

From NHK NewsWatch 9(2011.1.11)

2011-01-12 00:51:12 | 英語学習
pigeon, ice thickness, frost flower, strong cold air mass, below freezing, heaviest snowfall, intensify
seasonal type A, new influenza H1N1, facial temperature 3゜C lower than body temperature, high fever, detect, device, on daily basis, sick, scarely, hospitalized, number of flu patients, diagnosed, mass break at school, more common, vaccination cover both type, shortage, effective, quick diagnosis, epidemic, frequent gurgling and hand-washing
approval improvement, smile on his face, 29% first increase, attitude to Ichiro Ozawa, leave party, give up Diet seat, praise, welcome Kan's move, alleged funding scandal, cabinet reshuffle, Upper House, consensus, LDP secretary general, foreign minister, have this to say, should be replaced, not necessarily, undicided, survey, opposition control, cooperate individual policy, Democratic Party, Kan's initiative, non approval rate remain at high level
Japan syndrome, super aging society, nursing care, what other countries are doing, graying society, find solution, how Japan is coping, medical treatment, nursing care declining, elderly people card game, Wako city, house condition, physical condition, family situation, prevention, bed-ridden, regain strength, rapidly recovering, thankful, Thailand, municipality budget small, robotics, robot suit support walk, shampoo, reduce human work, great interest, Finland, high taxes, trying to cut nursing costs, many years ahead, robotics technology, respond to audio instruction, usability, safety standard, no subsidy, Danish Embassy, Robot care, wheelchair, carry out test in Denmark, acceptable, studying situation, frustrating, social security, practical use, flexible thinking and concrete measure
qualified person, criteria new president, appoint NHK president
beef bowl, \240, \80 down, aim of increasing customer, there will be no real winner
居反り(いぞり), sumo tournament, return to sekiwake, three straight tournament, thrust out, initial touch, positioning, calmly, tallest wrestler vs smallest, force out, questioned, thought lost, some other bouts, overarm throw
Yuki Saito, move into, first year, poster, economic boost, shouldn't stay here, do his best, step by step, surprisingly all support him, joining the team, on his own, fielding, batting practice, full season, anxious to play, first pick, injure
Asia cup, Australia vs India, seven shots, made a good start, South Korea, led, Kyoto Sanga, sustain, FIFA バロンドール, Messi
windy, north wind going to be strong, snow wide area, pacific side of Hokkaido
