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I am assuming the game will return for Maplestory M Mesos

2018-12-29 08:14:05 | poe trade
What's the point? Well I'd like to see that the possibility of climbing the times for coin store and nx transfering for the days that we have presented these problems and maintenance and everything in order to get the things we're looking for.

I am assuming the game will return for Maplestory M Mesos maintenance later or sooner inside another couple of hours due to the DDoS. I understand you guys can't prevent the game from DDoS all of the time, but you do have control within the compensations. Last time, you guys disrespected us with 1-day Teleport stone and 15 30 coins. Though those rocks are helpful, the loss of these coins is not worth 1-day teleport rock in my opinion. At a day, a player could get 50 coins from boxes and 25. Because of the condition that the servers were still in last time , I didn't get to play the game all day. So this moment, can we please buy 75 coins at least?

The coins is what I'm mainly concerned about, since we can only get a lot of participant in a day to save up for these pricey (sorta) maplestory items in the maplestory Coin Shop. Eh, nothing more for me to buy Maplestory 2 Mesos include. Please give this some thought, and thank you in advance for solving the connectivity issue.Edit: I had been in the match whilst creating this thread. Umm. .

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Squeeze items into the

2018-12-19 08:41:56 | poe trade
Equipped gems level up as you earn XP, receiving ten percent of their foundation XP granted from monster kills. Your personality encounters an XP penalty when revisiting lower level regions, but that penalty doesn't apply to gems. Thus you can certainly level gems by replaying areas that are a few levels lower than your current level.

Don't pick up every single piece of loot you locate

Each piece of loot you get requires up varying levels of room in your luggage compartment. To take as many potential things at the same time, you have to move things around and squeeze items into the mmogo-com PoE currency allotted spaces. Even then, your bag is likely to fill up fast if you pick up each and every item you encounter.

The trick, then, is to dismiss things that your character can't utilize or are of reduced price. Item rarity is indicated by colors: White: Norma,Blue: Magic,Yellow: Rare, Orange: Particular.

You can pretty much discount white things unless you're going to head back to town and have the space to spare for them. Rarer things are usually worth picking up and promoting, even in the event that you need to hold onto them for a while. And of course, any item that appears better than your existing equipment is worth catching -- even in the event that you have to drop something else temporarily while you equip it.

Do not neglect daily life and mana regeneration