Production Of High-frequency Transformer

2016-11-15 15:47:42 | 日記
Pulse transformers from toroidal transformers manufacturers may also be referred to as switching transformers, or simply as high frequency transformers. In the traditional high-frequency transformer design, due to the core material constraints, its operating frequency is low, generally around 20kHz. With the continuous development of power technology, power system miniaturization, high frequency and high power has become an eternal research direction and development trend. Therefore, the study of the use of higher frequency power transformer is to reduce the size of the power system to improve the power output power ratio of the key factors.

With the continuous expansion of the field of application technology, switching power supply applications more widely, but the production of switching power supply technology and the main energy consumption is the production of switching transformer components.

Selection of toroidal transformers Core and Determination of Working Point

Selection of core material

From the transformer performance index requirements, the traditional thin-band silicon steel has been difficult to meet the transformer in the frequency, the use of environmental aspects of the design requirements. The core material is only from the permalloy, ferrite materials, cobalt-based amorphous alloys and superfine alloys of several materials to consider. Permalloy, cobalt-based amorphous high prices, about several times the ferrite material, and the saturation magnetic flux density Bs is not very high, and the processing complex. Taking into account the requirements of the power output power is not high, about 30W, therefore, a comprehensive performance comparison of several materials, we chose the saturation magnetic induction Bs high temperature stability, low price, easy to cost-effective processing Lower the zinc-manganese ferrite material, and the election of this material as the framework of the EI28 to wound in this case the pulse transformer.

Determination of operating point

According to the relevant information, EC35 output power of 50W, saturation magnetic induction intensity of about 2000Gs or so. Buy the core, as manufacturers provide the monthly magnetic induction, the value is not accurate, available in Figure 2 provides a rough test of the way. The voltage regulator connected to the original coil, with an oscilloscope to observe the secondary coil output voltage waveform. The original coil of the input voltage from small to big slowly increased until the oscilloscope waveform shows a singularity.

Calculation of Main Parameters of Transformer

The converter in this case uses single-ended flyback mode of operation, single-ended flyback converter in low-power switching power supply design is widely used, and multi-channel output more convenient. Single-ended flyback power supply mode there are two: current continuous mode and current discontinuous mode. While the peak current of the MOS tube is relatively large; the peak current of the MOS tube is relatively small, but there is the problem of the reverse recovery of the secondary diode, and the secondary current of the MOS diode is relatively small, but the reverse recovery of the secondary diode exists, The need to add diode absorption circuit. These two modes can be selected according to actual needs, this paper uses the latter.

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Analysis of Market Demand and Technology Innovation in Inductor Industry

2016-11-08 14:53:32 | 日記
Inductor Industry Data Report Survey

According to past data show that in 2010 China's demand for inductors reached 150.5 billion, an increase of 32.91% in demand in 2013 to reach 196.9 billion by the end of 2014 to reach 205.6 billion. Among them, the 2013 Chinese market demand for chip inductors reached 143.8 billion. 2011-2014 Chinese market demand for the inductance of the compound growth rate of 10.97%. The data also show that in 2013 China's inductor industry sales reached 9.3 billion, nearly 9.9 billion by the end of 2014.

At the same time the latest survey shows that by 2015, China's inductor output will reach 27.5 billion, of which chip inductors (including chip beads) 12 billion fixed inductors 10 billion, SMD inductors 50 100 million, and other inductors and integrated components 500 million.

Inductance industry market competition, at present the country specializing in the production of inductor device manufacturers have more than 400, with a certain number of enterprises in the 100 or so.

Source of inductor chokes market demand growth

China's inductor device industry started in the mid-60s of last century, with the reform and opening up, the introduction of technology and the development of high-tech electronic technology, inductor device industry ushered in the opportunity and a huge space for development. Especially in the late 80s of last century, with the strong domestic color TV Dongfeng, some enterprises took the lead from abroad or China's Hong Kong and Taiwan introduced advanced production equipment and technology to promote the inductance device industry embarked on a rapid development.

Then, the rapid development of global electronic products and emerging PFC inductors continue to emerge, coupled with the transfer of the assembly industry to the domestic and domestic electronic machine production in the past two years to further growth in the field of home appliances LCD TV rapid growth in notebook computer production, The development of high-end radio cassette players, small DVD players and mobile TV in the field of automotive electronics, together with the popularization of mobile phones and GPS navigation systems in the field of communications, has become a huge driving force in the development of chip inductors market. Will be more and more large, domestic and foreign markets will be even broader.

As a result of intense market competition, the industry structure of inductive devices has undergone great changes. Some large state-owned collective enterprises can not meet the requirements of market economy. Some enterprises have withdrawn from market competition and survived. The merger and reorganization, and some conversion mechanism.

In the industry, we have to get out of a big and strong way. At present, China's inductor device manufacturers small, product quality, technology and the international advanced level, there is a clear gap, this situation must be reversed as soon as possible. Therefore, we should give full play to our country in the market, human resources and labor costs and other advantages, to achieve intensive production, expand the industrial scale, promote technological progress and upgrading.

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