Aloe Drink

The first certified Organic Aloe Vera drink in the world.

Aloe products

2016-10-17 14:59:33 | 日記
Both Aloe products were selected by the International Aloe Science Council (Irving, TX 75062) from commercial samples, blinded by the reception, and certified by the Council. These products passed the certification of quality control, which consisted of checking for total solids content of calcium and magnesium and acid (a marker for processing in a timely manner, without excessive heat, time, and pressure).

NMR was used for detection, acids, and suspected impurities. The product gel was characterized AVG and the set AVL sheet. Both were kept in a refrigerator until use aloe vera. tablets vitamin C (500 mg) and E acetate Vitamin Soft capsules (420 mg) prepared in Summa Rx Laboratories, Inc. (Ft. Worth, TX 76116) an FDA-registered drug manufacturer and supplement contract.

There were 11 healthy people pool study, aged 21 to 42. It took vitamin supplements. Eight volunteers participated in the study of vitamin C and 10 (5 males and 5 females) in the study of vitamin E. Each subject completed the study for any given vitamin supplements 3. This study was approved by the aloe University of Scranton Institutional Review Board, in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All volunteers gave their written consent prior to study inclusion.


Aloe gel is essential

2016-10-17 14:55:32 | 日記
The correct name is Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. chemical and therapeutic properties have been recently reviewed (Coats and Ahola, 1979? Shelton, 1991). Commercially full botanical name, A. vera is used to refer to a gel products. The aloe vera plant has yellow flowers and triangular leaves arranged in a rosette shape. The leaves are triangular and, when mature, are filled with a gel that exudes from the clear central slimy pulp. The Arabic word Aalloeh means shining and bitter. Peripheral mantle set cells create a bitter yellow exudate (latex), which is responsible for the laxative effect. For 3000 years it has been used externally (originally in Mesopotamia and Egypt) for skin infections and wounds, and internally as a laxative.

Careful processing of aloe gel is essential for maintaining activity.

Aloe is processed using hand fillets technique or process the entire sheet (Goldberg, 1999). Hand-filleting processing removes the inner gel by avoiding the yellow latex is next to the skin. Entire leaf extracts are prepared for consumption after sterilization and mixing by grinding the entire sheet and then removing the bitter yellow component with filtration charcoal. Aloe and its derivatives are . The are considered to be those active ingredients for anti-Aloe inflammation and immune modulation effect (Pugh et al., 2001). The main carbohydrate fraction isolated from aloe gel.


The genus aloe belonging to the sub family

2016-10-17 14:53:30 | 日記
This amount can be achieved by eating five servings of aloe and vegetables. Because the majority of Americans do not consume 5 portions, then either a complement of C or ingestion of an agent that can increase may be necessary to absorb C.

Vitamin E, a fat soluble vitamin which is needed in much smaller quantities than C. E. is present primarily in oils often avoided in the diet of people with weight problems. Vitamin E can decrease cognitive impairment (Morris et al., 2002) and improvement of the immune system in older individuals. Highest uptake of aloe vitamin E have recently shown to be associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and prostate cancer . Age-related cataracts and age-related degeneration are delayed by the consumption of antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamins C and E (Jacques, 1999).

Epidemiological studies show vitamin E may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, although results from studies supplementing mixed . Dietary fiber and low-fat meal reduce the of R as the term orlistat consumption (an inhibitor of fat absorption is used for weight loss), and Olestra, a fat substitute .The genus Aloe belonging to the sub family, and includes ~ 420 species succulents (Smith and Van, 1998).
