Church diary

We introduce many of the blessings of God to you ♪

Yokkaichi Holy Meeting

2016-05-31 23:51:10 | 日記

Today, Yokkaichi charismatic meeting was held.

We were given the word of God through the message by Pastor Paul Akimoto.

It was veru much blessed holy meeting.

And Pastor Paul Akimoto came to the hospital to see Pastor Yamashita.

He prayed for him.

Pastor Yamashita’s brain swelling went down, so his risk of losing his life ceased.

Thank you for your prayers.

Please keep praying for his brain infarction’s healing and not to being paralyzed.

We plan to look for a rehabilitation hospital.

Chubu Charismatic Meeting

2016-05-30 23:04:14 | 日記
Chubu charismatic meeting starts from tomorrow.

Special speaker is Pastor Paul Akimoto of Tokyo Antioch church.

Please have a look the blog.

Anyone can participate.

Please come.

The details are as follows.

Click a picture!

And Yokkaichi charismatic meeting will be held tomorrow at 6:20 p.m.

We are waiting for you!

In Sunday worship

2016-05-29 22:12:37 | 日記

Today, Ms.D's husband and Ms.K's father came to church.

Ms.K asked him "Do you go to church together?"

and "Yes I do." he answered.

She was praying for him.

She was so happy and she gave thanks to God.

And Ms.D's husband left the hospital and came.

He got better.

We were glad to see him doing well.