

Jaylib - Jaylib Outtakes

2011-09-30 11:52:08 | 日記

Jaylib : Jaylib Outtakes

According to legend, the duo of Jaylib began in 2000 when J.ROCC (of the Beat Junkies) passed a beat tape (an instrumental CD with unused beats) to Madlib. These beats happened to be by none other than J Dilla (of Slum Village fame). An enthusiastic Madlib then recorded over these beats and labeled them "Jaylib", without the intention of actually releasing them. After Stones Throw placed one of these recordings on a mixtape (under the name Jaylib), and J Dilla caught ear of this, the full collaboration began to blossom.

1 - Track 1 - 2:57
2 - Track 2 - 2:55
3 - Track 3 - 2:34
4 - Track 4 - 0:14
5 - Track 5 - 2:56
6 - Track 6 - 3:30
7 - Track 7 - 2:24
8 - Track 8 - 0:39
9 - Track 9 - 3:20
10 - Track 10 - 2:43
11 - Track 11 - 2:07
12 - Track 12 - 0:22
13 - Track 13 - 2:54
14 - Track 14 - 0:27
15 - Track 15 - 0:36
16 - Track 16 - 0:41
17 - Track 17 - 0:19
18 - Track 18 - 0:24
19 - Track 19 - 2:55
20 - Track 20 - 3:42
21 - Track 21 - 2:51
22 - Track 22 - 4:18
23 - Track 23 - 2:06
24 - Track 24 - 1:25

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