even weeks.

Once you see them starting to pick their feet up for 2-3 seconds each time, you can think of yourself as done. Simply just keep building on this, it will come fast. Once the balance is under control introduce the pedals again on a completely different bike (still small like 12-16 in . with the saddle all the way down).

My littlest child is currently 6 and still rides his scoot bicycle on occasion. It is so lightweight and simple for him to maneuver, he adores it. He currently rides a 24in mountain bike on a regular basis. The balance bicycle was a worthwhile purchase for us.

Our oldest daughter took 2.5 yrs to learn (using training wheels) once she was 7. When I figured out the better method, my youngest son mastered in three days before his third bday. Goodluck to you and your child

Have fun.

Stephanie -mom that loves to ride her bike with her kids

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