

I then had to obviously announce my presense in the room

2017-08-05 16:05:42 | 日記
Now I know what you're thinking- "everyone poops in private".

I poop. I then had to obviously announce my presense in the room.

But I'll tell you what I do. By private, I mean that there's one toilet, and the door locks. Then she left. She told me she would replace it later and to take my time. Others often try at the locked door- the only degree of separation that exists between me and them. NOT TRUE. Another thing that you might not have known about me is that I am a secret pooper- I poop in private. Well, it's true.but now you all know what to do in case this happens, to you. The average person assumes the bathroom is closed and locked, as stated earlier. Sometimes other people are in that room with them. It is a most frightening situation that often makes me poop myself (HA! I just realized that too). She began to open the locked door with her key.. In the lobby of a few select buildings on the beautiful Green Mountain College campus, private bathrooms exist. I heard her enter the first room, and quickly turned out the light. I was dumbfounded. Other locations on Heat Sink Supplier campus also provide private bathrooms. The part that I was in. The cleaning lady on my floor once entered the bathroom's small outer room- the room containing a sink and mirror which precedes the toilet part of the bathroom. However, there are times when I am not able to reach the lightswitch in time, in which case, I continue pooping, and I attempt to do so as loudly as possible. However, when you are one of the only people who holds a key to a bathroom you clean, or possibly close at times, you know better. However, I wil attest to the fact that I am not the only secret pooper.. The part that locks.

Much to my dismay, I was once involved in what I call a secret pooping disaster (SPD for short). I burst out with the first thing that came to my mind- "Someone is in here", which she followed with, "Oh, sorry.. That's why I'm a "secret pooper". I bet you didn't know that. What was I to do? I couldn't just tell her I turned in out because someone was coming in! I couldn't tell her I enjoy pooping in the dark (I don't, but I wouldn't want to make up such a story).

That's why I poop in private. Others poop in public bathrooms, generally having over two stalls (it's awful, I know).

Perhaps I shouldn't turn out the light. I poop. They get out of there fast, too. That fact has lived with me all my life. why is the light out?". Well, actually sometimes I turn off the light, so the bathroon appears to be closed and locked- which easily deters these "intruders". Sometimes, those other people are also pooping (YUCK!). No one in their right mind wants to be around when someone else is pooping.

. Nothing.. I do absolutely nothing. So I did the only thing I could- I told her the blub kept flickering and was now out
