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WordPress Company London - Seo Services - Articles and Tips

WordPress Tutorial English - Ultimate Overview

2017-05-19 17:17:06 | WordPress company London
In this article you will find a detailed WordPress overview. We will go into the most important menu items, so that you know at the very end about the navigation and its the functions of WordPress know.

WordPress Tutorial English

The Dashboard is the home page in WordPress. Here you can find news like new updates or general information about your site. When you log in to WordPress, you will always get to the dashboard automatically.

WordPress Tutorial English - The menu on the left

On the left you will always find the general menu. Here you have access to many functions in WordPress. You can write articles, change the design of your site, install plugins, create profiles, optimize your site, and more.
In the following, we will deal with all the individual menu items.

Wordpress tutorial English

In this menu item you have the possibility to add articles / posts to your site. If you click on the menu item, you will get to your posting overview. That is, if you have already written posts in advance, then you can edit these there or add new ones.

If you would like to edit your older posts, then tap your mouse pointer over one of your posts and click the "edit" link to do so.

If you click on the "Create" button, you can write and publish a new article.

After clicking "Create", you will be taken to a separate page. Now it's possible for you to add a title for your post, write your post and publish it.

write an article

WordPress Tutorial English - Add media to articles

The next menu item is called "Media". These are your pictures and video video library. For example, to add pictures to your posts, you have to upload them to WordPress.

Media library

Click on the button "Add file" and search for an image on your computer, which you want to add to the library. It is automatically uploaded.

Profitipp: Make sure, of course, that the uploaded images are not too big or too small in their resolution. Too big images slow down your page's loading time, and too small images often look ugly and pixely.
My recommendation for posting pictures is a size between 500-700 pixels (the long image page). The image above this text section has, for example, 501 x 227 pixels.

WordPress Tutorial english - Add an image to a post or page

To add an image, you have to click again on the menu bar "Contributions" or "Pages" (to "Pages" equal more). Now click on "Add file" and look for a picture, which you have uploaded in the already or in advance.

add a picture

Click on "Add to Post" to include the picture in your desired posting. Now there should be a picture in your post. To share this with the whole world, just click on "Publish".

If you are not ready to publish it yet, you can also click on "save" on the right to edit it in the future.

Wordpress tutorial english

German WordPress Tutorial - add pages

The big difference between "pages" and "contributions" is easy to explain. With both, you can create a page where you can insert texts and images.
"Pages", however, are found directly through the menu bar of a web page, while. Where "contributions" belong to a blog.
On one of my niche web pages you can see the homepage below. There is (red marked), the menu bar, over which you can control several pages. This is set once a time and will normally persist.


On the homepage is also the menu point "Blog". If you write "posts", then all new new articles are automatically added chronologically (see below). A blog is in this sense a collection point of your latest articles or contributions.
"Pages" are only the main pages, which are statically accessible by the menu bar on your side. The The procedure for creating a page is identical to creating a post.

View Profile

WordPress Tutorial english - Manage comments

At Nichewebseiten I use personal no comments, since I would not have the sides constantly in the view would like. Of course these pages are of course intended to run on autopilot. Therefore I would like to avoid the risk that someone could post something unfriendly or something unnecessary in the comments and thereby could affect the sales.könnte.

Therefore, this menu item is, in my opinion, unimportant.

WordPress Tutorial english - Change design

This menu item manages several important subpages, which are now shared.

The theme is the layout of a website. In other words: d the structure of how your web page is constructed from the look. Some websites have a big one, for example

Wordpress tutorial


Project Passive Income

As you can see, the structure of both sides is fundamentally different from the structure. FocusOnline, is made up of several small boxes that spread the news, while projectpassive income looks simpler and more colorful.
This basic difference of the layout, that is the structure of the page, is the so-called theme. This therefore determines a fixed structure on which the contents of the page are based.
There are free and paid themes. I use the "Theme 2" theme for this site. For beginners, however, I recommend the free theme "Sparkling Theme".

Add widgets to the page:

Widgets are so-called "features" to make your page more functional. For example, below you can see my blog on project passive income (on the left). The areas marked red belong to the "Sidebar". Translated to the side bar. There you can always add general information on your website.


For example, if you have the opportunity to liken my Facebook page to my website, you can read a short text about me as an author or find other interesting articles. To add such or other features to your page, simply click Widgets in WordPress on the left-hand menu bar under Design.

Wordpress overview

Now you have the option to drag the "Text" widget from the "Available Widgets" into the box "Sidebar Widgets". This will automatically add a new textbox to your current sidebar.

If you click on the textbox with a mouse click, the box opens and you can enter a title and a text.

Profitipp : If you also want to add something extravagant like a Facebook widget, this is not saved by default in WordPress. You have to search for the HTML code on the Internet and then simply copy it into the text box. Thus, fully selected widgets appear in your sidebar.

Set up the menu

To link your menu bar to multiple pages, you must have already created pages. If you clicked on the menu field under Design, you have the following options open. : On the left you can see your currently published "Pages".

If you open this page in WordPress for the first time, you must first name and create your new menu.

Add menu

Hake the pages you want to publish in your menu bar on your homepage. Then click on "Add to menu". The pages appear in the right menu structure. Next, click "Save Menu" to set the menu online.

Or you click on the individual boxes (as for example with me "Hühnerställe im Vergleich") and name it differently, so the name is changed in the menu bar on your website.

WordPress Tutorial english - Editor

The editor is for you to change something in the codes of your website. So if you have no idea of ​​HTML or other encoding languages, you should be well informed before you change something there. A good starting point is the forum especially for WordPress, where you can get help with special questions often very quickly and competently, I recommend you not to play around there.

WordPress Tutorial english - Add plugins

Plugins are, in most cases, "features" which, unlike widgets, run in the background and are not visible. For example, a plugin can count your visitor numbers or protect you from SPAM. You can not see these features in the user interface of your site, but they are extremely important.

Wordpress tutorial english

I recommend you install a few plugins in any case:

Yoast SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Ultimate Nofollow (to put Affiliatelinks on no-follow)
Google Analyticor (to measure your visitors)
Click "Install" on the plugin page and enter the plugins into the search bar. Install it and click "activate" - done.

WordPress Tutorial german - Manage settings

The "Settings" category has several sub-items.

On this page you can make general settings. The most important thing is to change your web page title. In any case, enter your main keyword, which you want to rank for your homepage in Google. For my Hühnerstall website, this is "buy Hühnerstall".

General Settings

Here you can determine which of your menu items should be on your homepage. If you install WordPress for the first time, your homepage will automatically be the blog area. This means, if you publish a new article, it will be displayed on your homepage.

I personally find it more effective for niche sites to place the blog on the home page, since your main page should be optimized for your main keyword search engine. Constantly changing content would affect your Google ranking.

Read Settings

So, click "a static page" and select one of your already created pages. Choose a second page as a contribution page. This will automatically become your blog. I recommend you just click on "Pages" and create a new page called "Blog".

After that, you return to the "Read" setting and select "Blog" from the posts page. Of course, Blog will also only appear in your menu bar of your website, if you add it as in "Menu setup" (see upper sections) to your menu bar.

Change permalinks

A permalink is an important SEO (search engine optimization) criterion. For example, if you are posting a new post about "chickens", then you'd like this keyword to be included in your website address.

The website address of my normal Hühnerstall homepage is: www.huehnerstallkaufen.de. If I write a new post or a new page, then at the end of this address ALWAYS a so-called Permalink is added.

Wordpress tutorial english

Mostly, the permalink is very similar to the title for your post. For this reason, you must select "Permission type" when selecting your Permalink type (see upper picture).

I hope the contribution helped you.

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WordPress Company London

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