「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

The Goal process

2013-02-24 11:31:11 | Sedona Method
The Goal process

Goals - Book on Sending Love from Kostya

Releasing emotions about your goals with Sedona Method
(Aug 2, 2012) you write down 3 goals total. one for each area - money, relationships, health.
Then you
1. read first goal to yourself,
2. notice what feelings or thoughts come up.
3. then you look deeper - what brings these feelings and thoughts - want for acceptance, control, safety or unity?
4. And release the underlying want.
5. Go back to 1.
It's in the book and in the audio seminar.
This was Goals process. There are also advantages/disadvantages process (what you ger or loose by achieving the goal) and Practical steps process.

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Link to the front page of this book

あなたが3ゴール合計の下に書くSedona Method(2012年8月2日)によるあなたのゴールについての感情をリリースします。地域ごとの1-お金、関係、健康。
3. それから、あなたはより深く見えます-何がこれらの感情と考え ― 受理か、支配か、安全か統一のための貧困 ― を持ってきますか?
4. そして、根底にある貧困をリリースしてください。
5. 1に戻ってください。


Letting go of things you prefer not to have - using Sedona Method
Release habit - Book on Sending Love from Kostya

Release habit
Using Sedona Method to let go of the habit you prefer not to have
The method is simple - let go of the want and then allow yoursef to have it - if it's still alive. This was I let go of my habit of eating chocolates and ice-cream to make my mood better. Here is what I write about another thing - a tea:
(Mar 15, 2012) I'm mostly on raw food for some month and I wasn't drinking tea for months. But the day before yesterday I felt like having a tea whith a cookie. I released the want with Sedona method and with sending love, but it wasn't gone - so I allowed myself to have it and enjoy. (This way I'm not reinforcing it with resistance. It's a way to leave behind dependances you prefer not to have.)

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Link to the front page of this book

あなたが方法がないのを好む習慣を捨てるリリース習慣Using Sedona Methodは単純です-貧困を捨ててください、そして、それがまだ生きているならば、yoursefがそれを持つのを許してください。
ここに私がもう一つのもの ― お茶 ― について書くものがある。

