
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ トルクメニスタン:ドイツとオーストリアは人権を守るよう働き掛けよ




(New York, November 13, 2008) – Germany and Austria should use meetings with the president of Turkmenistan to press for human rights reforms, Human Rights Watch said today in letters to the German and Austrian leaders. President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov began his first official visit to Germany on November 13, 2008, and is scheduled to meet Chancellor Angela Merkel on November 14. His state visit to Austria, which includes a meeting with President Heinz Fischer, will be November 17-18.


“Turkmenistan’s people live in one of most oppressive countries in the world,” said Maria Lisitsyna, Turkmenistan researcher at Human Rights Watch. “This is a chance for leaders of two major European nations to make clear to Berdymukhamedov that closer ties with Europe depend on ending restrictions on human rights in his country.”  
ドイツとオーストリアは 、直ちに政治犯を釈放するよう、活動家と政府反対勢力のメンバーの親族に加えている旅行禁止措置を撤回するよう、同国内で中立的な地元及び国際的な人権保護監視員が活動することを許可するよう、それぞれベルドイムハメドフ大統領を説得するべきである、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは語った。
Germany and Austria should press President Berdymukhamedov to release political prisoners immediately, to lift the travel ban imposed on activists and relatives of opposition members, and to allow independent local and international human rights monitors to operate in the country, Human Rights Watch said.  
メルケル首相とフィッシャー大統領に宛てた11月13日付け書簡 の中で、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、バレリー・パル、ガルジェルディ・アナニアゾフ、アナクルバン・アマンクリチェフ、サパルダルディー・カジエフ、ムカメツクリ・アイムラドフを含む政治犯の釈放を求めるよう両指導者に強く要請した。書簡は又、両指導者に活動家及び政府反対勢力メンバーの親族に加えている非公式な旅行禁止措置を撤回するよう、中立な人権保護監視員の活動を許可するよう、圧力を掛けることを求めている。
In the letters sent on November 13 to Chancellor Merkel and President Fischer, Human Rights Watch urged both leaders to seek the release of political prisoners, including Valery Pal, Gulgeldy Annaniazov, Annakurban Amanklychev, Sapardurdy Khajiev and Mukhametkuli Aymuradov. The letters also called on the leaders to press for lifting informal travel bans imposed on activists and relatives of opposition members and to permit independent human rights monitoring.  
ドイツは欧州連合の中央アジア戦略を展開する上で指導的役割を果たしているし、又、オーストリアは、ナブッコ天然ガス・パイプライン計画の目的国として、トルクメニスタンへの影響力を行使し、極めてヒドイ人権虐待の終焉に向け圧力を掛けるのに特に良いポジションにいると、 ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは語った。欧州の政策立案者はトルクメニスタンのガスがいつかナブッコ・パイプラインを満たすことを願っている。

Human Rights Watch said that Germany, having taken the lead in developing a European Union Strategy for Central Asia, and Austria, as the destination country for the proposed Nabucco natural gas pipeline, were particularly well-placed to use their influence with Turkmenistan to press for an end to egregious human rights abuses. European policymakers hope that Turkmen gas will someday supply the Nabucco pipeline.  
Turkmenistan remains one of the most repressive and authoritarian countries in the world. President Berdymukhamedov has taken several initiatives to reverse some of the ruinous social welfare policies of his predecessor, Saparmurad Niazov, who ruled Turkmenistan for 21 years until his death in 2006. But the reforms have not altered the institutions of repression that characterized Niazov’s rule:  


  • 数百、多分それ以上の人々が、政治的動機らしい容疑による不公正な裁判の結果トルクメニスタンの刑務所で苦しんでいる。
  • 表現、結社、移動、宗教の自由に対する非常に厳しい制限は残っている。
  • 国内での人権侵害に関する調査を実行することが許されている中立的機関はない、又、政府系であろうと非政府系であろうと、拘留施設に立ち入る事を許されている国際機関もない。
  • トルクメニスタンの刑事裁判制度には、拷問と虐待の危険性が、非常に大きいので、欧州人権裁判所は先月事実上トルクメニスタンへの送還を禁止する裁定を下した。


  • Hundreds of people, perhaps more, languish in Turkmen prisons following unfair trials on what would appear to be politically motivated charges;  
  • Draconian restrictions on freedom of expression, association, movement, and religion remain in place;  
  • No independent organization has been permitted to carry out research on human rights abuses inside the country, and no international agency – governmental or nongovernmental – has had access to detention facilities; and  
  • So great is the risk of torture and ill-treatment in Turkmenistan’s criminal justice system that the European Court of Human Rights issued a ruling last month amounting to a de-facto ban on extraditions to the country.  

“President Berdymukhamedov’s reforms tackle only the most visible and egregious aspects of Niazov’s personality cult and his destructive social policies,” Lisitsyna said. “He urgently needs to reverse the many blatant violations of fundamental freedoms that mar Turkmenistan’s rights record.”  

The European Union does not have a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) – which set the terms for the EU’s relationships with many non-member states – with Turkmenistan. A European Parliament resolution adopted in February 2008 sets out a number of specific human rights criteria, initially formulated by the parliament’s International Trade Committee, that the Turkmen government must meet before the EU can conclude an Interim Trade Agreement – seen as a precursor to a PCA – with Turkmenistan.  
 “オーストリアとドイツの指導者は、ベルドイムハメドフ大統領との会談をこれらの基準に関する具体的な進展を助長するよう利用するべきである。” と、リシツィナは述べた。“一貫性はビジネス協定と同様に国際問題と人権において重要である。”
“The leaders of Austria and Germany should use their meetings with Berdymukhamedov to help advance concrete progress on these benchmarks,” said Lisitsyna. “Consistency is as important in international affairs and human rights as in business deals.”  

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