

A Visual Guide for the Christian Artist

2020-08-05 11:20:53 | 日記

As a Christian artist, do you create with the awareness of your destiny? Something to think about, isn't it? Perhaps you are eager to fulfill God’s plan, yet unsure of how to live it out. You can use God's gift of creativity to create meaningful art

If you love God with all your heart and long for a way to express it as a Christian Painting artist, this site is for you.

Have you wondered if being an artist is your calling? You are not alone. Conflict is to be expected, but know that your calling is sacred.

  .."for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable." Rom 11:29

God has an exciting future in art for you, if you dare to trust Him with it. It may often feel challenging. But do not think of yourself as isolated. May it encourage you to know that others have gone before you!

There are lessons to be learned and knowledge to be assimilated. God never guides without also providing for you. Our God is El Roi, the One who is outside time and sees all that is to come, generously helping those who turn to Him.

My name is Sara and I've experienced the loneliness of showing art in places hostile to my passionate faith. Yet I learned that I was never alone. You too, my friend, are never alone. In fact, the riches of your relationship with Jesus defines and sets you apart as a Christian artist.

I share my years of trial and error in the hope that this visual guide will help you grow in your passion for God as you join me in this journey of faith. 

Your call as a Christian visual artist in the service of Jesus is a precious privilege. Christian artists are called to do more than to merely illustrate the Bible.

We are to be artists whose faith is an inseparable part of who we are and all we create!

Resources for the Christian Artist

 I pray that the Lord will use the ideas in this site to help you

• Uncover your hidden God-given gifts and creative talents.

• Anchor your gift to your faith, confident of God’s partnership in your artistic endeavors.

• When you run dry, as we all d

o sometimes, find inspiration from the stories of other artists.

Are you are a newbie in the world of art? In this site I hope to assure you of the gravity of your call. If you are an experienced Christian artist, perhaps you will find thought-provoking content to encourage you to explore your unique language of art.

Or do you just love art and enjoy relaxing by coloring? I've created adult coloring books of original drawings to help you engage in the calming act of coloring while meditating on God's holy word, the Bible.

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