KIMONO- Original Design‐

2009-11-21 18:56:42 | Weblog
I draw it.
It took two days to do it.
First, I searched the Internet for appropriate pose in many hours. Seconde, I draw a sketch of it. Third is coloring. It was difficult to express how beauty kimono is using only colored pencils.


2009-11-13 13:21:05 | Weblog
On my way to university, I saw a woman riding a bicycIe slipped on the road. It was raining when that happened. Riding a bicycle in the rain seems dangerous. I'm also be careful enougf when riding a bicycle in the rain.
My language test is returned. The score is 90/100. I had a few mistakes in the listening part. I'm not good at it. My ear need to be improved.


2009-11-09 22:56:50 | Weblog

I went to drivers license school after university.
I am poor at driving!!!
Why dont I have the ability to drive well ???

Moreover, I got a few weight nowadays.

I'm so tired today.
I dont like myself because I dont have any special abilities.
I have alot of my life worries, and they exhaust me.
I dont think about them anymore...

Hand‐made‐Lunch Box

2009-11-06 13:06:31 | Weblog
I always make my lunch.
Thinking recipts makes me a little tired.
I have to make cuisine with enough nutritions, use more vegetables and less meat and fat.
Vegetables are expensive in Japan.But I love them. Luckly, there are a few cheaper supermarket around my apartment. I often go shopping there.
Food cost par week is, in average, about 3500yen. Food cost par month is about 14000yen.
I can cooking, but it is so mendokusai. ( How do you say it in English? )

See you tomorrow.