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My Favorite Character

2016-08-04 13:12:24 | 日記
In Of Mice and Men, a character named Candy has a very old dog. The dog has a hard time walking, seeing, and smelling decent. Carlson keeps insisting that Candy should just shoot his dog, and put him out of his misery. Candy has been with the dog for all of its life, and didn’t want to shoot it. Finally, Carlson asks if he should shoot the dog himself, and Candy lets him. After, Candy is pretty depressed, and doesn’t really want to talk to anyone. It is very sad seeing a pet go, but it’s better to know that they will no longer have to be in pain, and they can rest in peace. It is all for the better of the animal, not to be cruel in any way.

My favorite person in Of Mice and Men so far is Lennie. The first reason I like Lennie is because he’s not so bright, but he is very caring. He is very caring toward George, no matter what George has said or done to him. George has made Lennie jump into the water, even though Lennie cannot swim. George has been a little mouthy to Lennie, but Lennie has never gotten upset. Lennie doesn’t let these things get in the way of their friendship.

Another reason that I like Lennie the most is because he is determined. He is always repeating what he must and must not do, to make sure the outcome can be the best. He is also determined to tend to the rabbits. He always makes George tell him how he is going to care for the rabbits. He was even threatening non-existent cats that if they touch his rabbits, then they’ll be in some trouble with him.

The last reason I like Lennie is because he is kind. He is nice to everyone, even to the people that don’t want to be bothered. He never wants to cause or “start no trouble.”

If you have read Of Mice and Men, who is your favorite character?