

5月14日(土)のつぶやき その1

2016-05-15 02:24:11 | 日記

「ペットに子を産ませること」 amba.to/SkTbbf
真に犬猫を好きならば 何故 増やせるというのか?今も この一瞬も救いを待つ行き場のない命が沢山あるというのに… #bot

( ?????? ?)?寝ぼけてぇ~… (?ω?*)ウトウト U ???)?。˚??∞? ???hт ?*?˚ ameblo.jp/juntomotomo/ pic.twitter.com/8VsNFvLFZA #bot

An Independent Inquiry of Extra judicial killings by Indian Government thepetitionsite.com/tell-a-friend/…

A male sheep comforts his friend....a murder victim of the meat industry... pic.twitter.com/bSbcuLsrIW

幸ママJUNさんがリツイート | 41 RT

In the #FaroeIslands empathy is a crime, kindness ridiculed. Barbarism kills for fun #OpKillingBay #EU pic.twitter.com/VsG2WotiAp

幸ママJUNさんがリツイート | 2 RT

Killing whales is illegal under European Union regulations. #FaroesIslands does not respect #EU concern. #OpKillingBay

幸ママJUNさんがリツイート | 1 RT

Blowing the Whistle-Former #SeaWorld trainers banded together to reveal the truth about captivity Pt.1 #Blackfish scribd.com/doc/93576951/B…

幸ママJUNさんがリツイート | 2 RT

Butcher shop,Spain: Mockery& complete disrespect 4 animals R some of the core values in the meat industry #farm365 pic.twitter.com/HTw04N5zFl

幸ママJUNさんがリツイート | 35 RT

The #FaroesIslands have passed discriminatory laws that target opposition to killing of whales #EU #OpKillingBay pic.twitter.com/i8LxX2ojrD

幸ママJUNさんがリツイート | 1 RT

Dairy...Unnatural...Exploitative abuse of animals...Forcibly inseminated once a year in a crude procedure #farm365 pic.twitter.com/k4Ti7o2RTB

幸ママJUNさんがリツイート | 8 RT
